Initializes a new instance of the ODataVirtualCollectionView class.
Url of the OData service (for example https://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/ ).
Name of the table (entity) to retrieve from the service. If not provided, a list of the tables (entities) available is retrieved.
JavaScript object containing initialization data (property values and event handlers) for the ODataVirtualCollectionView.
Gets or sets an object where the keys represent calculated fields and the values are expressions (functions or strings).
Calculated fields require proxies. To use them in IE11, you will need a polyfill such as this one: https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-polyfill.
Calculated fields can be useful when dealing with external data. For example, you could add a per-capita income field (gnp/pop) or a profit field (revenue-expenses).
Calculated fields are dynamic. If you change the fields used in the calculation, their values are updated automatically. They are also read-only. You may change the value of the properties used to calculate them, but you cannot directly edit the result.
Unlike FlexGrid cellTemplates, calculated fields can be used for sorting, filtering, and grouping. They can also be used with charts and any other Wijmo controls.
Calculated fields can be defined as functions that take a data item as an argument or as strings.
For example, if your data looked like this:
// regular data item
interface IDataItem {
product: string,
brand: string,
unitPrice: number,
qty: number,
shipped: boolean
function getData(): IDataItem[] {
return [
product: 'Banana',
brand: 'Chiquita',
unitPrice: 45.95,
qty: 12,
discount: .08,
shipped: true
}, ...
You could add function-based calculated fields this way:
// add calculated properties to IDataItem
interface ICalcDataItem extends IDataItem {
fullName: string;
allCaps: string;
totalPrice: number,
tax: number;
let cv = new CollectionView<ICalcDataItem>(getData(), {
calculatedFields: {
fullName: ($: ICalcDataItem) => [$.brand, $.product].join(' '),
allCaps: ($: ICalcDataItem) => $.fullName.toUpperCase(),
totalPrice: ($: ICalcDataItem) => ($.unitPrice * $.qty) * (1 - $.discount),
tax: ($: ICalcDataItem) => $.totalPrice * 0.12
Function-based calculated fields are usually a better choice than string-based calculated fields because:
1) They provide design-time error checking and command completion, 2) They run faster, and 3) They do not have any issues with content-security policy (CSP).
Alternatively, you could add string-based calculated fields:
let cv = new CollectionView<IDataItem>(getData(), {
calculatedFields: {
fullName: '[$.brand, $.product].join(" ")',
allCaps: '$.fullNameStr.toUpperCase()',
totalPrice: '($.unitPrice * $.qty) * (1 - $.discount)',
tax: '$.totalPrice * 0.12'
String expressions may refer to the current item via the context variable '$', which contains the item's original and calculated values.
String-based calculated fields have advantages over function-based calculated fields that may be important in some scenarios:
1) They are slightly more concise, and 2) They can be stored as data and easily changed at run-time.
Gets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection.
Gets a value that indicates whether the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object.
Gets a value that indicates whether the pageIndex value can change.
ODataVirtualCollectionView requires canGroup to be set to false.
Gets a value that indicates whether items can be removed from the collection.
Gets a value that indicates whether this view supports sorting via the sortDescriptions property.
Gets the item that is being added during the current add transaction.
Gets the item that is being edited during the current edit transaction.
Gets or sets the current item in the view.
Gets the ordinal position of the current item in the view.
Gets or sets a JavaScript object to be used as a map for coercing data types when loading the data.
The object keys represent the field names and the values are DataType values that indicate how the data should be coerced.
For example, the code below creates an ODataCollectionView and specifies that 'Freight' values, which are stored as strings in the database, should be converted into numbers; and that three date fields should be converted into dates:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
import { DataType } from '@mescius/wijmo';
const url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
const orders = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Orders', {
dataTypes: {
Freight: DataType.Number
OrderDate: DataType.Date,
RequiredDate: DataType.Date,
ShippedDate: DataType.Date,
This property is useful when the database contains data stored in formats that do not conform to common usage.
In most cases you don't have to provide information about the data types, because the inferDataTypes property handles the conversion of Date values automatically.
If you do provide explicit type information, the inferDataTypes property is not applied. Because of this, any data type information that is provided should be complete, including all fields of type Date.
Gets or sets a value that causes the ODataCollectionView to defer commits back to the database.
The default value for this property is false, which causes any changes to the data to be immediately committed to the database.
If you set this property to true, it will automatically set the trackChanges property to true. After this, any changes to the data (including edits, additions, and removals) will be tracked but not committed to the database until you call the commitChanges method to commit the changes, or the cancelChanges method to discard all pending changes.
