DS.Documents.Word Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Word Namespace / Underline Enumeration

Underline Enumeration
Specifies the type of the underline applied to a font.
Public Enum Underline 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dash Dashes.
DashDotDotHeavy An alternating heavy dot-dot-dash pattern.
DashDotHeavy Alternating heavy dots and heavy dashes.
DashHeavy Heavy dashes.
DashLong Long dashes.
DashLongHeavy A double wavy line.
DotDash Alternating dots and dashes.
DotDotDash An alternating dot-dot-dash pattern.
Dotted Dots.
DottedHeavy Heavy dots.
Double A double line.
None No underline.
Single A single line.
Thick A single thick line.
Wavy A single wavy line.
WavyDouble Long heavy dashes.
WavyHeavy A heavy wavy line.
Words Underline individual words only.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also