C1Zip for .NET Standard 2.0 is a robust and easy-to-use .NET library that lets users work with advanced file compression and extraction on different platforms. With the Zip Library, you can compress large data, be it images, docx, xlsx or pdf files and enhance the responsiveness of your application.
C1.Zip provides the following benefits to the user:
Key Features
The C1Zip library offers many outstanding features beyond simple compression and extraction. These features are listed below:
Powerful Zip Library
The Zip library helps developers easily compress, decompress, and manipulate zip files using C1Zip's intuitive document object model. It lets the user obtain global information and the list of contents in the zip file. With C1Zip, you can add and retrieve comments for individual files in the zip file, and get and set the global zip file comment. The library also allows you to add or delete entries from existing zip files. Further, you can set different compression levels for the zip archive as well.
Compress and Manipulate Files and Streams
With C1Zip, you can easily compress and expand folders while preserving the folder structure. The user can also compress files, including system and hidden files, and easily manipulate compressed files by deleting files from within a zip file.
Read and Write to Streams
The C1Zip library can read and write to zip files stored in streams in addition to actual files using the C1ZipFile.Open(Stream) method. This allows reading zip files embedded in application resources or stored in database fields instead of in actual files.
Support for Encryption
C1Zip lets the user add password encryption to zip folders and files, thereby ensuring data security.
Support for ZLIB
The Zip library supports ZLIB data compression library, which is a free, general-purpose, lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. The ZLIB data format is itself portable across platforms and its memory footprint is also independent of the input data. For this, C1Zip provides C1.Zip.ZLib namespace, which is a C# implementation of Adler and Gailly's ZLIB code and contains a main class ZStream that handles stream-based compression and decompression.
Support for Large Files and Folders
C1Zip works impeccably with large data. The library supports Zip64 files. This allows for entries longer than the usual 4 gig limit and also allows more entries per zip file. The maximum number of entries per ZIP file is 2,147,483,647 (int.MaxValue)and the maximum uncompressed entry size is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (long.MaxValue).