For example:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
// create data source
let url = 'https://services.odata.org/...';
let view = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Categories', {
keys: [ 'ID' ]
// defer commits
view.deferCommits = true;
// handle commit/cancel changes buttons
let btnCommit = document.getElementById('btn-commit') as HTMLButtonElement,
btnCancel = document.getElementById('btn-cancel') as HTMLButtonElement;
btnCommit.addEventListener('click', () => view.commitChanges());
btnCancel.addEventListener('click', () => view.cancelChanges());
view.hasPendingChangesChanged.addHandler((s, e) => {
btnCommit.disabled = btnCancel.disabled = !view.hasPendingChanges;
Gets or sets a string that represents the entity's data type on the server.
This may be required to update data in some OData services.
For more details, please see http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-json-format/v4.0/cs01/odata-json-format-v4.0-cs01.html#_Toc365464687.
Gets or sets a string that specifies whether related entities should be included in the return data.
This property maps directly to OData's $expand option.
For example, the code below retrieves all the customers and their orders from the database. Each customer entity has an "Orders" field that contains an array of order objects:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
const url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
const customersOrders = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Customers', {
expand: 'Orders'
Gets or sets an array containing the names of the fields to retrieve from the data source.
If this property is set to null or to an empty array, all fields are retrieved.
For example, the code below creates an ODataCollectionView that gets only three fields from the 'Categories' table in the database:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
const url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
const categories = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Categories', {
fields: ['CategoryID', 'CategoryName', 'Description']
Gets or sets a callback used to determine if an item is suitable for inclusion in the view.
The callback should return true if the item passed in as a parameter should be included in the view.
The default value for this property is null, which means the data is not filtered.
Gets or sets a string containing an OData filter specification to be used for filtering the data on the server.
The filter definition syntax is described in the OData documentation.
For example, the code below causes the server to return records where the 'CompanyName' field starts with 'A' and ends with 'S':
view.filterDefinition = "startswith(CompanyName, 'A') and endswith(CompanyName, 'B')";
Filter definitions can be generated automatically. For example, the FlexGridFilter component detects whether its data source is an ODataCollectionView and automatically updates both the ODataCollectionView.filter and ODataCollectionView.filterDefinition properties.
Note that the ODataCollectionView.filterDefinition property is applied even if the ODataCollectionView.filterOnServer property is set to false. This allows you to apply server and client filters to the same collection, which can be useful in many scenarios.
For example, the code below uses the ODataCollectionView.filterDefinition property to filter on the server and the ODataCollectionView.filter property to further filter on the client. The collection will show items with names that start with 'C' and have unit prices greater than 20:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
const url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
const data = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Products', {
oDataVersion: 4,
filterDefinition: 'startswith(ProductName, \'C\')', // server filter
filterOnServer: false, // client filter
filter: function(product) {
return product.UnitPrice > 20;
ODataVirtualCollectionView requires filterOnServer to be set to true.
Gets an array of {@link IPredicate} functions used as filters on this CollectionView.
To be included in the view, an item has to pass the predicate in the filter property as well as all predicates in the filters collection.
Gets or sets a callback that determines whether a specific property of an item contains validation errors.
The method takes as parameters a data item, the property being validated, and a parsing parameter that describes whether the data has already been parsed and applied to the data item (parsing == false), or whether the user was trying to edit the value and entered a value that could not be parsed into the data type expected (parsing == true).
The method returns a string containing an error message, or null if no errors were detected.
For example,
view = new CollectionView(data, {
getError: (item: any, prop: string, parsing: boolean) => {
// parsing failed, show message
if (parsing) {
if (prop == 'date') {
return 'Please enter a valid date in the format "MM/dd/yyyy"';
} else if (prop == 'id') {
return 'Please enter a positive number';
// check that stored (parsed) data is valid
if (prop == 'date' && item.date < minDate) {
return 'Please enter a date after ' + Globalize.formatDate(minDate, 'd');
} else if (prop == 'id' && item.id < 0) {
return 'Please enter a positive number';
Gets a collection of GroupDescription objects that describe how the items in the collection are grouped in the view.
Gets an array of CollectionViewGroup objects that represents the top-level groups.
Gets a value that determines whether the ODataCollectionView has pending changes.
See also the deferCommits property and the commitChanges and cancelChanges methods.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether fields that contain strings that look like standard date representations should be converted to dates automatically.
