DataFilter Overview

Data filtering refers to setting conditions on data so that only specific data is displayed. Filtered data is easier to analyze and allows you to focus on specific information in a large set of data.

DataFilter for WPF is a control which allows users to filter data on the basis of filter criteria or conditions. It can be used in conjunction with data-aware controls like grids, lists, tree-view, charts or maps including standard MS data-aware controls.

For instance, the DataFilter control provides a handy and convenient way to perform desired filtering on a grid that does not have built-in filtering support. The DataFilter control can also be used to build filters similar to the ones you see in different e-commerce websites where the grid displaying a product listing shows only specific attributes, such as product name and product image. However, you can set filters for a specific brand, category, price etc using the DataFilter control. Such filters cannot be set from column filters in the data grid controls.

Documentation Videos

Create Your First Application using DataFilter

Data Filters



DataFilter for WPF
Product Samples Blogs

Product samples are located at Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x\CS\DataFilter or Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x.x\C1.WPF.DataFilter\CS on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WPF Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.

Creating Advanced Filter UIs in WPF Using FilterEditor and DataFilter

API References
C1.WPF.DataFilter .NET Assembly C1.WPF.DataFilter .NET Framework Assembly
Note: ComponentOne WPF DataFilter is compatible with both .NET  and .NET Framework Editions.