C1Ribbon (Classic) Appearance / Images for Ribbon Items
Images for Ribbon Items

C1Ribbon offers large (32x32) and small (16x16) preset images for the Ribbon items as well as the option to import custom images. You can display a small image for the Ribbon tab. The Ribbon items can display small or large images.

To change the Ribbon item's image, the following options are available:

Note: The following tasks assume that you have added C1Ribbon control to your Ribbon Form and added a Ribbon item (for example, a toggle button) to the group.

Using the Smart Designer

To add an image to the Ribbon item using the smart designer, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Ribbon item, for example, the toggle button to activate it and enable the toggle button's floating toolbar:
    floating toolbar
  2. Click the Change Image button click change image button. The Change Image dialog box appears.
    change image dialog box
  3. Click the Small Image (16x16) drop-down arrow and select the Bold image.

Using the Properties Window

To add an image to the Ribbon item using the Properties window, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Ribbon item, for example, the toggle button to activate it and reveal its properties in the Properties window.
  2. Locate the RibbonItem.SmallImage property, click the drop-down arrow, and click the second drop-down arrow to reveal the list of predefined small images.
  3. Select Bold.

Using the Collection Editor

To add an image to the Ribbon item using the RibbonGroup Items Collection Editor, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the group that contains the toggle button item. Clicking the group activates it.
  2. In the group's Properties window, click on the ellipsis button next to the Items property.
    The RibbonGroup Items Collection Editor appears. The editor shows a list of Members and the available properties for each selected member. For this example, the toggle button is highlighted in the Members list:
    RibbonGroup Items Collection Editor in ribbon
  3. Locate the RibbonItem.SmallImage property, click the drop-down arrow, and then click the second drop-down arrow to reveal the list of predefined small images.
    smallimage property
  4. Select Bold.