This topic helps you to install and uninstall Spread for WPF on your machine, as well as how to activate the product license to get full access of the product.
Installation/uninstallation process involves operations such as registry manipulation, so should be performed by a user with administrative privileges.
Ensure that Microsoft Visual Studio application is closed before starting the installation or uninstallation process.
To install Spread for WPF, follow these simple steps:
Download and run the Spread.NET Installer from the official website.
In the Spread Installer dialog, click the Add button for Spread.NET for WPF component.
Select Options.
In the General tab, accept the default installation path or choose a different location.
By default, C:\Program Files (x86)\MESCIUS\ is used.
Go to the Mode tab and select the desired installation mode.
For fresh installation, it is recommended to select the Online mode.
Note: However, if you are installing an older version, must choose Offline mode and follow the below steps:
Download Spread components to install from the website.
Extract downloaded file to directory: %localappdata%\GcInstaller\Offline.
Select Offline mode in this form.
Reopen the web installer to install the product.
Close the Options dialog.
Read and accept the End User License Agreement.
Click Install to begin the installation.
Please wait while installation is in progress.
Once completed, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.
If you want to uninstall Spread for WPF from your machine, go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features in Windows and uninstall Spread for WPF [x]. The [x] part may vary depending on the version of the product you have installed.
Before uninstalling, make sure to deactivate the license using the MESCIUS License Manager. If you install the product on another machine without deactivating the license, the message "The license is already in use on another computer" will be displayed upon activation, and you will not be able to use the product.
For the trial version, there is no need to deactivate the license. Just uninstall the product.
Files created during or after installation, or items manually added to the Visual Studio Toolbox, will not be deleted during uninstallation. You need to delete these manually, if necessary.