C1.C1Pdf Namespace / C1PdfDocument Class / DrawBezier Method
System.Drawing.Pen object that determines the color, width, and style of the Bezier spline.
A point structure that represents the starting point of the curve.
A point structure that represents the first control point for the curve.
A point structure that represents the second control point for the curve.
A point structure that represents the ending point of the curve.

In This Topic
DrawBezier Method (C1PdfDocument)
In This Topic
Draws a Bezier spline defined by four point structures.
Public Sub DrawBezier( _
   ByVal pen As Pen, _
   ByVal start As PointF, _
   ByVal ctl1 As PointF, _
   ByVal ctl2 As PointF, _
   ByVal end As PointF _


System.Drawing.Pen object that determines the color, width, and style of the Bezier spline.
A point structure that represents the starting point of the curve.
A point structure that represents the first control point for the curve.
A point structure that represents the second control point for the curve.
A point structure that represents the ending point of the curve.
All coordinates are expressed in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page.
See Also