C1.Android.Calendar Assembly / C1.Android.Calendar Namespace / CalendarViewModeAnimation Class

CalendarViewModeAnimation Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see CalendarViewModeAnimation members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the kind of animation used to change ViewMode.  
Public Property Gets or sets the duration time of the animation. (Inherited from C1.Android.Core.C1Animation)
Public Property Gets or sets the easing funtion used to interpolate the values of the animation. (Inherited from C1.Android.Core.C1Animation)
Public Property Gets or sets the easing funtion used to interpolate the values of the animation.  
Public Property Gets or sets the easing funtion used to interpolate the values of the animation.  
Public Property Gets or sets the scale factor used in the animation.  
Public Property Gets or sets the elapsed time before the animation starts. (Inherited from C1.Android.Core.C1Animation)
See Also