SpellChecker for WPF and Silverlight allows you to create customized, rich applications. Make the most of C1SpellChecker by taking advantage of the following key features:
- Efficiency
On typical systems, SpellChecker is capable of checking the spelling of about 400,000 words per second. The spelling dictionaries are compressed and easy to maintain.
- Ease of use
All it takes to check the spelling in a control is one call to the CheckControl method.
SpellChecker provides several spell-checking services:
- You can check the spelling of strings and controls, and get suggestions for misspelled words.
- The interface-based architecture allows you to check the spelling in any controls that contain text, and to implement custom spelling dialogs, dictionaries, and text parsers.
- SpellChecker has a SpellOptions property that allows you to fine tune how the spelling is checked.
- Client-side implementation
SpellChecker offers a client-side solution for implementing the checking of spelling on Web pages. This enables you to implement and deploy it with minimal effort.
- Multi-language support
SpellChecker ships with 20+ international spelling dictionaries, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Danish, Swedish, and Greek. You can find spelling dictionaries for specific languages in the installed folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Dictionaries location in your system, or you can download them from demos.