[C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where the Navigation button's font changes to italic when setting the FontStyle of the C1TabControl to Italic.
DateTimeEditor for UWP
Added handling of 'F4' key (opens drop-down).
FlexChart for UWP
Breaking Changes
Changed the namespace of IChartLayer from C1.Xaml.Chart.Interaction to C1.Xaml.Chart.
[C1FlexRadar] First release.
[C1FlexChart] Add Waterfall series.
[C1FlexChart] Add annotations.
[C1FlexChart] Export FlexChart as SVG image.
Bug Fixes
[C1Sunburst] Fixed the issue where ItemSource at runtime is not reflected back on the chart.
FlexGrid for UWP
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where row selection remains after changing SelectionMode from ListBox to RowRange.
Fixed the issue where window containing FlexGrid is only opened once after that when it is tried to open then, it throws multiple exceptions.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentException exception is thrown when a column of the grid is sorted repeatedly.
Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when dragging the Frozen ColumnHeader to its column area in the grid.
Fixed the issue where Adorners is shown when SelectionMode property is changed from RowRange/CellRange to Row/Cell.
Fixed the issue where value of one digit integer columns cannot be seen in FlexGrid when it is placed in last index.
Fixed the issue where only first column can be resized in Touch action.
FlexReport for UWP
Added ChartField.
Added Map and SuperLabel custom fields.
[FlexViewer] Added the ability to select text on multiple pages.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where in some cases complete text is not copied when the report contains CheckBoxField.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where a sporadic exception occurred in C1FlexViewer after cancelling the Print dialog on Windows Phone device.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where C1FlexViewer throws an exception in a multi-window UWP application while opening the second window.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where selection on the text is not refreshed in Thumbnail view.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where the Tool panel header is clipped when the panel is resized to minimum width.
[FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where thumbnails disappear after opening the Thumbnail view and waiting five to six minutes.
Added support of alternative fonts for Chinese, Korean, Japanese characters.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where Check box interaction cannot be performed and radio buttons disappear in output pdf file from C1Pdf.
Fixed the issue where unknown character show up when Japanese character exported to pdf file for C1RichTextBox.
Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException occurred in C1.UWP.Pdf.dll when creating lines in PdfDocument using PdfDocument.DrawLines() method.
RichTextBox for UWP
Add AutoCapitalizationMode property to indicate how to handle auto capitalization.
None: Specifies that there is no automatic text capitalization. This is the default type.
Sentence: Specifies automatic capitalization of the first letter of each sentence.
Scheduler for UWP
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where time formats of Schedule disappeared while switching the tabs of C1TabControl that contains C1Schedule.
Other Improvements
[Document] Added the following event:
public event EventHandler <PrintTaskCompletedEventArgs>
PrintTaskCompleted event occurs when the print task starts after the ShowPrintUIAsync() method is finished.