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Features / Worksheet / Freeze Panes in a Worksheet
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    Freeze Panes in a Worksheet
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    DsExcel Java enables users to freeze panes in a worksheet. This feature allows users to keep some specific rows or columns visible while scrolling through the rest of the sheet. In a large worksheet with a lot of data, this functionality is helpful in enhancing readability and data manipulation of bulk information that spans across a number of rows or columns.

    Additionally, it allows to set the custom color of lines of frozen panes. However, these colors are only visible while interacting with SpreadJS by doing JSON I/O and are not visible in Excel or PDF.

    Freeze Panes

    You can freeze panes in a worksheet using the freezePanes method of the IWorksheet interface. This method freezes the split panes based on the specified row index and column index parameters.

    In order to represent the row of freeze position and the column of freeze position, you can use the getFreezeRow and getFreezeColumn methods respectively.

    To see how panes in a worksheet can be freezed, refer to the following example code.

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    // Adding worksheets to the workbook
    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
    worksheet.freezePanes(worksheet.getRange("A5").getRow(), worksheet.getRange("A5").getColumn());
    IWorksheet worksheet2 = workbook.getWorksheets().add();
    // Freeze Panes
    worksheet2.freezePanes(worksheet.getRange("B10").getRow(), worksheet.getRange("B10").getColumn());

    You can also set custom color of lines of frozen panes using the setFrozenLineColor method of IWorksheet interface.

    Refer to the following example code to set blue color for lines of frozen panes in a worksheet.

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    // Use sheet index to get worksheet
    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
    // Freeze pane
    worksheet.freezePanes(10, 10);
    // Set frozen line color as red
    // Save workbook to ssjson
    String json = workbook.toJson();

    Unfreeze Panes

    You can unfreeze the split panes using the unfreezePanes method of the IWorksheet interface.

    To see how freezed panes in a worksheet can be unfreezed, refer to the following example code.

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    // Unfreeze all panes in worksheet2