Gets or sets the alternate style for the series.
The alternate style is used for negative values in Bar, Column, and Scatter charts; and for rising values in financial chart types like Candlestick, LineBreak, EquiVolume etc.
The default value for this property is null, which causes the series to use the default style.
Allows you to override the global WjOptions.asyncBindings setting for this specific component. See the WjOptions.WjOptions.asyncBindings property description for details.
Gets or sets the X-axis for the series.
Gets or sets the Y-axis for the series.
Gets or sets the name of the property that contains Y values for the series.
Gets or sets the name of the property that contains X values for the series.
Gets the FlexChart object that owns this series.
Gets or sets the chart type for a specific series, overriding the chart type set on the overall chart. Please note that ColumnVolume, EquiVolume, CandleVolume and ArmsCandleVolume chart types are not supported and should be set on the FinancialChart.
Gets the ICollectionView object that contains the data for this series.
Gets or sets the series CSS class.
Gets the series host element.
This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to interpolate null values in the data.
If true, the series interpolates the value of any missing data based on neighboring points. If false, it leaves a break in lines and areas at the points with null values.
The default value for this property is false.
Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event.
Gets or sets the item formatter function that allows you to customize the appearance of the series.
The property overrides the chart's itemFormatter wijmo.chart.FlexChart.itemFormatter.
Gets or sets the array or ICollectionView object that contains the series data.
Gets the series element in the legend.
Gets or sets the series name.
The series name is displayed in the chart legend. Any series without a name does not appear in the legend.
Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendered event for programmatic access. Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. In template bindings use the conventional rendered Wijmo event name.
Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendering event for programmatic access. Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. In template bindings use the conventional rendering Wijmo event name.
Gets or sets the series style.
Gets or sets the shape of marker to use for each data point in the series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
The default value for this property is Marker.Dot.
Gets or sets the size (in pixels) of the symbols used to render this Series. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
The default value for this property is 10 pixels.
Gets or sets the series symbol style.
Applies to Bar, Column, Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
Gets or sets the series specific tooltip content.
The property overrides the content of chart tooltip content.
Gets or sets an enumerated value indicating whether and where the series appears.
The default value for this property is SeriesVisibility.Visible.
This event is used to implement two-way binding to the visibility property. It's triggered when the property value changes, with the event argument holding the new property value. You can bind handlers to this event in templates using the visibilityChange event name.
Gets or sets a name of a property that this component is assigned to. Default value is 'series'.
If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters.
Draw a legend item at the specified position.
The rendering engine to use.
The position of the legend item.
Index of legend item(for series with multiple legend items).
Returns the series bounding rectangle in data coordinates.
If getDataRect() returns null, the limits are calculated automatically based on the data values.
The current rectangle of chart. This parameter is optional.
The calculated rectangle of chart. This parameter is optional.
Gets the plot element that corresponds to the specified point index.
The index of the data point.
Gets a HitTestInfo object with information about the specified point.
The point to investigate, in window coordinates.
The Y coordinate of the point (if the first parameter is a number).
Initializes the series by copying the properties from a given object.
JavaScript object containing initialization data for the series.
Returns number of series items in the legend.
Measures height and width of the legend item.
The rendering engine to use.
Index of legend item(for series with multiple legend items).
Raises the rendered event.
The IRenderEngine object used to render the series.
Raises the rendering event.
The IRenderEngine object used to render the series.
The index of the series to render.
Total number of the series to render.
Occurs when series is rendered.
Occurs when series is rendering.
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Angular 2 component for the wijmo.chart.finance.FinancialSeries class.
The wj-financial-chart-series component must be contained in a wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.WjFinancialChart component.
Use the wj-financial-chart-series component to add FinancialSeries controls to your Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see Angular 2 Markup.
The WjFinancialChartSeries component is derived from the FinancialSeries class and inherits all its properties, events and methods.
The wj-financial-chart-series component may contain a wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartAxis child component.