C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Input Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Input Namespace
ClassBase class for C1InputMask, C1InputDate, C1InputText, C1InputNumber, C1InputCurrency and C1InputPercent.
ClassWeb control specialized for editing currency values. Using the numeric editor, you can specify input without writing any custom validation logic in your application.
ClassAn input control that allows the date time value editing.
ClassThe main Web control used for entering and editing information of any data type in a text form. Supports data formatting, edit mask, data validation and other features. Supports formatted and masked editing of all data types, including additional functionality. Apart from being the main data editor control, C1InputMask also serves as the base class for specialized controls such as C1DateInput and C1NumericInput.
ClassAbstract base class for C1InputCurrency, C1InputNumeric and C1InputPercent.
ClassWeb control specialized for editing numeric values. Using the numeric editor, you can specify input without writing any custom validation logic in your application.
ClassWeb control derived from C1NumericInput specialized for editing percent values. Using the numeric editor, you can specify input without writing any custom validation logic in your application.
ClassThe main Web control used for entering and editing information of any data type in a text form.
ClassC1MaskedTextProvider. Custom wrapper for MaskedTextProvider.
ClassSepcifes the setings of the dropdown date picker.
ClassSpecifies the setings of the dropdown list and dropdown calendar.
ClassSepcifes the setings of the dropdown calendar.
ClassLocalization strings.
ClassSpecifies the settings of the drop down list.
ClassSepcifes the setings of the dropdown time picker.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the DateChanged event of the control.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the TextChanged event of the control.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ValueChanged event of the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the action for left / right arrow key
EnumerationEnumeration that determines the alignment of trigger and spinner buttons of input.
EnumerationSpecifies the mode of the ellipsis (...) to display.
EnumerationEnumeration that determines the format mode of the mask format.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of selection text in control
EnumerationSpecifies whether IME mode should be supported.
EnumerationEnumeration that determines the type of the number input.
EnumerationEnumeration that determines the alignment of spinner buttons of input.
EnumerationSpecifies how the tab key works
See Also