Represents an individual sheet in the Spread component.
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(SheetView), "SheetView.bmp")]
public class SheetView : Component, IComponent, ISerializeSettings, ISerializeData, ISerializePresentation2, ISerializePresentation, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, ISupportInitialize, IFilterSupport, ISerializeDrawing, ICloneable, IRangeGroupSupport, IDisposable, ISerializeSupport3, ISerializeSupport, ISerializeStyles2, ISerializeStyles, ICustomTypeDescriptor
<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(SheetView), "SheetView.bmp")>
Public Class SheetView
Inherits Component
Implements IComponent, ISerializeSettings, ISerializeData, ISerializePresentation2, ISerializePresentation, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, ISupportInitialize, IFilterSupport, ISerializeDrawing, ICloneable, IRangeGroupSupport, IDisposable, ISerializeSupport3, ISerializeSupport, ISerializeStyles2, ISerializeStyles, ICustomTypeDescriptor
Name | Description |
SheetView() | Creates a sheet (SheetView object). |
SheetView(ISheetDataModel) | Creates a sheet (SheetView object) according to a specified data model. |
SheetView(ISheetDataModel, NamedStyleCollection) | Creates a sheet (SheetView object) according to a specified data model and named style. |
SheetView(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates a sheet (SheetView object) from serialization. |
SheetView(string) | Creates a sheet (SheetView object) with a specified name. |
Name | Description |
IsDisposing |
Name | Description |
ActiveCell | Gets a Cell object for the active cell on the sheet. |
ActiveColumn | Gets a Column object for the active column on the sheet. |
ActiveColumnIndex | Gets or sets the column index of the active cell on the sheet. |
ActiveRow | Gets a Row object for the active row on the sheet. |
ActiveRowIndex | Gets or sets the row index of the active cell on the sheet. |
ActiveSkin | Gets or sets the skin for the sheet. |
AllowGroup | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to group rows on the sheet. |
AllowNoteEdit | Gets or sets whether notes on this sheet are editable. |
AllowTableCorner | Gets or sets whether the sheet corner can have a grid structure (table). |
AlternatingRows | Gets an AlternatingRows object for the alternating rows in the data area of the sheet. |
AutoCalculation | Gets or sets whether the control recalculates each formula when the contents of dependent cells change for a sheet. |
AutoFilter | Gets or sets whether the filter will automatically update for any changes. |
AutoFilterMode | Gets or sets the AutoFilterMode. |
AutoGenerateColumns | Gets or sets whether to automatically generate the columns for a sheet based on the data source. |
AutoSortColumns | Gets or sets whether to allow automatic sorting for a sheet and whether to show the sort indicator. |
AutoSortEnhancedContextMenu | Gets or sets whether to use the Spread's enhanced filter menu. |
AutoSortEnhancedMode | Gets or sets whether to use the Spread's sorting behavior in enhanced filter context menu. |
AutoSortFrozenRows | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether frozen rows are sorted. |
AutoSortTrailingFrozenRows | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether trailing frozen rows are sorted. |
AutoUpdateNotes | Gets or sets whether cell notes are automatically updated when changes are made to the note style or to the text, or notes are added, removed, or moved. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets sheetview background image. |
BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets sheetview background image layout. |
Cells | Gets a Cells object for the cells in the data area of the sheet. |
Charts | Gets the charts. |
ChildRelationCount | Gets the number of child relations (data relation count) for a sheet. |
ChildViews | Returns the child sheets. |
ColumnAutoSorted | Gets the index of the last column that was automatically sorted for the sheet. |
ColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of columns in the sheet. |
ColumnFooter | Gets the ColumnFooter object for the column footer area of the sheet. |
ColumnFooterHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line in the column footer for the sheet. |
ColumnFooterRowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows in the column footers for the sheet. |
ColumnFooterSheetCornerHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the column footer sheet corner. |
ColumnFooterSheetCornerStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the sheet corner for the column footer. |
ColumnFooterSheetCornerStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner of the column footer. |
ColumnFooterSheetCornerVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the column footer sheet corner. |
ColumnFooterVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the column footer for the sheet. |
ColumnFooterVisible | Gets or sets whether the column footers for this sheet are visible. |
ColumnHeader | Gets the ColumnHeader object for the column header area of the sheet. |
ColumnHeaderAutoFilterIndex | Gets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the filter indicator when there are multiple column header rows. |
ColumnHeaderAutoSortIndex | Gets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the sort indicator when there are multiple column header rows. |
ColumnHeaderAutoText | Gets or sets whether column headers for the sheet display letters or numbers or are blank. |
ColumnHeaderAutoTextIndex | Gets or sets which column header row for the sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple column header rows. |
ColumnHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet. |
ColumnHeaderRowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows in the column headers for the sheet. |
ColumnHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the column header for the sheet. |
ColumnHeaderVisible | Gets or sets whether the column headers for this sheet are visible. |
Columns | Gets a Columns object for the columns in the data area of the sheet. |
ContainingViews | Gets the containing views. |
DataAllowAddNew | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to add a new row when the sheet is bound. |
DataAutoCellTypes | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sets the cell type for the cells in a column. |
DataAutoHeadings | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically assigns the data field names to be the text in the column headers. |
DataAutoSizeColumns | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sizes its columns based on the data in the associated database fields. |
DataMember | Gets or sets the name of the data member that populates the sheet. |
DataSource | Gets or sets the name of the data source that populates the sheet. |
DefaultGroupFooter | Default setting for group footers. |
DefaultStyle | Gets or sets a StyleInfo object for the default style of the sheet. |
DefaultStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the default style for the sheet. |
DisplayZero | Gets or sets whether zero values are displayed in cells. |
DrawingContainer | Gets or sets a drawing container for the sheet for a drawing object in the drawing space. |
EnableDiagonalLine | Sets or gets whether cell diagonal line is enable. |
EnhancedFilterSortingMode | Gets or sets whether the enhanced filter shows items in the tree by default or alphabetic order. |
Expandable | Gets or sets whether the rows are expandable. |
FilterBar | Gets the FilterBar object of the sheet. |
FilterBarHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar header. |
FilterBarHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the filter bar header. |
FilterBarHeaderStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the filter bar header. |
FilterBarHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar. |
FilterBarHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar. |
FilterBarVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar. |
FpSpread | Gets Fpspread from sheet view. |
FrozenColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the leading edge of this sheet. |
FrozenRowCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the leading edge of this sheet. |
FrozenTrailingColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the trailing edge of this sheet. |
FrozenTrailingRowCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the trailing edge of this sheet. |
FrozenTrailingStickToEdge | Gets or sets whether the frozen trailing row(s) or column(s) stick to the edge of viewport area. |
GrayAreaBackColor | Gets or sets the color in the area between the sheet and the edge of the control. |
GroupBarInfo | Gets or sets the information of the grouping bar for the sheet. |
GroupFooterVisible | Gets or sets whether the group footer is displayed. |
GroupInfos | Gets or sets the collection of grouping information objects for the sheet. |
GroupMaximumLevel | Gets or sets the maximum number of levels of grouping for the sheet. |
GroupingPolicy | Gets or sets grouping policy to collapse or expand rows when grouping occurs. |
HorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for this sheet. |
IgnoreApplySpreadSkin | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to ignore applying Spread skin. |
IsBlockSelected | Gets whether a block of cells on this sheet is currently selected. |
IsColumnVisibleAvailable | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is column visible available. |
IsInitializing | Gets a value that indicates whether SheetView is initialized. |
IsRowVisibleAvailable | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is row visible available. |
Iteration | Gets or sets whether circular references are evaluated on this sheet. |
LockBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of locked cells on this sheet. |
LockFont | Gets or sets the default font for locked items on this sheet. |
LockForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of locked cells on this sheet. |
MaximumChange | Gets or sets the maximum amount of change below which iterations stop when circular references are evaluated on this sheet. |
MaximumIterations | Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations for calculating circular references on this sheet. |
MinZoomFactor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the minimum zoom factor for this sheet. |
Models | Gets or sets a SheetView.DocumentModels object that contains all the models for the sheet. |
NamedStyles | Gets or sets a NamedStyleCollection of NamedStyle objects for this sheet. |
NonEmptyColumnCount | Gets a value that is one more than the index of the last column on this sheet containing data. |
NonEmptyRowCount | Gets a value that is one more than the index of the last row on this sheet containing data. |
NullBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of null items on this sheet. |
NullFont | Gets or sets the default font for null items on this sheet. |
NullForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of null items on this sheet. |
OperationMode | Gets or sets the mode that determines mouse, keyboard, and selection behavior for this sheet. |
Parent | Gets or sets the name of the parent sheet (SheetView object) of this sheet. |
ParentRelationName | Gets the data relation name for this sheet. |
ParentRowIndex | Gets the index of the parent row on this sheet. |
PreviewRowInfo | Gets or sets preview row information for the sheet. |
PrintInfo | Gets or sets a PrintInfo object that determines |
Protect | Gets or sets whether cells on this sheet that are marked as locked are not editable. |
RangeGroupBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the outline (range group) region. |
RangeGroupButtonStyle | Gets or sets the style of the outline (range group) button. |
RangeGroupSummaryColumnRight | Gets or sets whether the direction of the summary column is to the right of the detail. |
RangeGroupSummaryRowBelow | Gets or sets whether the direction of the summary row is below the detail. |
ReferenceStyle | Gets or sets the style for cell and range references in formulas in cells on this sheet. |
RestrictColumns | Gets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a column on this sheet that is more than one column beyond the last column that contains data. |
RestrictRows | Gets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a row on this sheet that is more than one row beyond the last row that contains data. |
RowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows on this sheet. |
RowFilter | Gets or sets the row filter for the sheet. |
RowHeader | Gets the RowHeader object for the row header area of the sheet. |
RowHeaderAutoText | Gets or sets whether row headers on this sheet display letters or numbers or are blank. |
RowHeaderAutoTextIndex | Gets or sets which row header column on this sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple row header columns. |
RowHeaderColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of columns in the row header on this sheet. |
RowHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line in the row header on this sheet. |
RowHeaderSelectorIndex | Gets or sets which row header column in the sheet displays the row selector when there are multiple row header columns. |
RowHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the row header on this sheet. |
RowHeaderVisible | Gets or sets whether the row headers for this sheet are visible. |
Rows | Gets a Rows object for the rows in the data area of the sheet. |
ScrollingContentInfo | Gets or sets the information of the vertical scrolling tip for the sheet. |
SelectionBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of selections on this sheet. |
SelectionCount | Gets the number of selections on this sheet. |
SelectionFont | Gets or sets the default font for selected items on this sheet. |
SelectionForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of selections on this sheet. |
SelectionPolicy | Gets the selection policy for the sheet for normal operation mode. |
SelectionStyle | Gets or sets how selections on this sheet are drawn. |
SelectionUnit | Gets or sets the smallest unit users or the application can select on this sheet. |
SheetCorner | Gets the sheet corner of the sheet. |
SheetCornerHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet corner. |
SheetCornerStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the sheet corner. |
SheetCornerStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner. |
SheetCornerVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the sheet corner. |
SheetName | Gets or sets the name of the sheet. |
ShowEditingRowSelector | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the editing row header of the selected row for the sheet. |
ShowRowSelector | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the row header of the selected row for the sheet. |
Site | Gets or sets the site. |
SparklineContainer | Gets or sets a sparkline container for the sheet for maintaining sparklines. |
StartingColumnNumber | Gets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first column header on this sheet. |
StartingRowNumber | Gets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first row header on this sheet. |
Tag | Gets or sets an application-defined tag value associated with the cells in this sheet. |
TitleInfo | Sheet title |
Validations | Gets the object which manages all DataValidtions. |
VerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line on this sheet. |
Visible | Gets or sets whether to display the sheet. |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the sheet. |
ZoomFactor | Gets or sets the scaling factor for displaying this sheet. |
Name | Description |
AddChart(CellRange, Type, int, int, int, int) | Adds the chart control. |
