The following tables list the members exposed by LineInfo.
| Name | Description |
 | Color | The color of the line should be as System.Drawing.Color. |
 | dxL | X (horizontal) position of the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the left side of the underlying cell (specified in colL), expressed as 1/1024th of the cell width. |
 | dxR | X (horizontal) position of the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the left side of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell width. |
 | dyB | Y (vertical) position of the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the top of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell height. |
 | dyT | Y (vertical) position of the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the top of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell height. |
 | EndAHLength | The final length of the arrowhead. |
 | EndAHStyle | Use the LineArrowHeadStyles enumeration to specify the style for the arrow head at the end of the line. |
 | EndAHWidth | The width of the final arrowhead. |
 | fAuto | Set fAuto to 1 if you want to enable Excel's automatic border option. |
 | iQu | Use the GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Escher.LineDirections constants to define the "quadrant index" (direction of the line). |
 | MoveType | Set to one of the SBFloatingMoveType constants. |
 | StartAHLength | The starting arrowhead length. |
 | StartAHStyle | Use the LineArrowHeadStyles enumeration to specify the style for the arrow head at the start of the line. |
 | StartAHWidth | The initial width of the arrowhead. |
 | Style | Represents the style of the line, set to one of Excel's enumerated line style values. |
 | Weight | Gets or sets the weight of the line, corresponding to Excel's enumerated line weight values. |
| Name | Description |
 | ColumnLeft | Gets or sets column containing the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle. |
 | ColumnRight | Gets or sets column containing the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle. |
 | RowBottom | Gets or sets row containing the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle. |
 | RowTop | Gets or sets row containing the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle. |