This property is set to true by default, because the ODataCollectionView class uses JSON and that format does not support Date objects.
This property has no effect if specific type information is provided using the dataTypes property.
Gets a value that indicates whether an add transaction is in progress.
Gets a value that indicates whether an edit transaction is in progress.
Gets a value that indicates whether this view contains no items.
Gets a value that indicates the ODataCollectionView is currently loading data.
This property can be used to provide progress indicators.
Gets a value that indicates whether the page index is changing.
Gets a value that indicates whether notifications are currently suspended (see beginUpdate and endUpdate).
Gets the total number of items in the view taking paging into account.
Gets items in the view.
Gets an ObservableArray containing the records that were added to the collection since trackChanges was enabled.
Gets an ObservableArray containing the records that were edited in the collection since trackChanges was enabled.
Gets an ObservableArray containing the records that were removed from the collection since trackChanges was enabled.
Gets or sets a custom reviver function to use when parsing JSON values returned from the server.
If provided, the function must take two parameters (key and value), and must return the parsed value (which can be the same as the original value).
For details about reviver functions, please refer to the documentation for the JSON.parse method.
Gets or sets an array containing the names of the key fields.
Key fields are required for update operations (add/remove/delete).
Gets or sets a function that creates new items for the collection.
If the creator function is not supplied, the CollectionView will try to create an uninitialized item of the appropriate type.
If the creator function is supplied, it should be a function that takes no parameters and returns an initialized object of the proper type for the collection.
Gets or sets the OData version used by the server.
There are currently four versions of OData services, 1.0 through 4.0. Version 4.0 is used by the latest services, but there are many legacy services still in operation.
If you know what version of OData your service implements, set the oDataVersion property to the appropriate value (1 through 4) when creating the ODataCollectionView (see example below).
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
let url = 'https://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
let categories = new ODataCollectionView(url, 'Categories', {
oDataVersion: 1.0, // legacy OData source
fields: ['CategoryID', 'CategoryName', 'Description'],
sortOnServer: false
If you do not know what version of OData your service implements (perhaps you are writing an OData explorer application), then do not specify the version. In this case, the ODataCollectionView will get this information from the server. This operation requires an extra request, but only once per service URL, so the overhead is small.
Gets the total number of pages.
Gets the zero-based index of the current page.
ODataVirtualCollectionView requires pageOnServer to be set to true.
Gets or sets the number of items to display on a page.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the CollectionView should automatically refresh its results (by applying the sort, filter, and grouping operations) after items are edited.
The default value for this property is true, which ensures the collection is always sorted, filtered, and grouped correctly after any edit operations.
Set it to false if you want updates to be deferred when items are edited. In this case, the collection will not be refreshed until the sorting, filtering, and grouping criteria change or until the refresh method is called (Excel behavior).
Gets or sets an object containing request headers to be used when sending or requesting data.
The most typical use for this property is in scenarios where authentication is required. For example:
import { ODataCollectionView } from '@mescius/wijmo.odata';
const url = 'http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/';
const categories = new ODataCollectionView(serviceUrl, 'Categories', {
fields: ['Category_ID', 'Category_Name'],
requestHeaders: { Authorization: db.token }
Gets or sets a value that determines whether dates should be adjusted to look like GMT rather than local dates.
Gets or sets a function used to compare values when sorting.
If provided, the sort comparer function should take as parameters two values of any type, and should return -1, 0, or +1 to indicate whether the first value is smaller than, equal to, or greater than the second. If the sort comparer returns null, the standard built-in comparer is used.
This sortComparer property allows you to use custom comparison algorithms that in some cases result in sorting sequences that are more consistent with user's expectations than plain string comparisons.
For example, see Dave Koele's Alphanum algorithm. It breaks up strings into chunks composed of strings or numbers, then sorts number chunks in value order and string chunks in ASCII order. Dave calls the result a "natural sorting order".
The example below shows a typical use for the sortComparer property:
import { CollectionView, isString } from '@mescius/wijmo';
// create a CollectionView with a custom sort comparer
const view = new CollectionView(data, {
sortComparer: (a: any, b: any) => {
return isString(a) && isString(b)
? alphanum(a, b) // use custom comparer for strings
: null; // use default comparer for everything else
The example below shows how you can use an Intl.Collator to control the sort order:
import { CollectionView, isString } from '@mescius/wijmo';
// create a CollectionView that uses an Intl.Collator to sort
const collator = window.Intl ? new Intl.Collator() : null;
let view = new CollectionView(data, {
sortComparer: (a, b) => {
return isString(a) && isString(b) && collator
? collator.compare(a, b) // use collator for strings
: null; // use default comparer for everything else
Gets or sets a function used to convert values when sorting.
