Represents the Spreadsheet component.
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(FpSpread), "FpSpreadV7.bmp")]
[ComplexBindingProperties("DataSource", "DataMember")]
public class FpSpread : Control, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, ISerializeSettings, ISerializeData, ISerializePresentation2, ISerializePresentation, ISupportInitialize, ISerializeSupport3, ISerializeSupport, ISerializeStyles2, ISerializeStyles, ISerializeDrawing, IWindowlessChildSupport, IHostChildControls, ITouchStatusProvider, ICustomTypeDescriptor
<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(FpSpread), "FpSpreadV7.bmp")>
<ComplexBindingProperties("DataSource", "DataMember")>
Public Class FpSpread
Inherits Control
Implements IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, ISerializeSettings, ISerializeData, ISerializePresentation2, ISerializePresentation, ISupportInitialize, ISerializeSupport3, ISerializeSupport, ISerializeStyles2, ISerializeStyles, ISerializeDrawing, IWindowlessChildSupport, IHostChildControls, ITouchStatusProvider, ICustomTypeDescriptor
Name | Description |
FpSpread() | Creates a new Spreadsheet component. |
FpSpread(LegacyBehaviors) | Creates a new Spreadsheet component. |
Name | Description |
About | Gets the version information about the component. |
ActiveChartIndicator | Gets the active chart indicator. |
ActiveChildControl | Gets or sets the active embedded child control object of the sheet. |
ActiveSheet | Gets or sets the active sheet in the component. |
ActiveSheetIndex | Gets or sets the index of the active sheet in the component. |
ActiveWindowlessObject | Gets or sets the active windowless shape object of the component. |
AllowCellContentFloat | Indicates whether the content of a cell should float when the display rectangle of that cell changes. |
AllowCellOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells in the component. |
AllowChildControlDesign | Gets or sets whether child controls allow user actions for design. |
AllowColumnMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move columns. |
AllowColumnMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple columns. |
AllowDragDrop | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag-and-drop a range of cells in the component. |
AllowDragFill | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag and fill cells in the component |
AllowEditOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells in the component while that cell is in edit mode. |
AllowEditorReservedLocations | Gets or sets whether cell editor reserved mouse locations are allowed. |
AllowRowMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move rows. |
AllowRowMoveDataAllowAddNew | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow the user to move the add new row or asterisk row. |
AllowRowMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple rows. |
AllowSheetMove | Gets or sets whether sheets can be moved by dragging and dropping the sheet tab. |
AllowUndo | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to undo edit operations. |
AllowUserFormulas | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to enter formulas in a cell in the component. |
AllowUserToTouchZoom | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow the user to zoom FpSpread using touch behavior. |
AllowUserZoom | Gets or sets whether the user can scale the display of the component using the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel. |
AutoAdvance | Gets or sets whether the user can move to another control from the first or last cell using Shift+Tab or the Tab key. |
AutoClipboard | Gets or sets whether the component handles the shortcut keys for Clipboard actions. |
AutoFitColumnOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the right edge of the column header. |
AutoFitRowOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the bottom edge of the row header. |
AutoImeMode | Gets or sets whether to use the CharacterSet property in a cell that is not in edit mode. |
AutoLaunchSpreadDesigner | Gets or sets whether Spread Designer automatically launches when a Spread component is placed on a form. |
AutoScrollWhenKeyboardShowing | Gets or sets the automatic scroll when the keyboard is displayed. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the image to paint in the background of the component. |
BorderCollapse | Gets or sets whether adjacent cell borders are collapsed into a single line for cells in the component. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the style of the border around the component. |
BoundaryFeedbackMode | Gets or sets the way FpSpread reacts when the manipulation has gone beyond certain boundaries. |
ButtonDrawMode | Gets or sets whether to display buttons in button and combo box cells in the component. |
CellNoteIndicatorRenderer | Gets or sets the cell note indicator renderer for drawing the cell note indicator in the component. |
CellNoteIndicatorVisible | Gets or sets whether the cell note indicator appears in cells in the component. |
CellSpanSelectionPolicy | Gets or sets the selection model to use with the span. |
ClipboardOptions | Gets or sets whether the headers and the filter bar are included when data is copied to or |
ClipboardPasteToFill | Gets or sets whether a single cell copied to the Clipboard fills the range when pasted from the Clipboard to the component. |
ColumnSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of the column split box relative to the horizontal scroll bar for this component. |
ColumnSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets the display policy for the column split box for this component. |
ContextMenuStrip | Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip associated with this control. |
CreateParams | Gets the required creation parameters when the component handle is created. |
Cursor | Gets or sets the pointer to display in this component. |
CustomFillSeriesList | Gets the custom list fill series. |
CustomIconContainer | Gets the CustomIconContainer object for the current spread object. |
DataMember | Gets or sets the name of the data member that populates the active sheet in this component. |
DataSource | Gets or sets the name of the data source that populates the active sheet in this component. |
DefaultSize | Gets the default size of the component. |
DefaultSkin | Gets, or Sets the default Skin that will be used for painting. |
DesignMode | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. |
DocumentProperties | Gets or sets the DocumentProperties object that represents all properties of the Spread document. |
DragFillDataOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the drag fill action copies data only. |
EditMode | Gets or sets whether the active cell in the component is in edit mode. |
EditMode2 | Gets or sets whether the spread is in edit mode. |
EditModePermanent | Gets or sets whether edit mode remains on for any cell in the component when that cell becomes active. |
EditModeReplace | Gets or sets whether the existing contents of a cell in the component |
EditingControl | Gets the Control object editing the active cell, or null if the component is not in edit mode. |
EditingControl2 | Gets the editing control, or null if the spreadsheet is not in editing mode. |
EnableCrossSheetReference | Enables cross-sheet referencing for this component. |
EnableDragFillMenu | Gets or sets a value to show drag fill button and drag fill context menu. |
EnhancedShapeBehaviors | Gets or sets the optional behaviors of the enhanced shape engine. |
Features | Gets an IFeatures object that toggles avalable features of FpSpread. |
FocusRenderer | Gets or sets the focus indicator renderer for drawing the focus rectangle in the component. |
Font | Gets or sets the default font for sheets in the component. |
HeaderIndicatorPositionAdjusting | Gets or sets the distance between the sorting and filtering indicators and the right edge of the column. |
HorizontalScrollBar | Gets the horizontal scroll bar. |
HorizontalScrollBarHeight | Gets or sets the height of horizontal scroll bars in this component. |
HorizontalScrollBarMode | Gets or Sets horizontal scroll bar mode. |
HorizontalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the horizontal scroll bars in this component. |
HorizontalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the horizontal scrollbar. |
ImeMode | Gets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the control. |
ImeModeBase | Gets or sets IME mode base. |
ImeSentenceMode | Gets or sets IME sentence mode. |
InputDeviceType | Gets the input device type which indicates the current device. |
InputScope | Gets or sets the input scope for the Spread. |
InterfaceRenderer | Gets or sets the tab strip renderer for drawing tab strip elements. |
IsLayoutSuspended | Returns whether the layout is suspended in this component. |
IsProtectedStructure | Specifies whether Spread allows the user to change the structure of the sheet collection. |
LeftTab | Gets or sets the leftmost sheet tab of the component. |
MessageBoxCaption | Gets or sets the text which is used to display caption of message box. |
MinZoomFactor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the minimum zoom factor for the active SheetView. |
MoveActiveOnFocus | Gets or sets whether the location of the active cell moves when the user moves the focus to the view using the mouse. |
NamedStyles | Gets or sets a pre-defined style (NamedStyleCollection object). |
PaintActiveCellInSelection | Gets or sets whether the active cell is painted in the selection. |
PaintSelectionBorder | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow the border selection to paint. |
PaintSelectionHeader | Gets or sets whether to allow the header selection to paint. |
PanningMode | Gets or sets the way FpSpread reacts to touch manipulation. |
RangeDragFillMode | Gets or sets the mode the user can use to drag and fill cells in the component |
ResizeZeroIndicator | Gets or sets the way FpSpread processes resizing for zero-height rows and zero-width columns. |
RetainSelectionBlock | Gets or sets whether the selected range of cells remains highlighted when the component loses the focus. |
RowHeaderAutoWidthMax | Gets or sets the maximum auto-width of the row header. |
RowSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of the row split box relative to the vertical scroll bar for this component. |
RowSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets the display policy of the row split box in this component. |
SaveNamedStyles | Saves the collection of custom styles. |
ScaleChildren | Internal use only. |
ScrollBarMaxAlign | Gets or sets whether the scroll bar aligns with the last row and column of the active sheet in the component. |
ScrollBarShowMax | Gets or sets whether the displayed scroll bars are based on the |
ScrollBarTrackPolicy | Gets or sets whether the sheet in the component scrolls when the user moves the scroll box. |
ScrollTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether scroll tips appear when the user moves the scroll box in the component. |
SearchDialog | Gets the dialog associated with searching for text in a cell of a sheet in this component. |
SelectionBlockOptions | Gets or sets which type of selections in the component the user can make. |
SelectionRenderer | Gets or sets the selection renderer for drawing selections in the component. |
Sheets | Gets the sheets (SheetView objects) in the component. |
ShowCellErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display row error by icon in the component. |
ShowDragBandOnMoving | Gets or sets whether the drag band is displayed when moving the row or column. |
ShowGrippersInEditingStatus | Gets or sets whether tapping displays the gripper in edit mode. |
ShowOutline | Gets or sets whether to show the outline (group) area. |
ShowRowErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display the cell error using an icon or sticky note in the component. |
Skin | Gets or sets the skin for the spread. |
SkipMouseProcessing | Sets the mouse processing flag of the component. |
SpreadScaleMode | Gets or sets whether Spread controls automatic scaling with a different system dpi, Spread only supports one dimension so the application should use AutoScaleMode.Dpi for correct scaling, or else scaling uses the application width. |
StatusBar | Gets the status bar control of spread. |
StatusBarVisible | Gets or sets whether the status bar is enabled. |
SuspendAnimations | Gets or sets whether to suspend animations such as an animated focus renderer. |
TabStrip | Gets the object that represents the tab strip for this component. |
TabStripInsertTab | Gets or sets whether a special tab is displayed to allow inserting new sheets. |
TabStripInsertTabImage | Gets or sets the tabstrip insert tab image. |
TabStripPlacement | Gets or sets the location of the tab strip. |
TabStripPolicy | Gets or sets the display policy for the sheet tab strip for this component. |
TabStripRatio | Gets or sets the width of the tab strip for this component expressed as a percentage of the overall horizontal scroll bar width. |
TableStyleCollection | Gets a table style collection. |
Tag | Gets or sets extra data for the application for this component. |
TapToAddSelection | Gets or sets whether to tap to add selection. |
Text | Not supported in this component. |
TextTipAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance of text tips in the view. |
TextTipDelay | Gets or sets the time (in milliseconds) the component waits before displaying the text tip for the cell or header under the pointer. |
TextTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether to display text tips and cell notes and the location of the tips and notes in this component. |
TitleInfo | Gets or sets the collection of title information objects for Spread. |
TouchDropDownScale | Gets or sets the |
TouchSelectionGripperBackColor | Gets or sets the touch selection gripper's backcolor. |
TouchSelectionGripperLineColor | Gets or sets the touch selection gripper's line color. |
TouchSelectionGripperThickness | Gets or sets the touch selection gripper's thickness. |
TouchZoomSnapDistance | Gets or sets a value that indicates the minmum distance that can cause the current zoom factor to snap to a zoom factor in TouchZoomSnapPoints. |
TouchZoomSnapPoints | Gets a zoom factor group and when the zoom ends, the final zoom factor snaps to a snap point in this group. |
UndoManager | Gets or sets the undo manager for this Spread component. |
UseOptimizedSelectionForTouch | Gets or sets whether to use optimized selection for touch. |
VerticalScrollBar | Gets the vertical scroll bar. |
VerticalScrollBarMode | Gets or Sets vertical scroll bar mode. |
VerticalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the vertical scroll bars in this component. |
VerticalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the vertical scrollbar. |
VerticalScrollBarWidth | Gets or sets the width of vertical scroll bars in this component. |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the component. |
ZoomFactor | Gets or sets the scaling factor of the display of the active sheet in this component. |
Name | Description |
