Getting Started with Xamarin.iOS Controls / Xamarin iOS Project Templates
Xamarin iOS Project Templates

When you install C1StudioInstaller.exe on your system, we provide different project templates that are available for Xamarin.Forms, Android, and iOS. These templates help you to easily create a Xamarin project with renderer initializers already in place to make use of controls to make development easier. These templates will also help the new users to get started with Xamarin.Forms using C1 Xamarin controls.

These project templates are similar to the Xamarin.Forms template available in Visual Studio. However, our templates provide a simple mobile application that includes our control references. These generated applications contains all the necessary project files and assembly references to reduce manual work in project creation.

The table below list the C1 Xamarin.Forms project templates.

Project Template (Visual C#) Description
C1 Android App (Android) Creates a Xamarin.Android application using ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin. It includes the necessary project files, assembly references, and license information.
C1 Cross-Platform App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) Creates a Xamarin.Forms application using a Portable Class Library and ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin. It includes the necessary project files, assembly references, and license information.
C1 EntityFramework App Creates a Xamarin.Forms project using a data grid, Entity Framework, and a SQLite database that allows adding, removing, and updating records.
C1 iOS App (iOS) Creates a Xamarin.iOS application using ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin. It includes the necessary project files, assembly references, and license information.