
Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.

C# Samples

The following pages within the ControlExplorer sample installed with ASP.NET Web Forms Edition detail the C1BarChart control's functionality:

Sample Description
Overview Demonstrates some of the basic features of the C1BarChart. The source in this sample will show you how to set the text of the X axis and Y axis; how to add a header to the chart; how to add label text to the legend; and how to populate the chart with data.
Series transition Demonstrates how to set the seriesTransition of your barcharts. This example uses the seriesTransition options of the bar chart.
Simple bar chart This sample illustrates a simple bar chart that compares the sales between the Nintendo Wii, the Xbox 360, and the Playstation 3.
Column bar chart This sample depicts a clustered column bar chart. This is similar to the "Clustered Chart" sample, although the horizontal option of the bar chart is set to false here.
Clustered bar chart This sample depicts a clustered column bar chart. This is similar to the "Clustered Chart" sample, although the horizontal option of the bar chart is set to false here.
Stacked bar chart This sample creates a stacked bar chart.
Stacked percentage bar chart This sample illustrates a stacked percentage chart. To get this result, all you need to do is set the is100Percent option to true and the stacked property to true.
External datasource This sample illustrates how to create a chart using data from an external data source. In this example, we are using data from the Netflix OData feed.
Data binding This sample demonstrates how to binding bar chart simply by setting the DataSourceID.
Fixed label width This sample depicts a bar chart with the width of its labels fixed. It also illustrates how simple it is to rotate labels and align text.