Working with C1SpellChecker / Checking Spelling in Controls
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Checking Spelling in Controls
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You can use SpellChecker for WPF and Silverlight to check the spelling in any control that contains text. This support is built into the C1RichTextBox and Microsoft TextBox controls. To check the spelling in other controls, provide a wrapper class that implements the ISpellCheckableEditor interface.

For example, the "SpellCheckerSample" shows how you can check the spelling in a DataGrid control. To do this, it creates a class called DataGridSpellWrapper that implements the ISpellCheckableEditor interface on behalf of the grid.

The wrapper class enumerates the grid cells and exposes the text in each cell to the C1SpellChecker component. When it finds an error, it selects the cell and the dialog box shows the error and suggestions as usual. The image below illustrates what the SpellCheckerSample sample looks like while checking the spelling in a DataGrid.

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