AddChart(CellRange, Type, int, int, int, int, ChartViewType, bool) | Adds the chart control. |
AddChart(CellRange[], Type, int, int, int, int) | Adds a chart to the SheetView. The chart will be aligned in the center of the SheetView. |
AddChart(CellRange[], Type, int, int, int, int, ChartViewType, bool) | Adds a chart to the SheetView. The chart will be aligned in the center of the SheetView. |
AddChart(int, int, Type, int, int, int, int) | Adds the chart control. |
AddChart(int, int, Type, int, int, int, int, ChartViewType, bool) | Adds the chart control. |
AddColumnFooterSpanCell(int, int, int, int) | Adds a span of cells to a column footer for a sheet. |
AddColumnHeaderSpanCell(int, int, int, int) | Adds a span of cells to a column header for a sheet. |
AddColumns(int, int) | Adds the column or columns to the data model at the specified index. |
AddControl(Control) | Adds a child control to the control container for the sheet. |
AddControl(Control, int, int) | Adds a child control to the control container for the sheet at the specified row and column. |
AddControl(Control, int, int, int, int) | Adds a child control to the control container for the sheet at the specified row and column, with specified pixel offsets. |
AddCustomName(string, string, int, int) | Adds a custom name to the model using the specified string value. |
AddCustomName(string, string, int, int, bool, string) | Adds a custom name to the model using the specified string value. |
AddRangeGroup(int, int, bool) | Groups all the rows or columns from the specified start index by the specified amount to an outline (range group). |
AddRowHeaderSpanCell(int, int, int, int) | Adds a span of cells to a row header for a sheet. |
AddRowToDataSource(int, bool) | Adds the unbound row to the data source for a sheet. |
AddRows(int, int) | Adds a row or rows to the data model for a sheet. |
AddSelection(int, int, int, int) | Adds a selection on this sheet. |
AddShape(PSShape) | Adds a shape to the drawing container for the sheet. |
AddShape(PSShape, int, int) | Adds a shape to the drawing container for the sheet at the specified row and column. |
AddShape(PSShape, int, int, int, int, bool) | Adds a shape to the drawing container for the sheet at the specified row and column with the offset from the top-left of the cell. |
AddShape(PSShape, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool) | Adds a shape to the drawing container for the sheet at the specified row and column with the top-left offset with the top-left and bottom-right cell. |
AddSpanCell(int, int, int, int) | Adds a span of cells on this sheet. |
AddSparkline(SheetCellRange, CellRange, SparklineType, ExcelSparklineSetting) | Adds the sparkline. |
AddSparkline(SheetCellRange[], CellRange[], SparklineType, ExcelSparklineSetting) | Adds the sparkline. |
AddSparkline(string, string, SparklineType, ExcelSparklineSetting) | Adds the sparkline. |
AddSquareSparkline(SheetCellRange, CellRange, SparklineType, ExcelSparklineSetting, bool) | Adds the sparkline. |
AddTable(TableView) | Adds a TableView. |
AddTable(int, int, int, int) | Adds a table to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the default style. |
AddTable(int, int, int, int, string) | Adds a table to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the specified style. |
AddTable(int, int, int, int, string, bool, bool) | Adds a table to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the specified style. |
AddTable(string, int, int, int, int) | Adds a table with the specified name to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the default table style. |
AddTable(string, int, int, int, int, string) | Adds a table with the specified name to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the specified style. |
AddTable(string, int, int, int, int, string, bool, bool) | Adds a table with a specified name to the specified cell range of the sheet view with the specified style. |
AddUnboundRows(int, int) | Adds unbound rows to the data model for a sheet. |
AddValidators(CellRange, params BaseDataValidator[]) | Adds validators to a cell range. |
AddValidators(CellRange[], params BaseDataValidator[]) | Adds validators to multiple cell ranges. |
AsWorksheet() | Gets the coressponding IWorksheet object that allows accessing to new object model and API set. |
AutoFilterColumn(int, string, int) | Automatically filters the rows in the specified column according to the specified filter. |
AutoFilterReset(int) | Resets the filters on the rows in the specified column. |
AutoSortColumn(int) | Automatically sorts the rows of a sheet according to the specified column. |
AutoSortColumn(int, bool) | Automatically sorts the rows of a sheet according to the specified column in the specified order and shows the sort indicator (unless disabled). |
AutoSortColumn(int, bool, bool) | Automatically sorts the rows of a sheet according to the specified column in the specified order and uses the sort indicator as specified. |
BindDataColumn(int, string) | Binds the column to the data source column for a sheet. |
ClearColumnFooterSpanCells() | Removes all spans from the column footers. |
ClearColumnHeaderSpanCells() | Removes all spans from the column headers. |
ClearConditionalFormating(int, int) | Removes all the conditional formatting from the specified cell. |
ClearConditionalFormating(int, int, int, int) | Removes all the conditional formatting from the specified cell range. |
ClearConditionalFormatings() | Removes all the conditional formatting from the sheet. |
ClearControls() | Removes all child controls from the control container for the sheet. |
ClearCustomFunctions() | Removes all user-defined custom functions (FunctionInfo object) on this sheet from the model. |
ClearCustomNames() | Removes all custom names on this sheet from the model. |
ClearCustomNames(bool) | Removes all custom names on this sheet from the model. |
ClearRange(int, int, int, int, bool) | Removes all of the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a range of cells on this sheet. |
ClearRange(int, int, int, int, bool, ClipboardCopyOptions) | Removes all of the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a range of cells on this sheet. |
ClearRangeGroup(bool) | Removes all the outlines (range grouping) from all rows or columns. |
ClearRowFilter() | Removes all of the row filters from this sheet. |
ClearRowFilter(int, int) | Removes all of the row filters from a specified column range for this sheet. |
ClearRowHeaderSpanCells() | Removes all spans from the row headers. |
ClearSelection() | Removes all selections from this sheet. |
ClearShapes() | Removes all shapes from the drawing container for the sheet. |
ClearSpanCells() | Removes all spans from this sheet. |
ClearSparklineGroupsInRange(CellRange) | Clears all sparkline groups. |
ClearSparklines(CellRange) | Clears all sparklines. |
ClearValidators(int, int, int, int) | Clears validators. |
ClipboardCopy() | Copies the contents from the sheet to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardCopy(ClipboardCopyOptions) | Copies the contents from the sheet to the Clipboard using the specified ClipboardCopyOptions. |
ClipboardCopy(CellRange) | Copies the contents from the specified CellRange in the sheet to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardCopy(CellRange, ClipboardCopyOptions) | Copies the contents from the specified CellRange in the sheet to the Clipboard using the specified ClipboardCopyOptions. |
ClipboardCopyShape() | Copies the active shape to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardCut() | Cuts the contents from the sheet to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardCut(ClipboardCopyOptions) | Cuts the contents from specified range in the sheet to the Clipboard using the specified copy options. |
ClipboardCutShape() | Cuts the active shape to the Clipboard. |
ClipboardPaste() | Pastes the contents from the Clipboard to the sheet. |