AddControl(Control, int) | Adds a child control to the specified sheet using the control's Top and Left properties for location. |
AddControl(Control, int, int, int) | Adds a child control to a specified sheet at the location of the specified row and column. |
AddCustomFunction(Function) | Adds a user-defined custom function (GrapeCity.CalcEngine.Function object) to the model for use in formulas. |
AddNewSheetView(int, string, int, int, bool, bool) | Creates a new SheetView and inserts or replaces the sheet at the specified sheet index. |
AddViewport(int, int) | Adds a row or column of viewports. |
AddViewport(int, int, int) | Adds a row or column of viewports to the specified sheet. |
AsWorkbook() | Gets the coressponding IWorkbook object that allows accessing to new object model and API set. |
Attach(IWorkbook) | Attachs a FarPoint.Win.Spread.FpSpread.Workbook object to the spread control. |
CancelAnnotationMode() | Cancels annotation mode. |
CancelCellEditing() | Cancels cell editing. |
ClearCustomFunctions() | Clears all custom functions. |
CreateAccessibilityInstance() | Creates a new accessibility object for the control. |
CreateTableStyle(string, string) | Creates a table style based on the table style contained in the table style collection or a built-in table style. |
Dispose(bool) | Cleans up any resources being used. |
GetActionMap() | Gets the action map, that maps action identifiers (for keystrokes) to particular actions. |
GetActiveColumnViewportIndex() | Gets the index of the active viewport column for the active sheet. |
GetActiveColumnViewportIndex(int) | Gets the index of the active viewport column for the specified sheet. |
GetActiveRowViewportIndex() | Gets the index of the active viewport row for the active sheet. |
GetActiveRowViewportIndex(int) | Gets the index of the active viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetCellFromPixel(int, int, int, int) | Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location. |
GetCellRectangle(int, int, int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the cell. |
GetColumnHeaderRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
GetColumnPageBreaks(int) | Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetColumnPageBreaks(int, bool) | Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions with the option to recalculate. |
GetColumnRangeGroupHeight() | Gets the height of the column range group. |
GetColumnSplitBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column split bar. |
GetColumnSplitBoxRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the column split box. |
GetColumnViewportCount() | Gets the number of viewport columns in the active sheet. |
GetColumnViewportCount(int) | Gets the number of viewport columns in the specified sheet. |
GetColumnViewportIndexFromX(int) | Gets the index of the viewport column for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
GetCursor(CursorType) | Gets the pointer displayed over different areas of the component. |
GetCustomFunction(string) | Gets a user-defined custom function from the workbook. |
GetCustomFunctionEnumerator() | Gets an IEnumerable<GrapeCity.CalcEngine.Function> that enumerates through the names of the custom functions in the workbook. |
GetExcelSheetNames(Stream) | Gets an array of sheet names from the specified Excel stream. |
GetExcelSheetNames(Stream, string) | Gets an array of sheet names from the specified Excel stream. |
GetExcelSheetNames(string) | Gets an array of sheet names from the specified Excel-compatible file. |
GetExcelSheetNames(string, string) | Gets an array of sheet names from the specified Excel-compatible file. |
GetFilterBarHeaderRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
GetFilterBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the filter bar. |
GetHorizontalScrollBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the horizontal scroll bar. |
GetInputMap(InputMapMode) | Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode. |
GetInputMap(InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode and operation mode. |
GetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus() | Gets the input map when a child control has keyboard focus. |
GetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus() | Gets the input map when a shape has keyboard focus. |
GetMaximumCellOverflowWidth() | Gets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels. |
GetOwnerPrintColumnPageBreaks(Graphics, Rectangle, int, bool) | Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetOwnerPrintColumnPageBreaks(Graphics, Rectangle, int, bool, OwnerPrintInfo) | Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetOwnerPrintInfo(Graphics, Rectangle, int) | Gets the printing information required to print a given sheet into the supplied rectangle. |
GetOwnerPrintPageCount(Graphics, Rectangle, int) | Gets the number of pages required to print a given sheet into the supplied rectangle. |
GetOwnerPrintRowPageBreaks(Graphics, Rectangle, int, bool) | Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetOwnerPrintRowPageBreaks(Graphics, Rectangle, int, bool, OwnerPrintInfo) | Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetPrintPageCount(int) | Gets the number of pages required to print the specified sheet. |
GetPrintPreview() | Gets the print preview dialog. |
GetRootWorkbook() | Gets the main workbook associated with the Spread component. |
GetRowHeaderRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row header. |
GetRowPageBreaks(int) | Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
GetRowPageBreaks(int, bool) | Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions with the option to recalculate. |
GetRowRangeGroupWidth() | Gets the width of the row range group. |
GetRowSplitBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row split bar. |
GetRowSplitBoxRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the row split box. |
GetRowViewportCount() | Gets the number of viewport rows. |
GetRowViewportCount(int) | Gets the number of viewport rows for the specified sheet. |
GetRowViewportIndexFromY(int) | Gets the index of the viewport row for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
GetSheetFromTag(SheetView, object) | Gets a sheet with a specific tag. |
GetSheetTabRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the tab associated with a sheet. |
GetTabSplitBoxRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the split box on the tab strip. |
GetTabStripRectangle() | Gets the rectangle of the tab strip. |
GetVerticalScrollBarRectangle(int) | Gets the rectangle of the vertical scroll bar. |
GetViewportBottomRow(int) | Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
GetViewportBottomRow(int, int) | Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportLeftColumn(int) | Gets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
GetViewportLeftColumn(int, int) | Gets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportPreferredHeight(int) | Gets the maximum height of the viewport row for the active sheet. |
GetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int) | Gets the maximum height of the viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportPreferredWidth(int) | Gets the maximum width of the specified viewport column. |
GetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int) | Gets the maximum width of the specified viewport column for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportRectangle(int, int) | Gets the rectangle of the viewport. |
GetViewportRightColumn(int) | Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
