DS.Documents.Word Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Word Namespace / TextAnimation Enumeration

TextAnimation Enumeration
Specifies animation effect for text runs.
Public Enum TextAnimation 
   Inherits System.Enum
AntsBlack Specifies that this text shall be surrounded by an animated black dashed line border.
AntsRed Specifies that this text shall be surrounded by an animated red dashed line border.
BlinkBackground Specifies that this text shall be surrounded by a background color that alternates between black and white.
Lights Specifies that this text shall be surrounded by a border consisting of a series of colored lights that constantly change colors in sequence.
None Specifies that this text shall have no animated text effect.
Shimmer Specifies that this text shall be animated by alternating between normal and blurry states.
Sparkle Specifies that this text shall have a background consisting of a random pattern of colored lights that constantly change colors in sequence.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also