DataEngine Overview / Excel Add-in / Using Excel Add-in
Using Excel Add-in

C1DataEngine has built-in connectors for getting data from databases or any collection. In addition to that, C1DataEngine also includes an add-in to Excel that opens up the wealth of data sources available through Microsoft Power Query.

Power Query, included in Microsoft Excel, provides connectors to multiple data sources, including cloud as well as big data. The DataEngine Excel add-in can be used in two modes illustrated below:

Programmatic Import to DataEngine

In this mode, the excel remains invisible and is used behind the scenes from the user application code via automation to directly fetch data from any of the Power Query data sources. In this scenario, developers or information workers use Excel to develop an application. Once the application is complete, it functions without opening the Excel. This way Power Query serves as a powerful extension of C1DataEngine to connect to a variety of sources.

Exporting Data to Excel

For Excel users, the Excel add-in has a button for exporting data from any of the Power Query data sources to C1DataEngine. This mode makes analytical applications very flexible from the point of view of data acquisition. Developers or information workers can use Excel to make queries to various data sources and the application will analyze any such data without changes to application code.

Refer to the product sample PowerQueryConnection sample at the following location in your system to see the C1DataEngine and Power Query in full action.

C:\...\Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms\PowerQueryConnection.

Important Note:

DataEngine Excel add-in is located in C:\...\ComponentOne\C1FlexPivot\ExcelAddIn\bin directory. To install the add-in, complete the steps given below:

  1. First execute the file registerCOM.bat
  2. Double-click the file C1.DataEngine.ExcelAddIn.vsto in the folder.

The Excel add-in is compatible with Excel 2016 and Excel 2013. For Excel 2013, Power Query add-in must be installed.