C1.WPF.SpellChecker Namespace
ClassProvides data for the C1SpellChecker.BadWordFound event.
ClassDefault implementations for the C1.WPF.ISpellChecker. Provides spell checking services for any type of control.
ClassDialog window implementing ISpellDialog. C1SpellDialog
ClassClass that represents a character range within a string. This is used by the C1SpellChecker control to represent the spelling mistakes found in text.
ClassList of CharRange objects.
ClassEvent arguments class used by CheckControlCompletedEventHandler.
ClassProvides data for the C1SpellChecker.ContextMenuCreated event.
ClassClass that contains a list of words and methods looking them up and loading them from a compressed file.
ClassBase class for built-in and user dictionaries (see (SpellDictionary and UserDictionary).
ClassClass that contains spelling options including words to ignore, whether to show suggestions in a spell context menu, etc.
ClassClass that contains a list of additional words and methods for managing the list.
ClassDictionary of words and their replacements.
ClassKeyed list of words to ignore while spell-checking.
InterfaceInterface used to provide modal (dialog-based) spell-checking using a C1SpellChecker.
InterfaceInterface that must be implemented by dialogs to provide spell checking.
InterfaceInterface implemented by all spell dictionaries.
InterfaceInterface that must be implemented by custom spell-check parsers.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1SpellChecker.BadWordFound event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1SpellChecker.CheckControlCompleted event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the C1SpellChecker.ContextMenuCreated event.
EnumerationDescribes the current state of a SpellDictionary.
EnumerationSpecifies flags that determine whether words should be ignored during spell-checking.
See Also