C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Input Namespace / SpinnerAlign Enumeration

SpinnerAlign Enumeration
Enumeration that determines the alignment of spinner buttons of input.
Public Enum SpinnerAlign 
   Inherits System.Enum
HorizontalDownLeftDisplay the spin button as two buttons, and the down button is on the left, the up button is on the right.
HorizontalUpLeftDisplay the spin button as two buttons, and the up button is on the left, the down button is on the right.
VerticalLeftDispaly the spin button as one button, and the up button is on the top, and the down button is on the bottom, the position is in control's left.
VerticalRightDispaly the spin button as one button, and the up button is on the top, and the down button is on the bottom, the position is in control's right.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also