You can style any C1Input elements using CSS styles to make their appearance truly unique. To make the customization process easier, ComponentOne includes CSS selectors for each of its six built-in themes. For more information on themes, see Built-in Themes.
You can apply general CSS properties such as background, text, font, border, outline, margin, padding, list, and table to applicable CSS selectors.
The following topic details the common individual CSS selectors and grouped CSS selectors. You can combine the individual CSS selectors as a group to make the CSS selector more specific and strong.
CSS Selectors | Description |
.wijmo-input-trigger | Applies the style to the trigger button. |
.wijmo-wijinput-spinner | Applies the style to the spinner button. |
.wijmo-wijinput-spinup | Applies the style to the up spin button. |
.wijmo-wijinput-spindown | Applies the style to the down spin button. |
.wijmo-wijinput-input | Applies the style to the outmost container for all the input types. |
.wijmo-wijinput-mask | Applies the style to the outmost container for the mask input (C1InputMask). |
.wijmo-wijinput-numeric | Applies the style to the outmost container for the number input types (C1InputNumeric, C1InputCurrencyand C1InputPercent). |
.wijmo-wijinput-date | Applies the style to the outmost container for the date input types (C1InputDate). |
.wijmo-wijinput-wrapper | Applies the style to the direct wrapper for the input element. |
.wijmo-wijinput ui-state-focus | Applies the style to the outmost container for all the input types when it is in focused state. |