You can use the pinch operation when zooming.
Set the AllowUserToTouchZoom property to allow zooming using the pinch operation.
You can use the TouchZoomSnapPoints property to configure snap points. When zooming, if the final zoom factor is close to (less than the TouchZoomSnapDistance property value) a snap point, the final zoom factor changes to the snap point. For example, add 1 to the snap point. When the user changes the zoom factor to 103%, the zoom factor changes to 100%.
FpSpread uses standard pinch and stretch gestures when zooming. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/.
The following example allows zooming with the pinch operation.
fpSpread1.AllowUserToTouchZoom = true;
fpSpread1.MinZoomFactor = .1F;
fpSpread1.TouchZoomSnapDistance = 1;
fpSpread1.AllowUserToTouchZoom = True
fpSpread1.MinZoomFactor = .1F
fpSpread1.TouchZoomSnapDistance = 1
Using Touch Support with AutoFit
Using Touch Support with Cell Notes
Using Touch Support with Charts
Using Touch Support with Clipboard Operations
Using Touch Support with Drag and Fill
Using Touch Support with Drop-Down Elements
Using Touch Support with Editable Cells
Using Touch Support with InputMan Cells
Using Touch Support with Filtering
Using Touch Support with Grouping
Using Touch Support with Range Grouping
Using Touch Support when Moving Columns or Rows
Using Touch Support when Resizing Columns or Rows
Using Touch Support with Scrolling
Using Touch Support with Selections
Using Touch Support with Shapes
Using Touch Support when Sorting