ClipboardPaste(ClipboardPasteOptions) | Pastes the contents from the Clipboard to the sheet according to the specified paste option. |
ClipboardPaste(ClipboardPasteOptions, IDataObject) | Pastes the contents from the Clipboard to the sheet according to the specified paste option. |
ClipboardPaste(ClipboardPasteOptions, IDataObject, CellRange) | Pastes the contents from the Clipboard to the sheet according to the specified paste option. |
ClipboardPasteShape() | Pastes the shape from the Clipboard. |
ClipboardPasteShape(ShapeClipboardObject) | Pastes the shape from the Clipboard with the specified shape information. |
Clone() | Creates a copy of the sheet. |
ConvertTableToRange(string) | Converts the specified table to a range. |
CopyRange(int, int, int, int, int, int, bool) | Copies the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a block of cells on the sheet to a new location. |
DisableProtect() | |
Dispose(bool) | Cleans up any resources being used. |
EvaluateExpression(int, int, Expression) | Evaluates the expression and returns the resulting object for the cell at the specified row and column. |
EvaluateExpression(int, int, Expression, out IValue) | Evaluates the expression and returns the resulting object for the cell at the specified row and column. |
ExpandRangeGroup(RangeGroupInfo, bool, bool) | Expands or collapses a specified outline (range group) of rows or columns. |
ExpandRangeGroup(int, int, bool, bool) | Expands or collapses an outline (range group) of rows or columns, specified by level and index. |
ExpandRow(int, bool) | Expands or collapses the specified parent row, which shows or hides the child view in a hierarchical display. |
FillRange(int, int, int, int, int, FillDirection) | Fills a range of cells on this sheet by copying a specified range in the specified direction. |
FillRange(int, int, int, int, int, FillDirection, bool) | Fills a range of cells on this sheet by copying a specified range in the specified direction. |
FillRange(int, int, int, int, int, FillDirection, bool, bool) | Fills a range of cells on this sheet by copying a specified range in the specified direction. |
FillRange(int, int, int, int, int, FillDirection, bool, bool, bool, CustomFillSeriesList) | Fills a range of cells on this sheet by copying a specified range in the specified direction. |
FindChildView(int, int) | Gets the child view for this sheet with the specified name. |
FirePropertyChanged(string) | |
GetArray(int, int, int, int) | Gets a two-dimensional array of objects that contain the data for the specified range of cells on the sheet. |
GetCellErrorText(int, int) | Gets the error text of a specified cell. |
GetCellFromTag(Cell, object) | Gets a cell with a specific tag on the sheet. |
GetCellReference(int, int) | Gets the CellReference at the specified pointer location. |
GetCellType(int, int) | Gets the CellType. |
GetChildRelation(int) | Gets the name of the child data relation at the specified index on the sheet. |
GetChildSheets() | Gets a list of child sheet views that have been created. |
GetChildView(int, int) | Creates the sheet (SheetView object) for the specified row and the specified relation index. |
GetChildVisible(SheetView) | Gets whether to show the child view on this sheet when the parent row is expanded. |
GetClip(int, int, int, int) | Gets a tab-delimited string that contains the formatted data in a specified range of cells on this sheet. |
GetClipDataObject(bool, CellRange, ClipboardCopyOptions) | Gets a data object with the necessary formats for Clipboard usage: CellInfoRange, ColumnInfoRange, and RowInfoRange. |
GetClipValue(int, int, int, int) | Gets a tab-delimited string that contains the unformatted data in a range of cells on this sheet. |
GetColumnAllowAutoSort(int) | Gets whether the specified column on this sheet allows automatic sorting. |
GetColumnAllowFilter(int) | Gets whether this column contains a column filter definition. |
GetColumnAutoFilterIndex(int) | Gets the automatic filter index for the specified column. |
GetColumnAutoSortIndex(int) | Gets the automatic sort index for the specified column. |
GetColumnAutoText(int) | Gets the automatic text displayed in the column header for the specified column on this sheet. |
GetColumnFooterText(int, int) | Gets the text in the specified column footer cell on this sheet. |
GetColumnFromTag(Column, object) | Gets a column on this sheet with a specific tag. |
GetColumnHeaderSpanCell(int, int) | Gets the range of cells that are spanned at a specified cell on the column header of this sheet. |
GetColumnLabel(int, int) | Gets the text in the specified column header cell on this sheet. |
GetColumnMerge(int) | Gets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple rows. |
GetColumnPageBreak(int) | Gets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified column on this sheet when printing. |
GetColumnShowSortIndicator(int) | Gets whether the specified column on this sheet should display a sort indicator when automatically sorted. |
GetColumnSizeable(int) | Gets whether the user can resize a specified column on this sheet. |
GetColumnSortIndicator(int) | Gets the sort indicator for the specified column on this sheet. |
GetColumnVisible(int) | Gets whether a column on this sheet is displayed. |
GetColumnVisibleCount() | Gets the number of the visible columns. |
GetColumnWidth(int) | Gets the width in pixels for the specified column on this sheet. |
GetConditionalFormatting(int, int) | Gets all conditional formatting in the specified cell. |
GetConditionalFormatting(int, int, int, int) | Gets all conditional formatting in the specified cell range. |
GetControl(string) | Gets a child control. |
GetControlContainer() | Gets the control container for a sheet. |
GetCustomFunctionEnumerator() | Gets an IEnumerator for this sheet that enumerates through the names of the user-defined custom functions (FunctionInfo objects) in the model. |
GetCustomName(string, int, int) | Gets the string value for a custom name on this sheet from the model. |
GetCustomName(string, int, int, bool) | Gets the string value for a custom name on this sheet from the model. |
GetCustomNameComment(string, bool) | Gets the comment of the custom name. |
GetCustomNameEnumerator() | Gets an IEnumerator on this sheet that enumerates through the custom names defined in the model. |
GetCustomNameEnumerator(bool) | Gets an IEnumerator on this sheet that enumerates through the custom names defined in the model. |
GetDataView(bool) | Gets the DataView object on this sheet. |
GetDropDownFilterItems(int) | Gets the filter items to be displayed in the drop-down list for the specified column. |
GetEditor(int, int) | Gets the editor used to edit a specified cell on this sheet. |
GetFilterBarCellType(int) | Gets the composited (inherited) cell type for a specified cell on the filter bar. |
GetFormula(int, int) | Gets the formula of the specified cell on this sheet. |
GetLastNonEmptyColumn(NonEmptyItemFlag) | Gets the index of the last column that contains data or formatting on this sheet. |
GetLastNonEmptyRow(NonEmptyItemFlag) | Gets the row index of the last row that contains data or formatting on this sheet. |
GetModelColumnFromViewColumn(int) | Gets the column index in the data model that corresponds to the specified column index in the sheet. |
GetModelRowFromViewRow(int) | Gets the row index in the data model that corresponds to the specified row index in the sheet. |
GetNote(int, int) | Gets the note of a specified cell on this sheet. |
GetNoteBounds(int, int) | Gets the rectangle for the cell note for the specified cell if its NoteStyle is StickyNote. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Serializes the object to the SerializationInfo object. |