GetViewportRightColumn(int, int) | Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportTopRow(int) | Gets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GetViewportTopRow(int, int) | Gets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
GoalSeek(int, int, int, int, int, int, double) | Attempts to find the value for one cell that produces the desired formula result in another cell. |
HideDependents(int) | Hides the dependents. |
HideDependents(int, int, int) | Hides the dependents. |
HideDragFillPopup() | Hide drag fill context menu. |
HidePrecedents(int) | Hides the precedents. |
HidePrecedents(int, int, int) | Hides the precedents. |
HideTouchKeyboard() | Hides the touch keyboard. |
HitTest(int, int) | Performs a hit test. |
IsCellInView(int, int, int, int) | Returns whether the cell at the specified location is visible in the specified view. |
IsExcelFile(string) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered an Excel file. |
IsExcelFile(string, ref ExcelWorkbookType) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements |
IsExcelFile(string, ref ExcelWorkbookType, out bool) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements |
IsExcelStream(Stream) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements |
IsExcelStream(Stream, ref ExcelWorkbookType) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements |
IsExcelStream(Stream, ref ExcelWorkbookType, out bool) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements |
IsInputChar(char) | Determines whether the specified character is an input character that the component can handle without preprocessing. |
IsInputKey(Keys) | Determines whether the specified key is an input key that the component can handle without preprocessing. |
IsSpreadSSFile(string) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered a Spread SS file. |
IsSpreadXmlFile(string) | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered a Spread XML file. |
LoadFormulas(bool) | Loads formulas that are deserialized but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified input map mode and operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(Stream, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string) | Loads the XML input map file. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified input map mode and operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFile(string, OperationMode) | Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file when the child has the focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(string) | Loads the XML input map file when the child has the focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(Stream) | Loads the XML input map file when the shape has the focus. |
LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(string) | Loads the XML input map file when the shape has the focus. |
OnActiveSheetChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ActiveSheetChanged event. |
OnActiveSheetChanging(ActiveSheetChangingEventArgs) | Raises the ActiveSheetChanging event. |
OnActiveSpreadViewChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ActiveSpreadViewChanged event. |
OnActiveSpreadViewChanging(EventArgs) | Raises the ActiveSpreadViewChanging event. |
OnAdvance(AdvanceEventArgs) | Raises the Advance event. |
OnAllowUserToTouchZoomChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the AllowUserToZoomChanged event. |
OnAnnotationModeEnding(AnnotationModeEventArgs) | Raises the AnnotationModeEnding event. |
OnAnnotationModeStarting(AnnotationModeEventArgs) | Raises the AnnotationModeStarting event. |
OnAutoFilteredColumn(AutoFilteredColumnEventArgs) | Raises the AutoFilteredColumn event. |
OnAutoFilteringColumn(AutoFilteringColumnEventArgs) | Raises the AutoFilteringColumn event. |
OnAutoScrollWhenKeyboardShowingChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the AutoScrollWhenKeyboardShowingChanged event. |
OnAutoSortedColumn(AutoSortedColumnEventArgs) | Raises the AutoSortedColumn event. |
OnAutoSortingColumn(AutoSortingColumnEventArgs) | Raises the AutoSortingColumn event. |
OnBoundaryFeedbackModeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the BoundaryFeedbackModeChanged event. |
OnButtonClicked(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the ButtonClicked event. |
OnCellClick(CellClickEventArgs) | Raises the CellClick event. |
OnCellDoubleClick(CellClickEventArgs) | Raises the CellDoubleClick event. |
OnCellValidateInfoNeeded(CellValidateInfoNeededEventArgs) | Raises the CellValidateInfoNeeded event. |
OnChange(ChangeEventArgs) | Raises the Change event. |
OnChildControlActivated(ChildControlEventArgs) | Raises the ChildControlActivated event. |
OnChildControlDeactivated(ChildControlEventArgs) | Raises the ChildControlDeactivated event. |
OnChildViewCreated(ChildViewCreatedEventArgs) | Raises the ChildViewCreated event. |
OnChildWorkbookCreated(ChildWorkbookCreatedEventArgs) | Raises the ChildWorkbookCreated event. |
OnCircularFormulaFpSpread(CircularFormulaEventArgs) | Raises the CircularFormulaFpSpread event. |
OnClientSizeChanged(EventArgs) | Overrides to adjust the client area. |
OnClipboardChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ClipboardChanged event. |
OnClipboardChanging(EventArgs) | Raises the ClipboardChanging event. |
OnClipboardPasted(ClipboardPastedEventArgs) | Raises the ClipboardPasted event. |
OnClipboardPasting(ClipboardPastingEventArgs) | Raises the ClipboardPasting event. |
OnColumnDragMove(DragMoveEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnDragMove event. |
OnColumnDragMoveCompleted(DragMoveCompletedEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnDragMoveCompleted event. |
OnColumnDragMoveCompleting(DragMoveCompletingEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnDragMoveCompleting event. |
OnColumnViewportWidthChanged(ColumnViewportWidthChangedEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnViewportWidthChanged event. |
OnColumnWidthChanged(ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnWidthChanged event. |
OnColumnWidthChanging(ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs) | Raises the ColumnWidthChanging event. |
OnComboCloseUp(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the ComboCloseUp event. |
OnComboDropDown(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the ComboDropDown event. |
OnComboSelChange(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the ComboSelChange event. |
OnDataColumnConfigure(DataColumnConfigureEventArgs) | Raises the DataColumnConfigure event. |
OnDialogChar(DialogCharEventArgs) | Raises the DialogChar event. |
OnDialogKey(DialogKeyEventArgs) | Raises the DialogKey event. |
OnDoubleClick(EventArgs) | Raises the DoubleClick event. |
OnDragDropBlock(DragDropBlockEventArgs) | Raises the DragDropBlock event. |
OnDragDropBlockCompleted(DragDropBlockCompletedEventArgs) | Raises the DragDropBlockCompleted event. |
OnDragFillBlock(DragFillBlockEventArgs) | Raises the DragFillBlock event. |
OnDragFillBlockCompleted(DragFillBlockCompletedEventArgs) | Raises the DragFillBlockCompleted event. |
OnEditChange(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the EditChange event. |
OnEditError(EditErrorEventArgs) | Raises the EditError event. |
OnEditModeOff(EventArgs) | Raises the EditModeOff event. |
OnEditModeOn(EventArgs) | Raises the EditModeOn event. |
OnEditModeStarting(EditModeStartingEventArgs) | Raises the EditModeStarting event. |
OnEditorFocused(EditorNotifyEventArgs) | Raises the EditorFocused event. |
OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the EnableChanged event. |
OnEnterCell(EnterCellEventArgs) | Raises the EnterCell event. |
