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Outline Columns

Outline columns in SpreadJS refer to indenting text in the columns to create a tree-like structure in a spreadsheet for better organization of data.

This feature is useful particularly when you want to add hierarchical relationships between rows and built-in expand and collapse user interface in a spreadsheet. Also, outlining columns can be of great help when you need to create project plan tasks and project plan sub-task hierarchy, financial statements, and bills of material documents while working with large amounts of data lying in spreadsheets.

Users can outline columns in a worksheet while also adding checkboxes and images along with collapse and expand icons.

The following image displays an outline column with collapse and expand icons, checkboxes, images, and row outlines.

You can implement the collapse and expand icons in your worksheet by using the showRowOutline method. The levels in the tree structure correspond to the number of indentations.

You can also customize the images by level, show custom indicators, show checkboxes, and set the max level using outlineColumn.options.

The following code sample shows how to indent the columns and add images and checkboxes.

var rowCount = 38;
var colCount = 10;
activeSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 310);
activeSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 150);
activeSheet.setColumnWidth(2, 150);
activeSheet.setValue(0, 0, "Name", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader);
activeSheet.setValue(0, 1, "Chapter", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader);
activeSheet.setValue(0, 2, "Page", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader);
var commands = [
    {name: 'Preface', chapter: '1', page: 1, indent: 0},
    {name: 'Java SE5 and SE6', chapter: '1.1', page: 2, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Java SE6', chapter: '1.1.1', page: 2, indent: 2},
    {name: 'The 4th edition', chapter: '1.2', page: 2, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Changes', chapter: '1.2.1', page: 3, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Note on the cover design', chapter: '1.3', page: 4, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Acknowledgements', chapter: '1.4', page: 4, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Introduction', chapter: '2', page: 9, indent: 0},
    {name: 'Prerequisites', chapter: '2.1', page: 9, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Learning Java', chapter: '2.2', page: 10, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Goals', chapter: '2.3', page: 10, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Teaching from this book', chapter: '2.4', page: 11, indent: 1},
    {name: 'JDK HTML documentation', chapter: '2.5', page: 11, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Exercises', chapter: '2.6', page: 12, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Foundations for Java', chapter: '2.7', page: 12, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Source code', chapter: '2.8', page: 12, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Coding standards', chapter: '2.8.1', page: 14, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Errors', chapter: '2.9', page: 14, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Introduction to Objects', chapter: '3', page: 15, indent: 0},
    {name: 'The progress of abstraction', chapter: '3.1', page: 15, indent: 1},
    {name: 'An object has an interface', chapter: '3.2', page: 17, indent: 1},
    {name: 'An object provides services', chapter: '3.3', page: 18, indent: 1},
    {name: 'The hidden implementation', chapter: '3.4', page: 19, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Reusing the implementation', chapter: '3.5', page: 20, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Inheritance', chapter: '3.6', page: 21, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Is-a vs. is-like-a relationships', chapter: '3.6.1', page: 24, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Interchangeable objects with polymorphism', chapter: '3.7', page: 25, indent: 1},
    {name: 'The singly rooted hierarchy', chapter: '3.8', page: 28, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Containers', chapter: '3.9', page: 28, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Parameterized types (Generics)', chapter: '3.10', page: 29, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Object creation & lifetime', chapter: '3.11', page: 30, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Exception handling: dealing with errors', chapter: '3.12', page: 31, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Concurrent programming', chapter: '3.13', page: 32, indent: 1},
    {name: 'Java and the Internet', chapter: '3.14', page: 33, indent: 1},
    {name: 'What is the Web?', chapter: '3.14.1', page: 33, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Client-side programming', chapter: '3.14.2', page: 34, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Server-side programming', chapter: '3.14.3', page: 38, indent: 2},
    {name: 'Summary', chapter: '3.15', page: 38, indent: 1},
for (var r = 0; r < commands.length; r++) {
    activeSheet.setValue(r, 0, commands[r]['name']);
    activeSheet.setValue(r, 1, commands[r]['chapter']);
    activeSheet.setValue(r, 2, commands[r]['page']);
    activeSheet.getRange(r, 0, 1, 1).textIndent(commands[r].indent);
columnIndex: 0,
showImage: true,
showCheckBox: true,
images: ['star2.png', 'box4.png', 'rating4.png'],
maxLevel: 2

The following code sample adds and deletes outlines in range grouping.

$("#button1").click(function ()
    var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
    // Set Outline of row
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(0, 4);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(0, 1);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(2, 1);
    // Set Outline of column
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(0, 4);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(0, 1);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(2, 1);

    var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
    // Remove Outline of row
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.ungroupRange(0, 4);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.ungroupRange(0, 1);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.ungroupRange(2, 1);
    // Remove Outline of column
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.ungroupRange(0, 4);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.ungroupRange(0, 1);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.ungroupRange(2, 1);

The following code sample expands and collapses group outlines.

window.onload = function()
    var spread =
    new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount:3});
    var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();

    // Set Outline of row
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(0, 4);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(0, 1);
    activeSheet.rowOutlines.group(2, 1);

    // Set Outline of column
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(0, 4);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(0, 1);
    activeSheet.columnOutlines.group(2, 1);

        // Get the outline label count of the row
        var rgl = activeSheet.rowOutlines.getMaxLevel();
        for(var index = 0; index <= rgl; index++)
            // Expand Outline
            activeSheet.rowOutlines.expand(index, true);
        // Get the outline label count of the column
        var cgl = activeSheet.columnOutlines.getMaxLevel();
        var gi = [];
        var colCount = activeSheet.getColumnCount();
        for(var index = 0, i = 0; index <= cgl; index++)
            for(var col = 0; col < colCount; col++){

                // Fetch group information of Outline
                var groupInfo = activeSheet.columnOutlines.find(col, index);
                    gi[i] = groupInfo;
                    col = groupInfo.end;

        for(var i = 0; i < gi.length; i++)
            // Expand outline
            activeSheet.columnOutlines.expandGroup(gi[i], true);

        // Get the outline row label count
        var rgl = activeSheet.rowOutlines.getMaxLevel();
        for(var index = 0; index <= rgl; index++){

        // Collapse outline
        activeSheet.rowOutlines.expand(index, false);

        // Get the outline column label count
        var cgl = activeSheet.columnOutlines.getMaxLevel();
        var gi = [];
        var colCount = activeSheet.getColumnCount();
        for(var index = 0, i = 0; index <= cgl; index++)
            for(var col = 0; col < colCount; col++)
                // Fetch group information of Outline
                var groupInfo = activeSheet.columnOutlines.find(col, index);
                    gi[i] = groupInfo;
                    col = groupInfo.end;

        for(var i = 0; i < gi.length; i++)
            // Collapse Outline
            activeSheet.columnOutlines.expandGroup(gi[i], false);

Note: This feature has the following limitations:

  • The new row level is the same level as the selected row's previous row when you insert rows.

  • The sortRange method recalculates indented text and refreshes indented columns.

  • Drag fill and drag move only change the cell contents.

  • Copy and paste only changes the cell content.