DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Svg Namespace / SvgFontVariantEastAsian Enumeration

SvgFontVariantEastAsian Enumeration
Allows control of glyph substitution and sizing in East Asian text.
Public Enum SvgFontVariantEastAsian 
   Inherits System.Enum
FullWidthEnables rendering of full-width variants (OpenType feature: fwid).
Jis04Enables rendering of JIS2004 forms (OpenType feature: jp04).
Jis78Enables rendering of JIS78 forms (OpenType feature: jp78).
Jis83Enables rendering of JIS83 forms (OpenType feature: jp83).
Jis90Enables rendering of JIS90 forms (OpenType feature: jp90).
NormalNone of the glyph substitution and sizing features are enabled.
ProportionalWidthEnables rendering of proportionally-spaced variants (OpenType feature: pwid).
RubyEnables display of ruby variant glyphs (OpenType feature: ruby).
SimplifiedEnables rendering of simplified forms (OpenType feature: smpl).
TraditionalEnables rendering of traditional forms (OpenType feature: trad).
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also