DateTimeEditors for WPF Overview

Display, edit and validate DateTime information using DateTime Editors for WPF. The C1DateTimePicker control provides a single, intuitive UI for selecting date and time values. The C1TimeEditor control provides a simple masked editor for just time values. Users can edit date and time values using the spin buttons, keyboard arrows, or by typing in fields.

Documentation Product Samples

Create Your First Application using DateTimeEditors

Working with C1DateTimePicker

C1DatePicker Quick Start

C1TimeEditor Quick Start

Product samples are located at Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x\CS\DateTimeEditors on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WPF Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.
API References
C1.WPF.DateTimeEditors .NET Assembly C1.WPF.DateTimeEditors .NET Framework Assembly
Note: ComponentOne DateTimeEditors is compatible with both .NET and .NET Framework editions.