TimeEditor Overview / C1TimeEditor for WPF Layout and Appearance / C1TimeEditor ClearStyle Properties
C1TimeEditor ClearStyle Properties

C1TimeEditor supports ComponentOne's new ClearStyle technology that allows you to easily change control colors without having to change control templates. By just setting a few color properties you can quickly style the controls.

The following table outlines the brush properties of the C1TimeEditor control are available in the C1TimeEditor class:




Gets or sets the brush of the control’s background.


Gets or sets the brush of the buttons’ background colors.


Gets or sets the brush of the buttons’ foreground colors.


Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the buttons when the mouse is hovered over them.


Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the buttons when they are clicked on.

You can completely change the appearance of the C1TimeEditor control by setting a few properties, such as the ButtonBackground property, which sets the drop-down button’s background color. For example, if you set the ButtonBackground property to "#FFC500FF", the controls would appear similar to the following: