C1.C1Pdf Namespace / C1PdfDocument Class / DrawArc Method
System.Drawing.Pen object that determines the color, width, and style of the arc.
A rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle of the ellipse that contains the arc.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the pie shape.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second side of the pie shape.

In This Topic
DrawArc Method (C1PdfDocument)
In This Topic
Draws an arc defined by an ellipse specified by a rectangle structure and two radial lines.
Public Sub DrawArc( _
   ByVal pen As Pen, _
   ByVal rc As RectangleF, _
   ByVal startAngle As Single, _
   ByVal sweepAngle As Single _


System.Drawing.Pen object that determines the color, width, and style of the arc.
A rectangle structure that represents the bounding rectangle of the ellipse that contains the arc.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis to the first side of the pie shape.
Angle measured in degrees clockwise from the startAngle parameter to the second side of the pie shape.
All coordinates are expressed in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page.
See Also