If provided, the function should take as parameters a SortDescription, a data item, and a value to convert, and should return the converted value.
This property provides a way to customize sorting. For example, the FlexGrid control uses it to sort mapped columns by display value instead of by raw value.
For example, the code below causes a CollectionView to sort the 'country' property, which contains country code integers, using the corresponding country names:
const countries = 'US,Germany,UK,Japan,Italy,Greece'.split(',');
view.sortConverter = (sd: SortDescription, item: any, value: any) => {
return sd.property === 'countryMapped'
? countries[value]; // convert country id into name
: value;
The next example combines two values so when sorting by country, the view will break ties by city:
view.sortConverter: (sd: SortDescription, item: any, value: any) => {
if (sd.property == 'country') {
value = item.country + '\t' + item.city;
return value;
Gets an array of SortDescription objects that describe how the items in the collection are sorted in the view.
Gets or sets a value that determines how null values should be sorted.
This property is set to SortNulls.Last by default, which causes null values to appear last on the sorted collection, regardless of sort direction. This is also the default behavior in Excel.
ODataVirtualCollectionView requires sortOnServer to be set to true.
Gets or sets the underlying (unfiltered and unsorted) collection.
Gets the name of the table (entity) that this collection is bound to.
Gets the total number of items in the view before paging is applied.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control should track changes to the data.
The default value for this property is false, so the CollectionView does not keep track of which data items have changed.
If you set this property to true, the CollectionView will keep track of changes to the data and will expose them through the itemsAdded, itemsRemoved, and itemsEdited collections.
Tracking changes is useful in situations where you need to update the server after the user has confirmed that the modifications are valid.
After committing or cancelling changes, use the clearChanges method to clear the itemsAdded, itemsRemoved, and itemsEdited collections.
The CollectionView only tracks changes made when the proper CollectionView methods are used (editItem/commitEdit, addNew/commitNew, and remove). Changes made directly to the data are not tracked.
Gets or sets whether to use a stable sort algorithm.
Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys. For example, consider a collection of objects with an "Amount" field. If you sort the collection by "Amount", a stable sort will keep the original order of records with the same Amount value.
The default value for this property is false, which causes the CollectionView to use JavaScript's built-in sort method, which is fast and usually stable.
Chrome provides stable sorting since version 70, and Firefox since version 3. As of ES2019, sort is required to be stable. In ECMAScript 1st edition through ES2018, it was allowed to be unstable.
Setting the useStableSort property to true ensures stable sorts on all browsers (even IE 11), but increases sort times by 30% to 50%.
Adds a new item to the collection.
Calling this methods without any parameters creates a new item, adds it to the collection, and defers refresh operations until the new item is committed using the commitNew method or canceled using the cancelNew method.
The code below shows how the addNew method is typically used:
// create the new item, add it to the collection
var newItem = view.addNew();
// initialize the new item
newItem.id = getFreshId();
newItem.name = 'New Customer';
// commit the new item so the view can be refreshed
You can also add new items by pushing them into the sourceCollection and then calling the refresh method. The main advantage of addNew is in user-interactive scenarios (like adding new items in a data grid), because it gives users the ability to cancel the add operation. It also prevents the new item from being sorted or filtered out of view until the transaction is committed.
New items are empty objects by default, unless the colletion has calculatedFields, in which case the new items will have properties set to values that depend on their data types (empty strings for string properties, zero for numeric properties, and null for other data types).
This behavior is convenient since in many cases the calculated fields depend on expressions that rely on strings not being null. But you can customize this behavior by setting the newItemCreator property to a function that creates the new items and initializes them in any way you want.
Item to be added to the collection (optional).
Whether to commit the new item immediately.
The item that was added to the collection, or null if the transaction failed.
Suspend refreshes until the next call to endUpdate.
Cancels all changes by removing all items in the itemsAdded, itemsRemoved, and itemsEdited collections, without committing them to the server.
This method is used with the deferCommits property.
Ends the current edit transaction and, if possible, restores the original value to the item.
Ends the current add transaction and discards the pending new item.
Clears all changes by removing all items in the itemsAdded, itemsRemoved, and itemsEdited collections.
Call this method after committing changes to the server or after refreshing the data from the server.
Commits all pending changes to the server.
Changes are contained in the itemsEdited, itemsAdded, and itemsRemoved collections, and are automatically cleared after they are committed.
