DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Svg Namespace / SvgTextRendering Enumeration

SvgTextRendering Enumeration
Provides a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text.
Public Enum SvgTextRendering 
   Inherits System.Enum
AutoIndicates that the user agent shall make appropriate tradeoffs to balance speed, legibility and geometric precision, but with legibility given more importance than speed and geometric precision.
GeometricPrecisionIndicates that the user agent shall emphasize geometric precision over legibility and rendering speed. This option will usually cause the user agent to suspend the use of hinting so that glyph outlines are drawn with comparable geometric precision to the rendering of path data.
OptimizeLegibilityIndicates that the user agent shall emphasize legibility over rendering speed and geometric precision. The user agent will often choose whether to apply anti-aliasing techniques, built-in font hinting or both to produce the most legible text.
OptimizeSpeedIndicates that the user agent shall emphasize rendering speed over legibility and geometric precision. This option will sometimes cause the user agent to turn off text anti-aliasing.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also