Gets the actual axis maximum.
It returns a number or a Date object (for time-based data).
Gets the actual axis minimum.
It returns a number or a Date object (for time-based data).
Gets the array with actual axis labels.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis line is visible.
The default value for this property is true.
Gets the axis type.
Gets or sets the comma-separated property names for the Axis.itemsSource property to use in axis labels.
The first name specifies the value on the axis, the second represents the corresponding axis label. The default value is 'value,text'.
Gets or sets the format string used for the axis labels (see Globalize).
Gets or sets label groups settings for the axis.
Label groups are created by modifying the ICollectionView.groupDescriptions property of the ICollectionView object used as an FlexChart.itemsSource.
The default value is null and the axis label groups are not displayed.
To display groups you should create groups in collection view and specify the groupsOptions for the axis.
For example,
let view = new CollectionView( getData(), {
groupDescriptions: [
new PropertyGroupDescription('category'),
new PropertyGroupDescription('subCategory')]
const chart = new FlexChart('#theChart', {
itemsSource: view,
bindingX: 'product',
series: [ { binding:'sales' } ],
axisX: { groupsOptions: { display : AxisGroupsDisplay.Show } },
Gets the axis host element.
This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized.
Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event.
Gets or sets the itemFormatter function for the axis labels.
If specified, the function takes two parameters:
The function returns the label parameters of labels for which properties are modified.
For example:
chart.axisY.itemFormatter = function(engine, label) { if (label.val > 5){ engine.textFill = 'red'; // red text label.cls = null; // no default CSS } return label; }
Gets or sets the items source for the axis labels.
Names of the properties are specified by the Axis.binding property.
For example:
// default value for Axis.binding is 'value,text' chart.axisX.itemsSource = [ { value:1, text:'one' }, { value:2, text:'two' } ];
Gets or sets the label alignment.
By default the labels are centered. The supported values are 'left' and 'right for the X-axis, 'top' and 'bottom' for the Y-axis.
Gets or sets the rotation angle of the axis labels.
The angle is measured in degrees with valid values ranging from -90 to 90.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the maximum axis value should be always labeled.
The default value for this property is false.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the minimum axis value should be always labeled.
The default value for this property is false.
Gets or sets the label padding, in pixels.
The default value for this property is 5 pixels.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis labels are visible.
The default value for this property is true.
Gets or sets the logarithmic base of the axis.
If the base is not specified the axis uses a linear scale.
Use the logBase property to spread data that is clustered around the origin. This is common in several financial and economic data sets.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis includes grid lines.
Gets or sets the location of the axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the number of units between axis labels.
If the axis contains date values, then the units are expressed in days.
Gets or sets the maximum value shown on the axis.
The value can be a number or a Date object (for time-based data).
The default value for this property is null, which causes the chart to calculate the maximum value based on the data.
Gets or sets the minimum value shown on the axis.
The value can be a number or a Date object (for time-based data).
The default value for this property is null, which causes the chart to calculate the minimum value based on the data.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis includes minor grid lines.
Gets or sets the location of the minor axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the number of units between minor axis ticks.
If the axis contains date values, then the units are expressed in days. If the logBase value is set on the axis, then the minorUnit value would be increased by the exponential multiple of logBase Value when caculating minor unit values between next major unit values.
Gets or sets the axis name.
Gets or sets the value at which an axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
Gets or sets a value indicating how to handle overlapping axis labels.
The default value for this property is OverlappingLabels.Auto.
Gets or sets the plot area for the axis.
Gets or sets the position of the axis with respect to the plot area. TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, LeftTop, LeftBottom, RightTop and RightBottom are not valid for Axis Position. If set it would be changed to default Position of respective axis. When Position set to X-Axis, None/Top/Bottom would be applicable and if other values are set, it would be change to X-Axis default Position value. When Position set to Y-Axis, None/Left/Right would be applicable and if other values are set, it would be changed to Y-Axis default Position value.
Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rangeChanged event for programmatic access. Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. In template bindings use the conventional rangeChanged Wijmo event name.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is reversed (top to bottom or right to left).
The default value for this property is false.
Gets or sets the title text shown next to the axis.
Gets or sets a name of a property that this component is assigned to. Default value is 'axes'.
Converts the specified value from data to pixel coordinates.
The data value to convert.
The max value of the data, it's optional.
The min value of the data, it's optional.
Converts the specified value from pixel to data coordinates.
The pixel coordinates to convert back.
If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters.
Raises the rangeChanged event.
Occurs when the axis range changes.
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Angular 2 component for the wijmo.chart.Axis class.
The wj-flex-chart-axis component must be contained in one of the following components: wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChart , wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartSeries , wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.WjFinancialChart or wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.WjFinancialChartSeries.
Use the wj-flex-chart-axis component to add Axis controls to your Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see Angular 2 Markup.
The WjFlexChartAxis component is derived from the Axis class and inherits all its properties, events and methods.