To create a Bar chart from an external data source from the client-side, complete the following:
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<script type = "text/javascript" function hintContent() { return + '\n ' + this.y + ''; } $(document).ready(function () { $.support.cors = true; var oData = "$format=json&$top=10&$orderby=Unit_Price%20desc"; $.ajax({ crossDomain: true, header: { "content-type": "application/javascript" }, url: oData, jsonp: "$callback", success: callback }); }); function callback(result) { // unwrap result var names = []; var prices = []; var products = result["d"]; for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { names.push(products[i].Product_Name); prices.push(products[i].Unit_Price); } $("#<%= C1BarChart1.ClientID %>").c1barchart("option", "seriesList", [ { label: "Prices", legendEntry: true, data: { x: names, y: prices } } ]); }</script> |
Define the Axis Y Text, Min, Max, and AutoMax, as follows:
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<Axis> <Y Text>="Prices" AutoMin="true" AutoMax="true" Compass="West"></Y> <X Text="Products"></X> </Axis> |
Define the Header Text and Hint Content, as follows:
To write code in Source View
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<Header> Text="Top 10 Products by Unit Price - Northwind OData"></Header> <Hint><Content Function="hintContent" /> </Hint> |
Set the BarChart Height to 475 and BarChart Width to 756.
Run and build the project.
This topic illustrates the following: