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Using data with OLAP

There are a few ways to add data to use with OLAP.

  1. connect to server-side OLAP cubes via URL
  2. bind to an array or CollectionView object containing the data to summarize

Binding Data

You can set the datasource via the PivotEngine's itemsSource property.


let engine = wjOlap.PivotEngine();
engine.itemsSource = data; 

In the above example, data is an array of JSON objects with the same property names. After binding to the PivotEngine, you can begin taking advantage of the pivoting features.

Connect to OLAP Server

When you need a direct connection OLAP data on the server, you need an alternate approach. Wijmo supports connections to OLAP cubes also. provide the URL to the PivotEngine's itemsSource.

You can connect to:

  • Microsoft SSAS cubes
  • ComponentOne Web API DataEngine Services

To connect, just provide the URL of the Service to the PivotEngine's itemsSource. All of the operations performed on the data, will be executed on the server.


const url = 'https://developer.mescius.com/componentone/demos/aspnet/c1webapi/latest/api/dataengine/';
let engine = wjOlap.PivotEngine();
engine.itemsSource = url; 

The steps above demonstrate simply how to add your data. To view the data and do something meaningful, you need to use the UI components included in wijmo.olap. This includes the PivotPanel, PivotGrid, and PivotChart.

Continue to the next guide to learn more about viewing your data in these components.