ComponentOne SuperPanel for ASP.NET WebForms
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Chart Namespace / ChartSeriesType Enumeration

In This Topic
    ChartSeriesType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    The ChartSeriesType represents the type of the series for the chart.
    Public Enum ChartSeriesType 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum ChartSeriesType : System.Enum 
    AreaDraw this series with area chart shape.
    BarDraw this series with bar chart shape.
    BezierDraw this series with bezier chart shape.
    CandlestickDraw this series with candlestick chart shape.
    ColumnDraw this series with column chart shape.
    HlDraw this series with high-low chart shape.
    LineDraw this series with line chart shape.
    OhlcDraw this series with high-low-open-close chart shape.
    PieDraw this series with pie chart shape.
    ScatterDraw this series with scatter chart shape.
    SharedPieDraw this series with several pie chart which shared their legend and style.
    SplineDraw this series with spline chart shape.
    TrendlineDraw this series with trendline chart shape.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also