Initializes a new instance of the GoogleSheet class.
Parameter used to identify which GoogleSheet is to be accessed. This ID is the value between the "/d/" and the "/edit" in the URL of your GoogleSheet.
Identifier used to authenticate requests associated with the app. To generate API keys, please go to https://console.cloud.google.com/.
JavaScript object containing initialization data (property values and event handlers) for this GoogleSheet.
Gets or sets the OAuth 2.0 access token used to gain write access to the sheet.
You can use the OAuth2 class to provide user authentication. The OAuth2 class has methods that allow users to log in and provides accessToken strings that can be used to access the sheet.
Gets the API key that this GoogleSheet is associated with.
Gets or sets an array containing IColumnDataType objects that determine the data types for the sheet columns.
Column data types are determined automatically based on the sheet data. In some cases, however, you may want to override that and set the column data types explicitly. This may be useful for sheets that contain empty cells or columns with cells of mixed types.
The code below causes the GoogleSheet to parse columns named "PostalCode", "Phone", and "Fax" as strings and any columns with names ending in "Date" as dates:
import { DataType } from '@mescius/wijmo';
import { GoogleSheet } from '@mescius/google';
let ssNWind = new GoogleSheet(SHEET_ID_NW, {
apiKey: API_KEY,
columnDataTypes: [
{ pattern: /^(PostalCode|Phone|Fax)$/, dataType: DataType.String },
{ pattern: /Date$/, dataType: DataType.Date },
Gets a value that indicates the GoogleSheet is currently loading data.
This property can be used to provide progress indicators.
Gets the ID of this GoogleSheet.
Gets the list of Sheet objects in this GoogleSheet.
Gets a Sheet by its Sheet.title.
Sheet title to look for.
Raises the accessTokenChanged event.
Raises the error event.
By default, errors throw exceptions and trigger a data refresh. If you want to prevent this behavior, set the RequestErrorEventArgs.cancel parameter to true in the event handler.
RequestErrorEventArgs that contains information about the error.
Occurs when the value of the accessToken property changes.
Occurs when there is an error reading or writing data.
Occurs when the GoogleSheet finishes loading data.
Occurs when the GoogleSheet starts loading data.
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Represents a Google Sheets spreadsheet with one or more sheets.
Each sheet is represented by a Sheet object that exposes the data on the sheet as a CollectionView object which can be used as a data source for any Wijmo control.
In addition to full CRUD support you get all the CollectionView features including sorting, filtering, paging, and grouping. The sorting, filtering, and paging functions are performed on the on the client.