GetPreferredCellSize(int, int) | Gets the desired size of the given cell on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int, PreferredSizeColumnOptions) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int, bool) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int, bool, bool) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int, bool, bool, bool) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredColumnWidth(int, bool, bool, bool, bool) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet. |
GetPreferredPrintColumnWidth(Graphics, int) | Gets the width of the widest cell (based on text content) in the specified column on this sheet for printing to the specified graphics device. |
GetPreferredPrintRowHeight(Graphics, int) | Gets the height in pixels of the tallest cell (based on text content) in the specified row on this sheet. |
GetPreferredRowHeight(int) | Gets the height in pixels of the tallest cell (based on text content) in the specified row on this sheet. |
GetPreferredRowHeight(int, PreferredSizeRowOptions) | Gets the height in pixels of the tallest cell (based on text content) in the specified row on this sheet. |
GetPreferredRowHeight(int, bool) | Gets the height in pixels of the tallest cell (based on text content) in the specified row on this sheet. |
GetPreferredRowHeight(int, bool, bool) | Gets the height in pixels of the tallest cell (based on text content) in the specified row on this sheet. |
GetRangeGroupInfo(int, bool) | Gets range groups of rows or columns by level. |
GetRangeGroupLevels(bool) | Gets the number of levels of rows or columns in the outline (range group). |
GetRenderer(int, int) | Gets the renderer used to render a specified cell on this sheet. |
GetRootSheet() | Gets the top SheetView object. |
GetRowAutoText(int) | Gets the automatic text displayed in the row header for the specified row on this sheet. |
GetRowErrorText(int) | Gets the row error text. |
GetRowExpandable(int) | Gets whether the row on this sheet can be expanded to show a child view in a hierarchical display. |
GetRowFromTag(Row, object) | Gets a row on this sheet with a specific tag. |
GetRowHeaderSpanCell(int, int) | Gets the range of cells that are spanned at a specified cell on the row header of this sheet. |
GetRowHeight(int) | Gets the height in pixels for the specified row on this sheet. |
GetRowLabel(int, int) | Gets the text in the specified row header cell on this sheet. |
GetRowMerge(int) | Gets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns. |
GetRowPageBreak(int) | Gets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified row on this sheet when printing. |
GetRowSizeable(int) | Gets whether users can resize the specified row on this sheet. |
GetRowVisible(int) | Gets whether a row on this sheet is displayed. |
GetRowVisibleCount() | Gets the number of the visible rows. |
GetSelection(int) | Gets the selection on this sheet with the specified index. |
GetSelections() | Gets an ordered array of CellRange objects, from largest to smallest, that contain the selected cells on the sheet with minimal overlap between the ranges. |
GetShape(string) | Gets a shape. |
GetSpanCell(int, int) | Gets the range of cells that are spanned at a specified cell on this sheet. |
GetSparkline(int, int) | Gets the sparkline information. |
GetStickyNoteStyleInfo(int, int) | Gets the style information for the cell notes on this sheet that stay visible. |
GetStyleInfo(int, int) | Gets the style information for a specified cell on this sheet. |
GetStyleInfo(int, int, StyleInfo) | Gets the style information for a specified cell on this sheet using the specified StyleInfo object. |
GetTable(int, int) | Gets a TableView from a specific position. |
GetTable(string) | Gets a TableView by name. |
GetTableEnumerator(bool) | Gets the ITableRange enumerator. |
GetTag(int, int) | Gets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet. |
GetText(int, int) | Gets the formatted text in the cell on this sheet using the IFormatter object for the cell. |
GetUnboundValue(int, int) | Gets the unbound value for the cell on this sheet. |
GetValidConditionalFormat(int, int, out IPrePaintConditionalFormattingRule[], out IPrePaintTextConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Gets the valid conditional format. |
GetValidators(int, int, int, int) | Gets validators which associates to the specified cell range. |
GetValue(int, int) | Gets unformatted data from the specified cell on this sheet. |
GetViewColumnFromModelColumn(int) | Gets the column on the sheet that corresponds to the specified column index in the model. |
GetViewRowFromModelRow(int) | Gets the row on the sheet that corresponds to the specified row index in the model. |
GroupSparkline(CellRange[]) | Groups the sparkline to the active sparkline. |
GroupSparkline(CellRange[], SparklineType) | Groups the sparkline and sets the type of new group. |
InitPropArray() | Property names. |
IsAnyCellInColumnSelected(int) | Gets whether any cells in the specified column on this sheet are selected. |
IsAnyCellInRowSelected(int) | Gets whether any cells in the specified row on this sheet are selected. |
IsColumnBound(int) | Gets whether the specified column on this sheet is bound to a data source. |
IsLockObject(PSObject) | |
IsRowBound(int) | Gets whether the specified row on this sheet is bound to a data source. |
IsRowExpanded(int) | Gets whether the row on this sheet displays a child view in a hierarchical display. |
IsSelected(int, int) | Gets whether the specified cell on this sheet is selected. |
JoinShapes(string, string) | Joins two shapes in the drawing container for the sheet. |
LoadFormulas(bool) | Loads formulas that are deserialized but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized. |
LoadTextFile(Stream, TextFileFlags) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFile(Stream, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFile(Stream, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string, Encoding) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFile(string, TextFileFlags) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFile(string, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFile(string, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string, Encoding) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFileRange(Stream, CellRange, TextFileFlags) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet. |
LoadTextFileRange(Stream, CellRange, TextFileFlags, string, string, string) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet. |
LoadTextFileRange(Stream, CellRange, TextFileFlags, string, string, string, Encoding) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFileRange(string, CellRange, TextFileFlags) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet. |
LoadTextFileRange(string, CellRange, TextFileFlags, string, string, string) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheet, with or without headers, with the specified encoding. |
LoadTextFileRange(string, CellRange, TextFileFlags, string, string, string, Encoding) | Loads delimited text from a specified file into the sheetwith the specified encoding. |
ModifyCustomName(string, string, bool) | Modifies the name of a custom name. |
MoveColumn(int, int, bool) | Moves the specified column from its current index to the specified index, and shifts each column in between and the destination column one column in the direction of the specified column. |
MoveColumn(int, int, int, bool) | Moves the specified column from its current index to the specified index, and shifts each column in between and the destination column one column in the direction of the specified column. |
MoveRange(int, int, int, int, int, int, bool) | Moves the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a block of cells on this sheet to a new location. |
MoveRow(int, int, bool) | Moves the specified row from its current index to the specified index, and shifts each row in between and the destination row one row in the direction of the specified row. |
