Name | Description | |
AddViewport | Overloaded. Adds a row or column of viewports. | |
CancelCellEditing | Cancels cell editing in the view. | |
CancelFilterBarEditing | Cancels cell editing in the filter bar. | |
ExpandRow | Expands or collapses the specified parent row, which shows or hides the child view in a hierarchical display. | |
GetActionMap | Gets the action map. | |
GetActiveColumnViewportIndex | Overloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport column. | |
GetActiveRowViewportIndex | Overloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport row. | |
GetActiveWorkbook | Gets the active view (SpreadView object). | |
GetCellFromPixel | Overloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location. | |
GetCellRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the cell. | |
GetChildWorkbooks | Gets all child views (SpreadView objects) that have been created. | |
GetColumnFooterCellRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the column footer. | |
GetColumnHeaderCellFromPixel | Overloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the column header cell at the specified pointer location. | |
GetColumnHeaderCellRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the column header. | |
GetColumnHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column header. | |
GetColumnRangeGroupHeight | Gets the height of the column range group. | |
GetColumnSplitBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column split bar. | |
GetColumnSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column split box. | |
GetColumnViewportCount | Overloaded. Gets the number of viewport columns in the active sheet. | |
GetColumnViewportIndexFromX | Gets the index of the viewport column for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. | |
GetCursor | Gets the pointer displayed over a specific area in the view. | |
GetFilterBarHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column header. | |
GetFilterBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the filter bar. | |
GetFloatCell | Returns the floating cell range for the specified cell. | |
GetFloatCells | Returns all floating cell ranges for the view. | |
GetHorizontalScrollBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the horizontal scroll bar. | |
GetImage | Gets the graphic image used in the specified part of the user interface. | |
GetInputMap | Overloaded. Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode for the view. | |
GetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus | Gets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus. | |
GetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus | Gets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus. | |
GetMaximumCellOverflowWidth | Gets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view. | |
GetMergeCell | Returns the merged cell range for the specified cell. | |
GetMergeCells | Returns all merged cell ranges for the view. | |
GetObjectData | Saves the view to the SerializationInfo object. | |
GetRootWorkbook | Gets the top view (SpreadView object). | |
GetRowHeaderCellFromPixel | Overloaded. Gets the row and column indexes of the row header cell at the specified pointer location. | |
GetRowHeaderCellRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the cell in the row header. | |
GetRowHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row header. | |
GetRowRangeGroupWidth | Gets the width of the row range group. | |
GetRowSplitBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row split bar. | |
GetRowSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row split box. | |
GetRowViewportCount | Overloaded. Gets the number of viewport rows in the active sheet. | |
GetRowViewportIndexFromY | Gets the index of the viewport row for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. | |
GetSheetTabRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the tab associated with a sheet for the view. | |
GetSheetView | Gets the active sheet view. | |
GetSpreadView | Gets the view at the specified sheet and viewport. | |
GetTabSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the split box on the tab strip. | |
GetTabStripRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the tab strip. | |
GetVerticalScrollBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the vertical scroll bar. | |
GetViewportBottomRow | Overloaded. Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the active sheet. | |
GetViewportHeight | Overloaded. Gets the height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. | |
GetViewportLeftColumn | Overloaded. Gets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column. | |
GetViewportLeftOffset | Gets the offset of the view port from a particular column to the left. | |
GetViewportPreferredHeight | Overloaded. Gets the maximum height for the viewport row. | |
GetViewportPreferredWidth | Overloaded. Gets the maximum width for the viewport column. | |
GetViewportRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the viewport. | |
GetViewportRightColumn | Overloaded. Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the active sheet. | |
GetViewportTopOffset | Get offset of the view port from a particular row to the top. | |
GetViewportTopRow | Overloaded. Gets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row. | |
GetViewportWidth | Overloaded. Gets the width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. | |
GetViewportX | Gets the left coordinate of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. | |
GetViewportY | Gets the top coordinate of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. | |
GoalSeek | Attempts to find a value for one cell that will produce the desired formula result in another cell. | |
HitTest | Returns information about the given location. | |
Invalidate | Overloaded. Invalidates the SpreadView and causes it to repaint. | |
LoadXmlInputMapFile | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. | |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the child has focus. | |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the shape has focus. | |
OnInkNotationExit | Occurs when exiting ink notation. | |
OnInkNotationSave | Occurs when saving from ink notation. | |
RemoveViewport | Overloaded. Removes a row or column of viewports. | |
Reset | Resets the active view to its default settings. | |
SaveXmlInputMapFile | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file. | |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file when the child has focus. | |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file when the shape has focus. | |
SetActionMap | Sets the action map. | |
SetActiveViewport | Overloaded. Sets the active viewport. | |
SetActiveWorkbook | Sets the active SpreadView to the specified object. If the workbook passed in is null, sets this object to be the active SpreadView. | |
SetCursor | Sets the pointer displayed over a specific area at a specific time. | |
SetImage | Sets the specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface. | |
SetImageDPISupport | Sets the multiscaling versions of specified graphic for a specified part of the user interface. | |
SetInputMap | Overloaded. Sets the input map for the view for the specified focus mode. | |
SetInputMapToOtherSpreadView | Sets the input maps of this spreadview to another spread view. | |
SetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus | Sets the input map for the view for when a child object has focus. | |
SetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus | Sets the input map for the view for when a shape has focus. | |
SetMaximumCellOverflowWidth | Sets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels for cells in the view. | |
SetViewportLeftColumn | Overloaded. Sets the index of the left most column of the specified viewport column. | |
SetViewportPreferredHeight | Overloaded. Sets the maximum height for the viewport row. | |
SetViewportPreferredWidth | Overloaded. Sets the maximum width for the viewport column. | |
SetViewportTopRow | Overloaded. Sets the index of the top row of the specified viewport row. | |
ShowActiveCell | Moves the currently selected cell in the specified viewport to the specified position. | |
ShowAutoFillIndicator | Shows the AutoFill indicator. | |
ShowCell | Moves the specified cell in the specified viewport to the specified position. | |
ShowColumn | Moves a column in the specified viewport to the specified position. | |
ShowCommentThreaded | Shows comment(s) of the active cell. | |
ShowRow | Moves a row in the specified viewport to the specified position. | |
StartCellEditing | Starts cell editing in the view. | |
StopCellEditing | Stops cell editing in the view. | |
StopFilterBarEditing | Stops cell editing in the filter bar. |