OnError(ErrorEventArgs) | Raises the Error event. |
OnExpand(ExpandEventArgs) | Raises the Expand event. |
OnFilterBarClick(FilterBarEventArgs) | Raises the FilterBarClick event. |
OnFilterBarDoubleClick(FilterBarEventArgs) | Raises the FilterBarDoubleClick event. |
OnGotFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the GotFocus event. |
OnGrouped(EventArgs) | Raises the Grouped event. |
OnGrouping(GroupingEventArgs) | Raises the Grouping event. |
OnHandleCreated(EventArgs) | Occurs when the handle is created. |
OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs) | Raises the HandleDestroyed event. |
OnHeaderIndicatorPositionAdjustingChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the HeaderIndicatorPositionAdjustingChanged event. |
OnHelpRequested(HelpEventArgs) | Occurs when help is requested. |
OnHyperLinkClicked(HyperLinkClickedEventArgs) | Raises the HyperLinkClicked event. |
OnImeModeChanged(EventArgs) | Occurs when IME mode is changed. |
OnInputScopeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the InputScopeChanged event. |
OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) | Processes KeyDown events. |
OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) | Processes KeyPress events. |
OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) | Processes KeyUp events. |
OnLeaveCell(LeaveCellEventArgs) | Raises the LeaveCell event. |
OnLeftChange(LeftChangeEventArgs) | Raises the LeftChange event. Internal use only. |
OnLostFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the LostFocus event. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseDown event. |
OnMouseEnter(EventArgs) | Raises the MouseEnter event. |
OnMouseLeave(EventArgs) | Raises the MouseLeave event. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseMove event. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseUp event. |
OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseWheel event. |
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) | Raises the Paint event. |
OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs) | Paints the background of the component. |
OnPaintGrayArea(PaintGrayAreaEventArgs) | Raises the PaintGrayArea event. |
OnPaintGroupBarBackground(PaintGroupBarBackgroundEventArgs) | Raises the PaintGroupBarBackground event. |
OnPaintTabStrip(PaintTabStripEventArgs) | Raises the PaintTabStrip event. |
OnPaintTabStripButton(PaintTabStripButtonEventArgs) | Raises the PaintTabStripButton event. |
OnPaintTabStripTab(PaintTabStripTabEventArgs) | Raises the PaintTabStripTab event. |
OnPanningModeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the PanningModeChanged event. |
OnPreviewKeyDown(PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) | Processes PreviewKeyDown event. |
OnPreviewRowFetch(PreviewRowFetchEventArgs) | Raises the PreviewRowFetch event. |
OnPrintAbort(PrintAbortEventArgs) | Raises the PrintAbort event. |
OnPrintBackground(PrintBackgroundEventArgs) | Raises the PrintBackground event. |
OnPrintCancelled(PrintCancelledEventArgs) | Raises the PrintCancelled event. |
OnPrintDocument(PrintDocumentEventArgs) | Raises the PrintDocument event. |
OnPrintHeaderFooterArea(PrintHeaderFooterAreaEventArgs) | Raises the PrintHeaderFooterArea event. |
OnPrintMessageBox(PrintMessageBoxEventArgs) | Raises the PrintMessageBox event. |
OnPrintPreviewShowing(PrintPreviewShowingEventArgs) | Raises the PrintPreviewShowing event. |
OnRangeGroupStateChanged(RangeGroupStateChangedEventArgs) | Raises the RangeGroupStateChanged event. |
OnRangeGroupStateChanging(RangeGroupStateChangingEventArgs) | Raises the RangeGroupStateChanging event. |
OnResize(EventArgs) | Raises the Resize event. |
OnResizeZeroIndicatorChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ResizeZeroIndicatorChanged event. |
OnRightToLeftChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the RightToLeftChanged event. |
OnRowDragMove(DragMoveEventArgs) | Raises the RowDragMove event. |
OnRowDragMoveCompleted(DragMoveCompletedEventArgs) | Raises the RowDragMoveCompleted event. |
OnRowDragMoveCompleting(DragMoveCompletingEventArgs) | Raises the RowDragMoveCompleting event. |
OnRowHeightChanged(RowHeightChangedEventArgs) | Raises the RowHeightChanged event. |
OnRowHeightChanging(RowHeightChangingEventArgs) | Raises the RowHeightChanging event. |
OnRowViewportHeightChanged(RowViewportHeightChangedEventArgs) | Raises the RowViewportHeightChanged event. |
OnScrollTipFetch(ScrollTipFetchEventArgs) | Raises the ScrollTipFetch event. |
OnSearchDialogClosing(CancelEventArgs) | Raises the SearchDialogClosing event. |
OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs) | Raises the SelectionChanged event. |
OnSelectionChanging(SelectionChangingEventArgs) | Raises the SelectionChanging event. |
OnShapeActivated(EventArgs) | Raises the ShapeActivated event. |
OnShapeDeactivated(EventArgs) | Raises the ShapeDeactivated event. |
OnSheetDragMoved(SheetDragMovedEventArgs) | Raises the SheetDragMoved event. |
OnSheetDragMoving(SheetDragMovingEventArgs) | Raises the SheetDragMoving event. |
OnSheetTabClick(SheetTabClickEventArgs) | Raises the SheetTabClick event. |
OnSheetTabDoubleClick(SheetTabDoubleClickEventArgs) | Raises the SheetTabDoubleClick event. |
OnShowGrippersInEditingStatusChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ShowGrippersInEditingStatusChanged event. |
OnSizeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the SizeChanged event. |
OnSorted(SortedEventArgs) | Raises the Sorted event. |
OnSorting(SortingEventArgs) | Raises the Sorting event. |
OnSubEditorClosed(SubEditorClosedEventArgs) | Raises the SubEditorClosed event. |
OnSubEditorOpening(SubEditorOpeningEventArgs) | Raises the SubEditorOpening event. |
OnTapToAddSelectionChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TapToAddSelectionChanged event. |
OnTextTipFetch(TextTipFetchEventArgs) | Raises the TextTipFetch event. |
OnTopChange(TopChangeEventArgs) | Raises the TopChange event. Internal use only. |
OnTouchDropDownScaleChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TouchDropDownScaleChanged event. |
OnTouchSelectionGripperBackColorChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TouchSelectionGripperBackColorChanged event. |
OnTouchSelectionGripperLineColorChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TouchSelectionGripperLineColorChanged event. |
OnTouchSelectionGripperThicknessChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TouchSelectionGripperThicknessChanged event. |
OnTouchStripOpening(TouchStripOpeningEventArgs) | Raises the TouchStripOpening event. |
OnTouchZoomSnapDistanceChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the TouchZoomSnapDistanceChanged event. |
OnUngrouped(EventArgs) | Raises the Grouped event. |
OnUseOptimizedSelectionForTouchChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the UseOptimizedSelectionForTouchChanged event. |
OnUserFormulaEntered(UserFormulaEnteredEventArgs) | Raises the UserFormulaEntered event. |
OnUserZooming(ZoomEventArgs) | Raises the UserZooming event. |
OnValidating(CancelEventArgs) | Raises the Validating event. |
OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the VisibleChanged event. |
Open(Stream) | Opens saved XML from a stream. |
Open(string) | Opens a saved XML file. |
