Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Win.Input.MultiColumnCombo Namespace
ClassRepresents a multicolumn drop-down list box, supports seaching, filtering, sorting, data binding and themes.
ClassProvides data for the DisplayColumnCollection.ColumnChanged event.
ClassRepresents the column in a dropdown view.
ClassRepresents a collection of DisplayColumn objects.
ClassThe DropDownViewStyles class represents the styles for the dropdown view of the C1MultiColumnCombo control which contains display attributes that determine the appearance of control.
ClassThe MultiColumnComboStyles class represents the theme for the C1MultiColumnCombo control which contains display attributes that determine the appearance of control.
ClassThe ViewCellStyle class represents the styles for the cell in the dropdown view of the C1MultiColumnCombo control.
InterfaceRepresents the methods, events and properties of dropdown view for the C1MultiColumnCombo control.
InterfaceSpecifies that this object supports a sorting.
InterfaceSpecifies that this object supports an unbound mode.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of dropdown view.
EnumerationSpecifies how view columns should be sorted.
See Also