WPF Edition Release History | ComponentOne
WPF Edition Release History / 2016 v2
In This Topic
    2016 v2
    In This Topic

    DataGrid for WPF


    • Added the GetPageImagesAsync method.
    • Added the DataGridColumn.DefaultAutoWidth property that determines the default column width when used in AutoStar sizing mode.
    • C1DataGrid supports using arbitrary content in customized cell presenters.

    DateTime for WPF


    • Removed angle brackets from default watermark in the DatePicker control.

    Docking for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the ItemDockModeChanged event does not fire when C1DockTabControl is changed to Docked mode by dragging.
    • Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while moving a C1DockTabControl containing a C1DockTabItem.

    Excel for WPF

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where an error occurs while loading and saving border style containing .xls/.xlsx in C1Excel.

    FinancialChart for WPF

    • First release.

    FlexChart for WPF


    • Added DirectX rendering in FlexChart.
    • Changed the beta license to a regular product license.
    • Added the SaveImage method in FlexChart.

    FlexGrid for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where frozen columns get printed on every page.

    GanttView for WPF

    • Beta release.

    Olap for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where column headers get duplicated on calling the SortRows() method on two or more fields.

    PDFViewer for WPF

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when loading another PDF file and searching some text simultaneously in C1PDFViewer.
    • Fixed the issue where the application crashes on loading a PDF document in C1PDFViewer.

    RichTextBox Toolbar for WPF


    • PopUp Dialog box closes automatically on pressing the Escape key from keyboard.
    • Various drop-down menus including Change Case, Font Color Text Highlight Color, Paragraph Color, Borders, Margin, Padding, Insert Symbol, Insert Table, Select Table, Delete Table closes automatically on pressing the Escape key from keyboard.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the content of RichTextBox gets collapsed and the added picture size can not be adjusted while inserting picture in multiple pages.

    Sparkline for WPF

    • First release.

    Word for WPF


    • Added the support for table cell padding for Open XML format (DOCX).
    • Changed the C1Word samples.
    • Improved support of Word/RTF borders (for all RtfBorderObject heirs). Added RtfTableBorderObject for all the table objects (RtfTable, RtfRow and RtfCell).

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception is thrown on loading the RTF/DOCX document file.
    • Fixed the issue where the Backfilling color of table in the C1Word Document is not effective in output RTF file.
    • Fixed the issue where table borders are not shown and text are overlapped on saving the C1Word with DOCX format.
    • Fixed the issue where ForeFilling color of table in the C1Word Document is not effective in output RTF and DOCX files.
    • Fixed the issue where line break key 'Ctrl+Enter' is used but does not come into effect when the Text Field , RTF Field and Paragraph Field is exported to a Word file.
    • Fixed the issue where there is no footer visible in the Word document created using C1Word when saved in DOCX format.

    Other Bug Fixes


    • [C1RangeSlider] Added the ScrollBehavior property.

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where 'System.Window.Data' error occurs when expanding the drop-down of C1ComboBox.
    • [C1RangeSlider] Fixed the UI issue where RangeSlider disappears and an empty box appears at design time as well as runtime.
    • [C1DragDropManager] Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown on pressing space bar during cell drag.