C1.Android.Calendar Assembly / C1.Android.Calendar Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Android.Calendar Namespace
ClassRepresents a month calendar with the ability to interactively navigate through months and select a specific System.DateTime value or a range of dates.
Class Contains info about day of week slots.
Class Contains info about day slots.
Class Contains info about header slots.
Class Contains info about month slots.
Class Contains info about slots.
Class Contains info about year slots.
ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.DayOfWeekSlotLoading event.
ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.DaySlotLoading event.
Class Panel that displays day of the week.
Class Panel that disaplys day slots.
ClassProvides event data for C1Calendar.HeaderLoading event.
Class Panel that displays headers slots.
ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.MonthSlotLoading event.
Class Panel that displays months.
ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.SelectionChanged event.
ClassEvent data for C1Calendar.SelectionChanging event.
Class Slot visual element
Class Abstract panel used to render days, month years and days of weeks as a uniform grid which also allows rendering slots out of view.
Class Settings of the animation performed when the current view changes.
ClassEvent information for C1Calendar.YearSlotLoading event.
Class Panel that shows years divided by decades.
Enumeration Specifies constants that define the navigation orientation
Enumeration Specifies the kind of calendar displayed
Enumeration Specifies constants that define the different views.
EnumerationRepresent the different kinds of animations when changing C1Calendar.ViewMode.
See Also