ComponentOne Editor for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Using BBCode with C1EditorExtender
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    Using BBCode with C1EditorExtender
    In This Topic

    The C1Editor control supports BBCode, or Bulletin Board Code, which is a markup language used to format posts in message boards. Simply set the Mode property to take advantage of this feature.

    To write code in Source View

    <cc1:C1Editor ID="C1Editor1" runat="server" Mode="Bbcode" />

    Complete the steps given below:

    1. Create an ASP.NET Web application.
    2. Add a C1Editor control to the main content of your page.
    3. Select View | Properties Window in the Visual Studio menu.
    4. Make sure the C1Editor control is selected and set the Mode property to Simple.
    5. Next to the Text property, enter: "This is some [B]sample text[/B]. You can visit [URL=]C-ONE[/URL]."

      Your markup should look similar to this:

      To write code in Source View

      <cc1:C1Editor ID="C1Editor1" runat="server" Mode="Bbcode" 
      Text="This is some [B]sample text[/B]. You can visit [URL=]C-ONE[/URL]." />
    6. Press F5 to run the application. The editor displays the BBCode formatted content.

    See Also