OpenExcel(Stream) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelOpenFlags) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList, string) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList, string, bool) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelOpenFlags, string) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(Stream, ExcelWarningList) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(Stream, bool) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(Stream, string) | Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(string) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelOpenFlags) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList, string) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelOpenFlags, ExcelWarningList, string, bool) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelOpenFlags, string) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(string, ExcelWarningList) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread with a list of warnings. |
OpenExcel(string, bool) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread. |
OpenExcel(string, string) | Opens an Excel-compatible file and loads it into Spread. |
OpenSpreadFile(string, int) | Opens a saved Spread file. |
OwnerPrintDraw(Graphics, Rectangle, int, int) | Prints the specified page of the specified sheet to a specified graphics interface with the specified size. |
OwnerPrintDraw(Graphics, Rectangle, int, int, OwnerPrintInfo) | Prints the specified page of the specified sheet to a specified graphics interface with the specified size. |
PerformLayout() | Forces the component to apply layout logic to its child controls. |
PerformLayout(Control, string) | Forces the component to apply layout logic to the specified child control for the specified property change. |
PreProcessMessage(ref Message) | |
PrintSheet(SheetView) | Handles the printing of the specified sheet in a separate thread. |
PrintSheet(int) | Handles the printing of the specified sheet in a separate thread. |
PrintSheet(int, bool) | Handles the printing of the specified sheet. |
PrintSheet(int, bool, PrintArea) | Handles the printing of the specified sheet. |
ProcessCmdKey(ref Message, Keys) | Processes a command key. |
ProcessDialogChar(char) | Processes the specified dialog character by the component. |
ProcessDialogKey(Keys) | Processes the specified dialog key by the component. |
ProcessKeyPreview(ref Message) | Processes a key by the component by previewing the specified keyboard message. |
RemoveControl(Control, int) | Removes a child control from the specified sheet. |
RemoveCustomFunction(string) | Removes a user-defined custom function. |
RemoveViewport(int, int) | Removes a row or column of viewports. |
RemoveViewport(int, int, int) | Removes a row or column of viewports. |
Reset() | Resets the component to its original state. |
ResetCellNoteIndicatorRenderer() | Resets the focus renderer to its original state. |
ResetFocusRenderer() | Resets the focus renderer to its original state. |
ResumeLayout() | Resumes normal layout logic. |
ResumeLayout(bool) | Resumes normal layout logic and optionally forces the component to apply layout logic to its child controls. |
Save(Stream, SaveXMLOptions) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream. |
Save(Stream, bool) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream. |
Save(string, SaveXMLOptions) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified file. |
Save(string, bool) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified file. |
SaveExcel(Stream) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream. |
SaveExcel(Stream, ExcelSaveFlags) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream with the headers exported as data. |
SaveExcel(Stream, ExcelSaveFlags, ExcelWarningList) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream with headers and a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(Stream, ExcelSaveFlags, ExcelWarningList, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream with headers and a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(Stream, ExcelSaveFlags, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream with the headers exported as data. |
SaveExcel(Stream, ExcelWarningList) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream with a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(Stream, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream. |
SaveExcel(string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file. |
SaveExcel(string, ExcelSaveFlags) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with the headers exported as data. |
SaveExcel(string, ExcelSaveFlags, ExcelWarningList) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with headers and a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(string, ExcelSaveFlags, ExcelWarningList, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with headers and a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(string, ExcelSaveFlags, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with the headers exported as data. |
SaveExcel(string, ExcelWarningList) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(string, IncludeHeaders) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with the headers exported as data. |
SaveExcel(string, IncludeHeaders, ExcelWarningList) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file with headers and a list of warnings. |
SaveExcel(string, string) | Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified Excel-compatible file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(Stream, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(string) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFile(string, InputMapMode, OperationMode) | Saves the XML input map file. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file when child has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus(string) | Saves the XML input map file when child has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(Stream) | Saves the XML input map file when shape has focus. |
SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus(string) | Saves the XML input map file when shape has focus. |
ScaleControl(SizeF, BoundsSpecified) | |
ScaleCore(float, float) | Performs the work of scaling the entire component and any child controls. |
Search(int, int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, ref int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet range for the specified string with the specified criteria. |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, bool, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the cells in the specified sheet for the specified string with the specified criteria and the location to start and end, and whether to search notes and tags as well. |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet |
Search(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the cells in the specified sheet for the specified string with the specified criteria. |
SearchHeaders(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int, int, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the specified range of header cells in the specified sheet for the |
SearchHeaders(int, string, bool, ref int, ref int) | Searches the text in the header cells in the specified sheet |
SearchWithDialog(int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int) | Searches the text in the cells of the specified sheet for the specified string |
SearchWithDialog(string) | Searches the text in the cells of the active sheet for the search string |
SearchWithDialogAdvanced(int, int, string, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int) | Searches the text in the cells of the specified sheet range for the specified string |
SearchWithDialogAdvanced(string) | Searches the text in the cells of the sheets for the search string |