MoveRow(int, int, int, bool) | Moves the specified row from its current index to the specified index, and shifts each row in between and the destination row one row in the direction of the specified row. |
OnAddColumnFooterRows(int, int) | Occurs when footer rows are added. |
OnAddColumnHeaderRows(int, int) | Occurs when column header rows are added. |
OnAddColumns(int, int) | Occurs when columns are added. |
OnAddRowHeaderColumns(int, int) | Occurs when row header columns are added. |
OnAddRows(int, int) | Occurs when rows are added. |
OnCellChanged(int, int, int, int) | Occurs when the cell is changed. |
OnCopyCells(int, int, int, int, int, int) | Occurs when the cells are copied. |
OnCopyColumns(int, int, int) | Occurs when the columns are copied. |
OnCopyRows(int, int, int) | Occurs when rows are copied. |
OnDataModelChanged(object, SheetDataModelEventArgs) | Changes the data model for this sheet in synchronization with the data source. |
OnDisposing(EventArgs) | Raises the Disposing event |
OnMoveCells(int, int, int, int, int, int) | Occurs when the cells are moved. |
OnMoveColumns(int, int, int) | Occurs when columns are moved. |
OnMoveRows(int, int, int) | Occurs when rows are moved. |
OnNoteCreated(object, EventArgs) | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is created in the sheet's notes container. |
OnNoteMoved(object, EventArgs) | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is moved in the sheet's notes container. |
OnNoteSized(object, EventArgs) | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is sized in the sheet's notes container. |
OnRemoveColumnFooterRows(int, int) | Occurs when column footer rows are removed. |
OnRemoveColumnHeaderRows(int, int) | Occurs when column header rows are removed. |
OnRemoveColumns(int, int) | Occurs when columns are removed. |
OnRemoveRowHeaderColumns(int, int) | Occurs when row header columns are removed. |
OnRemoveRows(int, int) | Occurs when rows are removed. |
OnSheetColumnAxisModelChanged(object, SheetAxisModelEventArgs) | Changes the sheet column axis model in synchronization with the data source. |
OnSheetRangeGroupModelChanged(object, RangeGroupModelEventArgs) | Changes the sheet row axis model in synchronization with the data source. |
OnSheetRowAxisModelChanged(object, SheetAxisModelEventArgs) | Changes the sheet row axis model in synchronization with the data source. |
OnSpanModelChanged(object, SheetSpanModelEventArgs) | Changes the span model in sync with the data source for this sheet. |
OnStickyNoteCreated(object, EventArgs) | Obsolete. Use OnNoteCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) instead. Occurs when a note is created in the sheet's notes container. |
OnStickyNoteMoved(object, EventArgs) | Obsolete. Use OnNoteMoved(object sender, EventArgs e) instead. Occurs when a note is moved in the sheet's notes container. |
OnStickyNoteSized(object, EventArgs) | Obsolete. Use OnNoteSized(object sender, EventArgs e) instead. Occurs when a note is sized in the sheet's notes container. |
OnStyleModelChanged(object, SheetStyleModelEventArgs) | Occurs when the style model is changed. |
OnSwapCells(int, int, int, int, int, int) | Occurs when the cells are swapped. |
OnSwapColumns(int, int, int) | Occurs when columns are swapped. |
OnSwapRows(int, int, int) | Occurs when rows are swapped. |
Open(Stream) | Opens saved XML from a stream. |
Open(string) | Opens a saved XML file into a sheet view. |
OpenExcel(Stream, int) | Opens an Excel stream and loads the specified sheet (by number) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(Stream, int, string) | Opens an Excel stream and loads the specified sheet (by number) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(Stream, string) | Opens an Excel stream and loads the specified sheet (by name) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(Stream, string, string) | Opens an Excel stream and loads the specified sheet (by name) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(string, int) | Opens an Excel file and loads the specified sheet (by number) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(string, int, string) | Opens an Excel file and loads the specified sheet (by number) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(string, string) | Opens an Excel file and loads the specified sheet (by name) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenExcel(string, string, string) | Opens an Excel file and loads the specified sheet (by name) from that file into this sheet. |
OpenSpreadFile(string) | Opens a saved Spread file into this sheet. |
RaiseCellChanged(int, int) | Raises the CellChanged event (that a change has been made to a cell on this sheet). |
RaiseCellChanged(int, int, int, int) | Raises the CellChanged event (that a change has been made to a cell on this sheet). |
RaisePropertyChanged(string) | Raises the PropertyChanged event for this sheet. |
Recalculate() | Evaluates all the formulas in cells on the sheet that have changed since the last calculation cycle. |
RecalculateAll() | Evaluates all the formulas in cells on the sheet |
RemoveColumnFooterSpanCell(int, int) | Removes the span that contains a specified anchor cell from a range of cells in the column footers. |
RemoveColumnHeaderSpanCell(int, int) | Removes the span that contains a specified anchor cell from a range of cells in the column headers. |
RemoveColumns(int, int) | Removes the column or columns on this sheet at the specified index. |
RemoveControl(string) | Removes the child control, by name, from the control container for the sheet. |
RemoveControl(Control) | Removes the child control from the control container for the sheet. |
RemoveCustomFunction(string) | Removes a user-defined custom function (FunctionInfo object) on this sheet from the model. |
RemoveCustomName(string) | Removes a custom name on this sheet from the model. |
RemoveCustomName(string, bool) | Removes a custom name on this sheet from the model. |
RemoveRangeGroup(int, int, bool) | Removes rows or columns from an outline (range group) from a specified start index by a specified amount, and returns them to individual rows or columns. |
RemoveRowHeaderSpanCell(int, int) | Removes the span that contains a specified anchor cell from a range of cells in the row headers. |
RemoveRows(int, int) | Removes the row or rows on this sheet at the specified index. |
RemoveSelection(int, int, int, int) | Removes the specified selection from this sheet. |
RemoveShape(string) | Removes the shape from the drawing container for the sheet. |
RemoveSpanCell(int, int) | Removes the span that contains a specified anchor cell from a range of cells on this sheet. |
RemoveTable(string, bool) | Removes a TableView. |
Reset() | Resets the view on this sheet to its original state. |
RestoreProtect() | |
ResumeAutoUpdateChartData() | Resumes updates of values to the chart immediately. |
ResumeFormulaParsing() | Resumes parsing of formulas and parses all formulas set while parsing was suspended. |
Save(Stream, SaveXMLOptions) | Saves the contents of the sheet view to the specified stream. |
Save(Stream, bool) | Saves the contents of the sheet view to the specified stream. |
Save(string, SaveXMLOptions) | Saves the contents of the sheet view to the specified file. |
Save(string, bool) | Saves the contents of the sheet view to the specified file. |
SaveHtml(Stream) | Saves the sheet to the specified stream in HTML. |
SaveHtml(string) | Saves the sheet to the specified file in HTML. |
SaveHtmlRange(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, bool, Stream) | Saves the specified range in the sheet to the specified stream in HTML. |
SaveHtmlRange(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, bool, string) | Saves the specified range in the sheet to the specified file in HTML. |
SaveHtmlRange(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, Stream) | Saves the specified range in the sheet to the specified stream in HTML. |
SaveHtmlRange(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, string) | Saves the specified range in the sheet to the specified file in HTML. |
SaveImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, WorksheetSubType) | Saves the specified range in the sheet to the specified image file. |
SaveTextFile(Stream, TextFileFlags) | Saves the sheet as delimited text to a stream with specific delimiters. |
SaveTextFile(Stream, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Saves the sheet as delimited text to a stream with specific delimiters. |
SaveTextFile(string, TextFileFlags) | Saves the sheet as delimited text to a file with specific delimiters. |
SaveTextFile(string, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Saves the sheet as delimited text to a file with specific delimiters. |
SaveTextFileRange(int, int, int, int, Stream, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Saves the range of cells in a sheet to a text file |
SaveTextFileRange(int, int, int, int, Stream, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string, Encoding) | Saves the range of cells in a sheet to a text file |
SaveTextFileRange(int, int, int, int, string, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string) | Saves the range of cells in a sheet to a text file |
SaveTextFileRange(int, int, int, int, string, TextFileFlags, IncludeHeaders, string, string, string, Encoding) | Saves the range of cells in a sheet to a text file |
SaveXml(Stream) | Saves the data on the sheet to the specified XML stream. |
SaveXml(Stream, Stream) | Saves the data on the sheet to the specified XML stream and the schema to the specified schema stream. |
SaveXml(string) | Saves the data on the sheet to the specified XML file. |
SaveXml(string, string) | Saves the data on the sheet to the specified XML file and the schema to the specified schema file. |
SetActiveCell(int, int) | Sets the active cell on this sheet. |
SetActiveCell(int, int, bool) | Sets the active cell on this sheet. |
SetArray(int, int, object[,]) | Sets the values in the specified two-dimensional array of objects into the specified range of cells on this sheet. |
SetCellErrorText(int, int, string) | Sets the error text for a specified cell. |
SetChildVisible(SheetView, bool) | Sets whether to make the child view on this sheet visible when the parent row is expanded. |
SetClip(int, int, int, int, string) | Sets a tab-delimited string of formatted text in a specified range of cells on this sheet. |
SetClipSpecial(int, int, int, int, object, ClipboardPasteOptions) | Sets the information to paste from the Clipboard for a specified range of cells on this sheet based on the paste option. |
SetClipSpecial(int, int, int, int, object, ClipboardPasteOptions, bool, bool) | Sets the information to paste from the Clipboard for a specified range of cells on this sheet based on the paste option. |
SetClipSpecial(int, int, int, int, object, ClipboardPasteOptions, bool, bool, bool) | Sets the information to paste from the Clipboard for a specified range of cells on this sheet based on the paste option. |
SetClipValue(int, int, int, int, string) | Sets a tab-delimited string of unformatted data in a specified range of cells on this sheet. |
SetColumnAllowAutoSort(int, bool) | Sets whether the specified column on this sheet allows automatic sorting. |
SetColumnAllowAutoSort(int, int, bool) | Sets whether the specified columns on this sheet allow automatic sorting. |
SetColumnAllowFilter(int, bool) | Sets whether the specified column on this sheet allows filtering. |
SetColumnAllowFilter(int, int, bool) | Sets whether the specified columns on this sheet allow filtering. |
SetColumnAutoFilterIndex(int, int) | Sets the automatic filter index for the specified column. |
SetColumnAutoSortIndex(int, int) | Sets the automatic sort index for the specified column. |
SetColumnLabel(int, int, string) | Sets the value for a specified cell in a column header on this sheet. |
SetColumnMerge(int, MergePolicy) | Sets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple rows. |
SetColumnPageBreak(int, bool) | Sets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified column on this sheet when printing. |
SetColumnShowSortIndicator(int, bool) | Sets whether the specified column on this sheet should display a sort indicator when automatically sorted. |
SetColumnShowSortIndicator(int, int, bool) | Sets whether the specified columns on this sheet should display a sort indicator when automatically sorted. |
SetColumnSizeable(int, bool) | Sets whether the user can resize a specified column on this sheet. |
SetColumnSortIndicator(int, SortIndicator) | Sets the sort indicator for the specified column on this sheet. |
SetColumnVisible(int, bool) | Sets whether a column on this sheet is displayed. |
SetColumnWidth(int, int) | Sets the width in pixels for the specified column on this sheet. |
SetConditionalFormatting(params ConditionalFormatting[]) | Sets conditional formatting for the sheet. |
SetConditionalFormatting(CellRange[], params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified ranges of cells on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetConditionalFormatting(CellRange[], bool, params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified ranges of cells on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetConditionalFormatting(int, int, params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified cell on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetConditionalFormatting(int, int, bool, params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified cell on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetConditionalFormatting(int, int, int, int, params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified range of cells on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetConditionalFormatting(int, int, int, int, bool, params IConditionalFormattingRule[]) | Sets conditional formatting for a specified range of cells on the sheet based on specified rules. |
SetCustomNameComment(string, string, bool) | Adds a comment to the specified custom name. |
SetErrorValue(int, int, CalcError) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetFilteredColumn(IRowFilter, int, string) | |
SetFormula(int, int, string) | Sets a formula in a specified cell on this sheet. |
SetInsideBorder(CellRange, IBorder) | Sets borders on the inside of a range of cells. |
SetModelColumnForViewColumn(int, int) | Sets the column index in the data model that corresponds to the specified column index in the sheet. |
SetModelRowForViewRow(int, int) | Sets the row index in the data model that corresponds to the specified row index in the sheet. |
SetMultipleColumnWidths(int, int, int) | Sets the width in pixels for the specified columns on this sheet. |
SetMultipleRowHeights(int, int, int) | Sets the height in pixels for the specified rows on this sheet. |
SetNote(int, int, string) | Sets a note in a specified cell on this sheet. |
SetNoteBounds(int, int, int, int, int, int) | Sets the location and dimensions for a cell note when the style sets the note to always be shown. |
SetOutlineBorder(CellRange, IBorder) | Sets border outlines for a range of cells. |
SetRowErrorText(int, string) | Sets error text for row. |
SetRowExpandable(int, bool) | Sets whether the row on this sheet can be expanded to show a child view in a hierarchical display. |
SetRowHeight(int, int) | Sets the height in pixels for the specified row on this sheet. |
SetRowLabel(int, int, string) | Sets the value for a specified cell in the row header on this sheet. |
SetRowMerge(int, MergePolicy) | Sets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns. |
SetRowPageBreak(int, bool) | Sets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified row on this sheet when printing. |
SetRowSizeable(int, bool) | Sets whether users can resize the specified row on this sheet. |
SetRowVisible(int, bool) | Sets whether a row on this sheet is displayed. |
