C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1GridView Namespace / C1BoundField Class / DataFormatString Property

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DataFormatString Property (C1BoundField)
In This Topic
Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for items in the column.
Public Overridable Property DataFormatString As System.String

Property Value

This property is used to provide a custom format for the items in the column.

Note: Formatting of values is done on the client-side using globalize.min.js library. Use formatting patterns supported by that library, for more information on the library please check https://github.com/jquery/globalize


  • "n" - displays numeric values in number format.
  • "d" - displays numeric values in decimal format.
  • "d" - displays date values in short date format.///
  • "p" - displays numeric values in percentage format.
  • "c" - displays numeric values in currency format.

See Also