C1.Win.Schedule.8 Assembly / C1.Schedule.Printing Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Schedule.Printing Namespace
ClassThe DateAppointments class represents the single calendar day with the System.Collections.Generic.List`1 list of appointments. It is an auxiliary class for use in C1PrintDocument scripts.
ClassThe DateAppointmentsCollection class represents the System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection`2 collection which can be used as a data source in C1PrintDocument documents.
ClassThe PreviewWrapper class wraps the print preview dialog functionality. It allows showing C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument content in a C1.Win.RibbonPreview.C1RibbonPreviewDialog, loaded via reflection from C1.Win.RibbonPreview assembly.
ClassThe PrintDocumentWrapper class wraps the C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument functionality. It loads C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument component via reflection from the C1.C1Report.2 assembly.
ClassThe object used to manage schedule printing.
ClassThe PrintStyle class represents the single printing style for a schedule control.
ClassThe PrintStyleCollection class represents the keyed collection of scheduler printing styles. The PrintStyle.StyleName property is used as a collection key.
ClassRepresents customization parameters for input of Boolean tag values.
ClassRepresents customization parameters for input of System.DateTime tag values.
ClassThe TagInfo class represents the facade for the C1.C1Preview.Tag class. Use this class for getting information about document tags and for setting tag values before rendering the document.
ClassThe abstract base class for specialized classes used by the tag input dialog to customize input of individual tags.
ClassRepresents customization parameters for input of tag values that can be selected from a list.
ClassRepresents customization parameters for input of integer tag values.
ClassRepresents customization parameters for input of string tag values.
EnumerationThe PrintContextType defines the printing context for the PrintStyle object.
See Also