MESCIUS.ActiveReports.SpreadBuilder Assembly / GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Imaging Namespace / LineInfo Class
Fields Properties

LineInfo Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by LineInfo.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldThe color of the line should be as System.Drawing.Color.  
Public FieldX (horizontal) position of the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the left side of the underlying cell (specified in colL), expressed as 1/1024th of the cell width.  
Public FieldX (horizontal) position of the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the left side of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell width.  
Public FieldY (vertical) position of the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the top of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell height.  
Public FieldY (vertical) position of the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle, relative to the top of the underlying cell, expressed as 1/1024th of the cell height.  
Public FieldThe final length of the arrowhead.  
Public FieldUse the LineArrowHeadStyles enumeration to specify the style for the arrow head at the end of the line.  
Public FieldThe width of the final arrowhead.  
Public FieldSet fAuto to 1 if you want to enable Excel's automatic border option.  
Public FieldUse the GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Escher.LineDirections constants to define the "quadrant index" (direction of the line).  
Public FieldSet to one of the SBFloatingMoveType constants.  
Public FieldThe starting arrowhead length.  
Public FieldUse the LineArrowHeadStyles enumeration to specify the style for the arrow head at the start of the line.  
Public FieldThe initial width of the arrowhead.  
Public FieldRepresents the style of the line, set to one of Excel's enumerated line style values.  
Public FieldGets or sets the weight of the line, corresponding to Excel's enumerated line weight values.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets column containing the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle.  
Public PropertyGets or sets column containing the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle.  
Public PropertyGets or sets row containing the lower right corner of the object's bounding rectangle.  
Public PropertyGets or sets row containing the upper left corner of the object's bounding rectangle.  
See Also