The following section describes the steps to import Excel (.xlsx) and JSON files (json or ssjson) into SpreadJS.
In additional to SpreadJS API, following methods are also used:
Add a reference to the ExcelIO script file in the HTML HEAD tag to instantiate ExcelIO.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "utf-8"/>
<meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0"/>
<!- a) Add SpreadJS scripts and CSS. ->
<!-A1) Add the SpreadJS script file. ->
<script type = "text/javascript"
src = "SpreadJS\gc.spread.sheets.all.xxxmin.js" > </script>
<!-A2) Add the CSS file. ->
<script type="text/css"
src = "SpreadJS\gc.spread.sheets.x.x.x.css"> </script>
<!-D1) Add the ExcelIO script file. ->
<script type = "text/javascript"
src = "SpreadJS\gc.spread.excelio.xxxmin.js"> </script>
.spread-container {
height: 550px;
<h1> Import files into SpreadJS </h1>
<div class = "sample-container" >
<!-B) Create a target DOM element for SpreadJS. ->
<div id = "ss" class = "spread-container"> </div>
// c) Initialize the spread container SpreadJS with the "ss" ID of the div.
window.onload = function ()
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook (
document.getElementById ("ss"),
{sheetCount: 1}
// d2) Create an instance of ExcelIO.
excelIO = new GC.Spread.Excel.IO ();
Create importJSON function to load the Spread instance from a specified JSON string using fromJSON method.
Use focus method to focus the workbook component.
// Create importJSON()
function importJSON(spreadJson) {
var ss = GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(document.getElementById("ss"));
if (spreadJson.version && spreadJson.sheets) {
// Load the object from the JSON string spreadJSON
// Focus the workbook component
Create importSpreadFromExcel function and invoke excelIO.open method to import the Excel file by converting it into a JSON string.
Invoke importJSON function to load the SpreadJS instance from the JSON data string created from excelIO.open method.
// Create importSpreadFromExcel()
function importSpreadFromExcel(file, options) {
// Load an Excel file to paint the SpreadJS instance
function (json) {
// Invoke importJson() created in Step 1 to import an Excel file
function (e) {
Create importSpreadFromJSON function to import a JSON file.
Create a new FileReader and store it in 'reader' variable.
Use FileReader.readAsText function to read the contents of JSON file to a string. The onload event is triggered after FileReader is finished.
Invoke the importSuccessCallback method to parse the result to a JavaScript object using JSON.parse method.
// Create importSpreadFromJSON()
function importSpreadFromJSON(file) {
function importSuccessCallback(responseText) {
// Parse the JSON string
var spreadJson = JSON.parse(responseText);
// Execute the importJSON method to load the SpreadJS instance from the parsed JSON string
// Create a file to read the JSON string too
var reader = new FileReader();
// When the below readAsText() is finished this event will trigger to return a successful call back
reader.onload = function () {
// Trigger the readAsText() method
// This will read the contents of the file and when done the load event is triggered
return true;
Create importFile function which takes the file name of imported file as a parameter and determines the file type i.e. Excel or JSON by finding the index of the last "." in the file name.
Create an If/Else statement to determine whether to import the file using the importSpreadFromJSON or importSpreadFromExcel function.
// Create importFile() function to decide if a file is .xlsx or .JSON/.SSJSON
function importFile(file) {
// Get the name of the selected file
var fileName = file.name;
// Get the index position of last "." of the file name
var index = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
// Return the last portion of the file name after the index of the last "."
var fileExt = fileName.substr(index + 1).toLowerCase();
// Determine what import spread function to invoke determined by the file extension
if (fileExt === "json" || fileExt === "ssjson") {
} else if (fileExt === "xlsx") {
Create processFileSelected function to execute the importFile function when a file is selected using the HTML input with id fileSelector .
<h1>Section 3: Importing files to SpreadJS</h1>
Select file to import:
<input type="file" onchange="processFileSelected()" id="fileSelector" />
<br />
<div id="ss" style="height:700px;width:900px"></div>
// Create processFileSelected()
function processFileSelected() {
//Get the file selected from the HTML input with id fileSelector
var fileSelector = document.getElementById("fileSelector");
var file = fileSelector.files[0];
if (!file) return false;
fileSelector.innerHTML = "";
// Execute the importFile() when a file has been selected
return importFile(file);