See also the deferCommits property.
Optional callback invoked when the commit operation has been completed. The callback takes an XMLHttpRequest parameter contains information about the request results.
Override commitEdit to modify the item in the database.
Override commitNew to add the new item to the database.
Returns a value indicating whether a given item belongs to this view.
Item to seek.
Executes a function within a beginUpdate/endUpdate block.
The collection will not be refreshed until the function finishes.
The deferUpdate method ensures endUpdate is called even if the update function throws an exception.
Function to be executed without updates.
Whether to force a refresh when ending the update.
Begins an edit transaction of the specified item.
Item to be edited.
Resume refreshes suspended by a call to beginUpdate.
Whether to force a refresh when ending the update.
Calculates an aggregate value for the items in this collection.
Type of aggregate to calculate.
Property to aggregate on.
Whether to include only items on the current page.
The aggregate value.
Returns true if this object supports a given interface.
Name of the interface to look for.
Loads or re-loads the data from the OData source.
Sets the specified item to be the current item in the view.
Item that will become current.
Sets the first item in the view as the current item.
Sets the last item in the view as the current item.
Sets the item after the current item in the view as the current item.
Sets the item at the specified index in the view as the current item.
Index of the item that will become current.
Sets the item before the current item in the view as the current item.
Sets the first page as the current page.
True if the page index was changed successfully.
Sets the last page as the current page.
True if the page index was changed successfully.
Moves to the page after the current page.
True if the page index was changed successfully.
Moves to the page at the specified index.
Index of the page to move to.
True if the page index was changed successfully.
Moves to the page before the current page.
True if the page index was changed successfully.
Raises the collectionChanged event.
Contains a description of the change.
Raises the currentChanged event.
Raises the currentChanging event.
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
Raises the error event.
By default, errors throw exceptions and trigger a data refresh. If you want to prevent this behavior, set the RequestErrorEventArgs.cancel parameter to true in the event handler.
RequestErrorEventArgs that contains information about the error.
Raises the hasPendingChangesChanged event.
Raises the pageChanged event.
Raises the pageChanging event.
PageChangingEventArgs that contains the event data.
Raises the requestCanceled event.
Raises the sourceCollectionChanged event.
Raises the sourceCollectionChanging event.
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
Re-creates the view using the current sort, filter, and group parameters.
Override remove to remove the item from the database.
Item to be removed from the database.
Removes the item at the specified index from the collection.
Index of the item to be removed from the collection. The index is relative to the view, not to the source collection.
Sets the data window to ensure a range of records are loaded into the view.
Index of the first item in the data window.
Index of the last item in the data window.
Updates the filter definition based on a known filter provider such as the FlexGridFilter.
Known filter provider, typically an instance of a FlexGridFilter.
Occurs when the collection changes.
Occurs after the current item changes.
Occurs before the current item changes.
Occurs when there is an error reading or writing data.
Occurs when the value of the hasPendingChanges property changes.
See also the deferCommits property.
Occurs when the ODataCollectionView finishes loading data.
Occurs when the ODataCollectionView starts loading data.
Occurs after the page index changes.
Occurs before the page index changes.
Occurs when the ODataVirtualCollectionView cancels a pending data request.
Occurs after the value of the sourceCollection property changes.
Occurs before the value of the sourceCollection property changes.
Extends the ODataCollectionView class to support loading data on demand, using the setWindow method.
The example below shows how you can declare an ODataCollectionView and synchronize it with a wijmo.grid.FlexGrid control to load the data that is within the grid's viewport:
// declare virtual collection view let view = new wijmo.odata.ODataVirtualCollectionView(url, 'Order_Details_Extendeds', { oDataVersion: 4 }); // use virtual collection as grid data source flex.itemsSource = view; // update data window when the grid scrolls flex.scrollPositionChanged.addHandler(() => { let rng = flex.viewRange; view.setWindow(rng.topRow, rng.bottomRow); });
The ODataVirtualCollectionView class implements a 'data window' so only data that is actually being displayed is loaded from the server. Items that are not being displayed are added to the collection as null values until a call to the setWindow method causes them those items to be loaded.
This 'on-demand' method of loading data has advantages when dealing with large data sets, because it prevents the application from loading data until it is required. But it does impose some limitation: sorting and filtering must be done on the server; grouping and paging are not supported.
The example below uses an ODataVirtualCollectionView to load data from a NorthWind OData provider service. The collection loads data on-demant, as the user scrolls the grid: