Design-Time Support / C1Ribbon Smart Designer / Gallery Floating Toolbar
Gallery Floating Toolbar

The gallery's floating toolbar allows you to change the image, modify the text settings, and disable/enable the gallery. The gallery's floating toolbar consists of the following buttons:

actions button Actions: Cut, Copy, Paste, or Delete the item.
change image button Change Image: Edit image.
text settings button Text settings: Edit Text, Description, and ToolTip properties.
miscellaneous button Miscellaneous settings: Enable or disable the gallery.


Clicking the Actions button opens a list of available actions.

click actions button

Change Image

Clicking the Change Image button opens the Change Image dialog box. You can click the Import button to browse for a custom image or you can click the Select Image drop-down arrow to select from a list of large (32x32) or small (16x16) preset images. Note that you also have the option to place the image above the text (default for the large image).

click change image button

Text settings

Clicking the Text settings button opens the Text Settings dialog box. In the Text Settings dialog box, you can edit the gallery's text, including the Text, Description, and ToolTip.

click text settings button

Miscellaneous settings

Clicking the Miscellaneous settings button opens the Miscellaneous dialog box. In the Miscellaneous dialog box, you can enable the gallery (checked by default) or disable the gallery (unchecked).

click miscellaneous button