The CollectionView class supports filtering only for items that are direct children of the collection. In most cases, it does not work well for hierarchical data.
Filtering hierarchical data is not a trivial exercise because when a child element is visible, all its ancestors should also be visible.
The grid below shows how you can implement a simple hierarchical binding method that will show cities that match the filter and states that match the filter or contain cities that do.
// create tree-style grid
var theGrid = new wijmo.grid.FlexGrid('#theGrid', {
childItemsPath: 'cities',
headersVisibility: 'Column',
itemsSource: getData(),
// update when filter textbox changes
document.getElementById('filter').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
var filter = e.target.value.toLowerCase();
applyHierarchicalFilter(theGrid, filter);
// update row visibility
function applyHierarchicalFilter(grid, filter) {
var rows = grid.rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i],
state = row.dataItem,
rng = row.getCellRange();
// handle states (level 0)
if (row.level == 0) {
// check if the state name matches the filter
var stateVisible = state.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0;
if (stateVisible) {
// it does, so show the state and all its cities
for (var j = rng.topRow; j <= rng.bottomRow; j++) {
rows[j].visible = true;
else {
// it does not, so check the cities
for (var j = rng.topRow + 1; j <= rng.bottomRow; j++) {
var city = rows[j].dataItem,
cityVisible = city.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) >= 0;
rows[j].visible = cityVisible;
stateVisible |= cityVisible;
// if at least one city is visible, the state is visible
rows[i].visible = stateVisible;
// move on to the next group
i = rng.bottomRow;
// some hierarchical data
function getData() {
return [
{ name: 'Washington', type: 'state', population: 6971, cities: [
{ name: 'Seattle', type: 'city', population: 652 },
{ name: 'Spokane', type: 'city', population: 210 }]
{ name: 'Oregon', type: 'state', population: 3930, cities: [
{ name: 'Portland', type: 'city', population: 609 },
{ name: 'Eugene', type: 'city', population: 159 }]
{ name: 'California', type: 'state', population: 38330, cities: [
{ name: 'Los Angeles', type: 'city', population: 3884 },
{ name: 'San Diego', type: 'city', population: 1356 },
{ name: 'San Francisco', type: 'city', population: 837 }]
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