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Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studios.

Samples can be accessed from the ComponentOne Sample Explorer. To view samples, on your desktop, click the Start button and then click Documents | ComponentOne Samples | ASP.NET Web Forms | Web Forms | CS | ControlExplorer .

The following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ASP.NET Web Forms Editions detail the Editor for ASP.NET Web Forms controls' functionality:

C# Sample

Sample Description
Overview Author and manage HTML content on any Web page with the C1Editor control. This intuitive Microsoft Word-like editor allows you to edit in your preferred style: design, code, or split view.
Simple Using the Mode property, you can provide an alternate toolbar that takes less space than the default Ribbon UI.
Editing Modes C1Editor supports three editing views: design, source, and split. The toolbar at the bottom of the Editor lets users switch between views. C1Editor also supports a full screen editing mode in which the control resizes to fit the entire browser window (or parent frame).
Customize Simple C1Editor supports toolbar customization when using the simple toolbar mode. The ToolBars can then use custom event handlers.
Customize C1Editor supports toolbar customization. The Ribbon-like UI can be modified by adding/removing TabPages, RibbonGroups, and Buttons. In this sample we've added a "Test" tab with image browser capability.
Compact C1Editor supports a compact ribbon. When the width of ribbon is not enough to show all the ribbon, the editor will show the compact ribbon.
Spell Checking C1Editor includes a built-in spell checker giving end-users as-you-type spell checking just like Microsoft Word (complete with red and wavy underlines) without the need to download a dictionary.
BBCode The C1Editor supports Bulletin Board Code (BBCode), which is a lightweight markup language used by a number of popular forums.
See Also