Select(bool, bool) | Selects the Spread component. |
SetActionMap(ActionMap) | Sets the action map, that maps action identifiers (for keystrokes) to particular actions. |
SetActiveViewport(int, int) | Sets the active viewport for the active sheet. |
SetActiveViewport(int, int, int) | Sets the active viewport for the specified sheet. |
SetCursor(CursorType, Cursor) | Sets the pointer displayed over different areas of the component. |
SetInputMap(InputMapMode, InputMap) | Sets the input map for the specified focus mode. |
SetInputMap(InputMapMode, OperationMode, InputMap) | Sets the input map for the specified focus mode and operation mode. |
SetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus(InputMap) | Sets the input map when a child control has keyboard focus. |
SetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus(InputMap) | Sets the input map when a shape has keyboard focus. |
SetInsertSheetImage(Image) | Sets the custom image displayed on the insert sheet tab. |
SetMaximumCellOverflowWidth(int) | Sets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels. |
SetPrintInfo(PrintInfo, int) | Sets the PrintInfo object for the specfied sheet. |
SetPrintPreview(PrintPreviewDialog) | Sets the print preview dialog. |
SetProtect(bool, string) | Changes the protect structure setting with the password parameter. |
SetToolTip(SpreadToolTip, RichText) | Sets the custom content text to the specified tooltip. |
SetToolTip(SpreadToolTip, string) | Sets the custom content text to the specified tooltip. |
SetViewportLeftColumn(int, int) | Sets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
SetViewportLeftColumn(int, int, int) | Sets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int) | Sets the maximum height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredHeight(int, int, int) | Sets the maximum height of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int) | Sets the maximum width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
SetViewportPreferredWidth(int, int, int) | Sets the maximum width of the specified viewport column for the specified sheet. |
SetViewportTopRow(int, int) | Sets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
SetViewportTopRow(int, int, int) | Sets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
ShouldSerializeGroupBarText() | Indicates whether the GroupBarText property should be persisted. |
ShouldSerializeNamedStyles() | Determines whether the named styles are serialized. |
ShouldSerializeSaveNamedStyles() | Gets whether to serialize the custom styles. |
ShowActiveCell(VerticalPosition, HorizontalPosition) | Moves the active cell to the specified position in the component. |
ShowCell(int, int, int, int, VerticalPosition, HorizontalPosition) | Moves the specified cell in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
ShowCellValidatorsForm(Form, bool, bool) | Shows the form that is used to edit Cell Validators of selected range |
ShowCollectionEditor(object, CollectionEditorOptions) | Shows the collection editor. |
ShowColumn(int, int, HorizontalPosition) | Moves a column of cells in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
ShowDataValidationForm(Form, bool, bool) | Shows the form that is used to edit DataValidation of selected range |
ShowDependents(int, int, int) | Shows the dependent cells for a formula cell. |
ShowEditForm(Form, int, int) | Displays the form used for editing custom names. |
ShowInputMapEditor(IWin32Window) | Displays the input map editor. |
ShowListCustomNameForm(Form, bool) | Displays the form that contains a list of custom names. |
ShowPageSetup(SheetView, bool, bool) | Shows the page setup dialog with the specified buttons for the specified sheet. |
ShowPageSetup(int, bool, bool) | Shows the page setup dialog with the specified buttons for the specified sheet. |
ShowPrecedents(int, int, int) | Shows the cells that are referred to by formulas in other cells. |
ShowRow(int, int, VerticalPosition) | Moves a row in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
ShowShape(IShape, int, int) | Displays the shape fully inside the viewport. |
ShowTouchKeyboard() | Displays the touch keyboard. |
StartAnnotationMode() | Starts annotation mode. |
StartAnnotationMode(AnnotationMode) | Starts annotation mode. |
StartAnnotationMode(bool) | Starts annotation mode while specifying whether to close figures when a new drawing is started. |
StartCellEditing(EventArgs, bool) | Starts cell editing. |
StartCropping(IPicture) | Starts cropping a specified picture. |
StartInkNotation() | Starts ink notation in the active viewport if the Microsoft.Ink assembly is found in the GAC. |
StartInkNotation(Color, int) | Starts ink notation in the active viewport with the specified notation background color, if the Microsoft.Ink assembly is found in the GAC. |
StartInkNotation(int, int) | Starts ink notation in the specified viewport if the Microsoft.Ink assembly is found in the GAC. |
StartInkNotation(int, int, Color, int) | Starts ink notation in the specified viewport with the specified notation background color, if the Microsoft.Ink assembly is found in the GAC. |
StopAnnotationMode() | Stops annotation mode. |
StopCellEditing() | Stops cell editing. |
SuspendLayout() | Temporarily suspends the layout logic for this component. |
TriggerVolatileCells() | This function will notify all cells, which contains volatile functions or belong to a circuit, to recalculate. |
WndProc(ref Message) | Internal use only. |
Name | Description |
ActiveSheetChanged | Occurs when the user has changed the active sheet. |
ActiveSheetChanging | Occurs when the user changes the active sheet. |
ActiveSpreadViewChanged | Occurs when the user has changed the active SpreadView. |
ActiveSpreadViewChanging | Occurs when the user changes the active SpreadView. |
Advance | Occurs when the user tries to advance from the first or last row in Spread. |
AllowUserToTouchZoomChanged | Occurs when the AllowUserToZoom property has changed. |
AnnotationModeEnding | Occurs when the user ends annotation mode. |
AnnotationModeStarting | Occurs when the user begins annotation mode. |
AutoFilteredColumn | Occurs when a column has just been automatically filtered. |
AutoFilteringColumn | Occurs when a column is about to be automatically filtered. |
AutoScrollWhenKeyboardShowingChanged | Occurs when the AutoScrollWhenKeyboardShowing property is changed. |
AutoSortedColumn | Occurs when a column has just been automatically sorted. |
AutoSortingColumn | Occurs when a column is about to be automatically sorted. |
BeforeRightClick | Occurs when an object is right-clicked, before the default right-click action. |
BeforeShowContextMenu | |
BoundaryFeedbackModeChanged | Occurs when the BoundaryFeedbackMode property has changed. |
ButtonClicked | Occurs when the user clicks a button, check box, or hyperlink in a cell. |
CellClick | Occurs when the user presses the left mouse button down in a cell. |
CellDoubleClick | Occurs when the user presses the left mouse button down twice (double-clicks) in a cell. |
CellErrorTextChanged | Occurs when the cell error text has changed. |
CellValidateInfoNeeded | Occurs when cell validate infomation is needed. |
Change | Occurs after the user modifies data in a cell. |
ChartIndicatorActivated | Occurs when the chart indicator is activated. |
ChartIndicatorDeactivated | Occurs when the chart indicator is deactivated. |
ChildControlActivated | Occurs when a child control is activated. |
ChildControlDeactivated | Occurs when a child control is deactivated. |
ChildViewCreated | Occurs when a child view of the Spread component is created. |
ChildWorkbookCreated | Occurs when a child workbook of the Spread component is created. |
CircularCellChanged | Occurs when circular cell(s) is changed. |
CircularFormula | Occurs when one or more circular reference is created. |
ClipboardChanged | Occurs when a Clipboard change occurs that can affect the FarPoint Spread component. |
ClipboardChanging | Occurs when the Clipboard is changing through a Spread action. |
ClipboardPasted | Occurs when the user pastes from the clipboard. |
ClipboardPasting | Occurs when the user pastes from the clipboard. |
ColumnDragMove | Occurs when AllowColumnMove is true and the user drags to move a column. |
ColumnDragMoveCompleted | Occurs when the user finishes moving a column by dragging. |
ColumnDragMoveCompleting | Occurs before the user finishes dragging column(s). |
ColumnViewportWidthChanged | Occurs when a viewport column width has changed. |
ColumnWidthChanged | Occurs when the column width has changed. |
ColumnWidthChanging | Occurs when the column width is changing. |
ComboCloseUp | Occurs when the user closes a combo box in a cell. |
ComboDropDown | Occurs when the user drops down a combo box in a cell. |
ComboSelChange | Occurs when the user changes the selection in a combo box in a cell. |
CustomNameChanged | Occurs when the custom name of the data model changes. |
DataColumnConfigure | Occurs when the sheet is binding a column to a data source after it has been initialized. |
DialogChar | Occurs during message preprocessing of dialog characters. |
DialogKey | Occurs during message preprocessing of dialog keys. |
DragDropBlock | Occurs when the user drags and drops a range of cells. |
DragDropBlockCompleted | Occurs at the completion of the user dragging and dropping a range of cells. |
DragFillBlock | Occurs when the user drags to fill a range of cells. |
DragFillBlockCompleted | Occurs at the completion of the user dragging to fill a range of cells. |
EditChange | Occurs when the user changes the text in a cell in edit mode. |
EditError | Occurs when the user performs an invalid input operation. |
EditModeOff | Occurs when edit mode is stopped. |
EditModeOn | Occurs when edit mode is started. |
EditModeStarting | Occurs when edit mode is about to start in the active sheet's active cell. |
EditorFocused | Occurs when the editing control gets focus. |
EnterCell | Occurs when the user enters a cell. |
Error | Occurs when the user performs an invalid operation. |
Expand | Occurs when a row is expanded or collapsed. |
FilterBarClick | Occurs when the user presses the left mouse button in a filter bar cell. |
FilterBarDoubleClick | Occurs when the user presses the left mouse button down twice (double-clicks) in a filter bar cell. |
FilterBarDropDownSelectionChanging | Occurs when the user selects a value from the drop-down list in the filter bar editor. |
Grouped | Occurs when the grouping is finished. |
Grouping | Occurs when the user performs grouping. |
HeaderIndicatorPositionAdjustingChanged | Occurs when the HeaderIndicatorPositionAdjusting property has changed. |
HyperLinkClicked | Occurs when the user clicks on hyper link text. |
InputScopeChanged | Occurs when the InputScope property is changed. |
LeaveCell | Occurs when the user leaves a cell. |
LeftChange | Occurs when the left column changes. |
MacroResolve | Occurs when Spread binds to a function delegate by name. |
PaintGrayArea | Occurs when the gray area needs painting. |
PaintGroupBarBackground | Occurs when the group bar background is painted. |
PaintTabStrip | Occurs when the tab strip needs painting. |
PaintTabStripButton | Occurs when a TabStrip button needs painting. |
PaintTabStripTab | Occurs when a TabStrip tab needs painting. |
PanningModeChanged | Occurs when the PanningMode property has changed. |
PreviewRowFetch | Occurs when the user customizes the preview row of the Spread component. |
PrintAbort | Occurs continually as printing occurs in order to give the user the opportunity to discontinue a print job. |
PrintBackground | Occurs before each page is printed. |
PrintCancelled | Occurs when a print job is discontinued by the user. |
PrintDocument | Occurs when printing a sheet. |
PrintHeaderFooterArea | Occurs when the header or footer needs printing. |
PrintMessageBox | Occurs before and after a print job. |
PrintPreviewShowing | Occurs before the preview dialog appears. |
QueryRecentItems | Occurs when FpSpread queries recent items. |
RangeGroupStateChanged | Occurs when the user has changed the state of the row or column outline (range group). |
RangeGroupStateChanging | Occurs before the user changes the state of row or column outlines (range group). |
ResizeZeroIndicatorChanged | Occurs when the ResizeZeroIndicator property has changed. |
ResolveAction | Occurs an Action object is created. |
ResolveCustomControl | Occurs a customizable control is created. |
RowDragMove | Occurs when AllowRowMove is true and the user drags to move a row. |
RowDragMoveCompleted | Occurs when the user finishes moving a row by dragging. |
RowDragMoveCompleting | Occurs before the user finishes dragging row(s). |
RowErrorTextChanged | Occurs when the row error text has changed. |
RowHeightChanged | Occurs when the row height has changed. |
RowHeightChanging | Occurs when the column width is changing. |
RowViewportHeightChanged | Occurs when a viewport row height has changed. |
ScrollTipFetch | Occurs when the user scrolls the Spread component. |
SearchDialogClosing | Occurs when the search form is closing. |
SelectionChanged | Occurs when the selection of cells on the sheet has changed. |
SelectionChanging | Occurs when the selection of cells on the sheet is changing. |
ShapeActivated | Occurs when the user changes the active shape object. |
ShapeDeactivated | Occurs when the user deactivates the active shape object. |
SheetDragMoved | Occurs right after the user finishes drag-moving the sheet to another index. |
SheetDragMoving | Occurs when the user drag-move the sheet name tab to move sheet. |
SheetTabClick | Occurs when the user clicks the sheet tab. |
SheetTabDoubleClick | Occurs when the user double-clicks the sheet tab. |
ShowGrippersInEditingStatusChanged | Occurs when the ShowGrippersInEditingStatus value is changed. |
Sorted | Occurs when spread is sorted. |
Sorting | Occurs when spread is sorting. |
SubEditorClosed | Occurs when a subeditor is closed for a cell. |
SubEditorOpening | Occurs when a subeditor is about to be displayed. |
TableChanged | Occurs when the table changes. |
TapToAddSelectionChanged | Occurs when the TapToAddSelection property is changed. |
TextTipFetch | Occurs when the pointer (cursor) is over a cell and the text tip or cell note should be displayed (the TextTip property is set to a value other than Off). |
TopChange | Occurs when the top row changes. |
TouchDropDownScaleChanged | Occurs when the TouchDropDownScale property has changed. |
TouchSelectionGripperBackColorChanged | Occurs when the TouchSelectionGripperBackColor is changed. |
TouchSelectionGripperLineColorChanged | Occurs when TouchSelectionGripperLineColor is changed. |
TouchSelectionGripperThicknessChanged | Occurs when the TouchSelectionGripperThickness is changed. |
TouchStripOpening | Occurs when FpSpread tries to show a FarPoint.Win.Spread.TouchStrip in a touch device. |
TouchZoomSnapDistanceChanged | Occurs when the TouchZoomSnapDistance property has changed. |
Ungrouped | Occurs when all the grouping is removed. |
UseOptimizedSelectionForTouchChanged | Occurs when the UseOptimizedSelectionForTouch is changed. |
UserFormulaEntered | Occurs when the user types a formula. |
UserZooming | Occurs when the user zooms. |