Gauges Overview

Gauges for WPF is a suite of data visualization controls such as Linear Gauge, Radial Gauge and BulletGraph that helps to create interactive dashboards. The suite of Gauge controls can be used to showcase several data points or range of data points in a well-defined and compact area. The controls can be used to showcase a definite range to let users determine instantly whether the current value is low, high, or intermediate.

All the three controls, Radial Gauge, Linear Gauge and BulletGraph come with a simple and clean design to enhance your data visualizations.

Different types of gauges

The following section provides a brief introduction to the three Gauge controls:

Documentation Blogs

Create Your First Application using Gauges

Working with Gauges

Different type of values used in Gauges

Appearance and Styling in Gauges

Material Themes for WPF Applications

Product Samples

Product samples are located at Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x\CS\Gauge on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WPF Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.

API References
.NET Reference