SetStickyNoteStyleInfo(int, int, StickyNoteStyleInfo) | Sets the style information for the cell notes on this sheet that stay visible. |
SetStyleInfo(int, int, StyleInfo) | Sets the style for a cell, a column, a row, or an entire sheet. |
SetTag(int, int, object) | Sets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet. |
SetText(int, int, string) | Sets the formatted text in the cell on this sheet using the IFormatter object for the cell. |
SetValue(int, int, bool) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, byte) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, char) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, DateTime) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, decimal) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, double) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, short) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, int) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, long) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, object) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, object, bool) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, sbyte) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, float) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, string) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, ushort) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, uint) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
SetValue(int, int, ulong) | Sets the value for the specified cell on this sheet. |
ShouldSerializeAlternatingRows() | Determines whether the alternating rows should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeBackgroundImage() | Gets whether the background image should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeCells() | Determines whether the cells should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeColumnFooterSheetCornerHorizontalGridLine() | Gets whether the horizontal grid line for the footer corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeColumnFooterSheetCornerStyle() | Gets whether the style for the sheet corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeColumnFooterSheetCornerVerticalGridLine() | Gets whether the vertical grid line for the footer corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeColumns() | Determines whether the columns should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeDefaultStyle() | Gets whether the DefaultStyle property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeFilterBarHeaderStyle() | Gets whether the style for the filter bar header should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeGrayAreaBackColor() | Gets whether the GrayAreaBackColor property should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeHorizontalGridLine() | Gets whether the horizontal grid line for the data area should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeIsBackgroundImageTiled() | Gets whether the tiled background image should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeLockFont() | Determines whether lock font should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeModels() | Gets whether the document models for the sheet should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeNullBackColor() | Determines whether null background color should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeNullFont() | Determines whether null font should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeNullForeColor() | Determines whether null text color should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializePrintInfo() | Determines whether print information should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeRows() | Determines whether the rows should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSaveNamedStyles() | Determines whether the named styles should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSelectionBackColor() | Determines whether selection background color should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSelectionFont() | Determines whether selection font should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSelectionForeColor() | Determines whether selection text color should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSheetCornerHorizontalGridLine() | Gets whether the horizontal grid line for the corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSheetCornerStyle() | Gets whether the style for the sheet corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSheetCornerVerticalGridLine() | Gets whether the vertical grid line for the corner should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeVerticalGridLine() | Gets whether the vertical grid line for the data area should be serialized. |
ShouldSerializeZoomFactor() | Gets whether the zoom factor should be serialized. |
ShowNotes(bool) | Shows or hides all cell notes on the sheet. |
SortColumns(int, bool) | Sorts all the columns on the sheet by the specified row. |
SortColumns(int, bool, IComparer) | Sorts all the columns on the sheet by the specified row using the specified comparison. |
SortColumns(int, int, SortInfo[]) | Sorts a specified range of columns on the sheet by the specified sort information. |
SortRange(int, int, int, int, bool, SortInfo[]) | Sorts a range of cells on this sheet in the data model. |
SortRows(int, bool, bool) | Sorts all the rows on this sheet by the specified column. |
SortRows(int, bool, bool, IComparer) | Sorts all the rows on this sheet by the specified column using the specified comparison. |
SortRows(int, bool, bool, IComparer, bool, bool) | Sorts all the rows on this sheet by the specified column using the specified comparison. |
SortRows(int, int, SortInfo[]) | Sorts a range of rows on this sheet according to the specified sort information. |
SuspendAutoUpdateChartData() | Suspends updates of values to the chart immediately. |
SuspendFormulaParsing() | Suspends parsing of formulas. |
SwapRange(int, int, int, int, int, int, bool) | Swaps the data and formatting in a block of cells on this sheet with another block of cells on this sheet. |
UngroupSparkline(CellRange) | Ungroups the sparkline. |
UngroupSparkline(CellRange[]) | Ungroups the sparkline. |
UngroupSparkline(string) | Ungroups the sparkline. |
UpdateNotes(int, int) | Updates cell note appearances based on style being set or on changes to note text. |
UpdateNotes(int, int, bool) | |
UpdatePropArray(string, object) | Internal use only. Update the property array. |
Validate(int, int, bool) | Validates a cell. |
Name | Description |
CellChanged | Occurs when a change is made to a cell or range of cells on this sheet that may require the cell or range of cells be repainted. |
Changed | Occurs when a change is made to the sheet that may require the entire sheet to be repainted (as with DefaultStyle or AlternatingRows). |
ColumnChanged | Occurs when a change is made to a column or range of columns that may require the column or range of columns be repainted. |
Disposing | Fires when the SheetView is being disposed. |
NoteCreated | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is created on the sheet. |
NoteMoved | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is moved on the sheet. |
NoteSized | Occurs when a note for the viewport area is sized on the sheet. |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when the user changes a property of the sheet. |
ReferenceStyleChanged | Occurs when the reference style changes. |
RowChanged | Occurs when a change is made to a row or range of rows on this sheet that may require the row or range of rows be repainted. |
StickyNoteCreated | Obsolete. Use NoteCreated instead. Occurs when a sticky note is created on the sheet. |
StickyNoteMoved | Obsolete. Use NoteMoved instead. Occurs when a sticky note is moved on the sheet. |
StickyNoteSized | Obsolete. Use NoteSized instead. Occurs when a sticky note is sized on the sheet. |