DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing Namespace / GcGraphics Class / DrawRoundRect Method / DrawRoundRect(RectangleF,Single,Color,Single,DashStyle) Method
A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to draw.
The radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.
The color of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle.
The width of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle.
The style of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle (solid by default).

In This Topic
DrawRoundRect(RectangleF,Single,Color,Single,DashStyle) Method
In This Topic
Draws a rounded rectangle using a specified line color, width and style.

If the value of lineStyle parameter is not DashStyle.Solid, the rounded rectangle is drawn with a Pen having Pen.LineCap set to PenLineCap.Square instead of PenLineCap.Flat.

Public Overloads Sub DrawRoundRect( _
   ByVal bounds As System.Drawing.RectangleF, _
   ByVal radius As System.Single, _
   ByVal lineColor As System.Drawing.Color, _
   ByVal lineWidth As System.Single, _
   Optional ByVal lineStyle As DashStyle _


A System.Drawing.RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to draw.
The radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.
The color of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle.
The width of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle.
The style of lines used to draw the rounded rectangle (solid by default).
See Also