ComponentOne AutoComplete for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Using Themes with C1AutoComplete / Adding a Custom Theme
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    Adding a Custom Theme
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    Complete the following steps:

    1. Click the C1AutoComplete smart tag C1AutoCompleteto open the C1AutoComplete Tasks menu.
    2. In the Theme drop-down box, enter a URL to specify the theme; URLs can be found at! Hyperlink reference not valid.. In this example, we'll use the le-frog theme:


      This theme setting is stored in the <appSettings> of the Web.config file. In the Solution Explorer, double-click the Web.config file. Notice the <appSettings> tag contains a WijmoTheme key and value; this is where the CDN URL you added is specified.

    3. Run the project and notice that the theme has been applied to the C1AutoComplete control.
